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School of Languages and Linguistics

1084LAL First Year Chinese

Semester 1, 2015 (Gold Coast)
Test time
and venues:

25% of semester total

The sign-up sheets will be available in the classes from Week 4.
Please sign up for your individual time before Thursday, Week 5.
9:00am---3:20pm Thursday Week 6, 16th April with Paul in G30_4.10

Oral Test 1 will be conducted in three parts.
PART I Reading (15%)
You will be asked to read aloud 15 combinations of sounds and phrases written in
Pinyin. There will be no preparation time. You will be allowed only one reading per
combination of sound. You will be marked on the accuracy of your pronunciation, tones
and fluency.
PART II Students ask five questions to the examiner (5%)
You are to prepare 5 questions in Chinese to ask the examiner. You will be expected to
use a variety of question words and sentence structures included in Lessons 1-4. The
examiner will give an appropriate response to each question then you will go on to the
next questions.
PART III Answering questions (5%)
The examiner will show you a piece of paper with pictures of certain objects. He will ask
you 5 questions in Chinese about the number of objects you see or the price of the
objects. The questions will be based on the vocabulary and structures covered in
Lessons 1-4, particularly Lessons 3 and 4.
Note: When you answer each question, you must be able to indicate that you have
understood the question. That is, you must answer in as much detail as possible, not
simply yes or no. You are permitted to ask the examiner to repeat the question once
but marks will be deducted. The audio file containing the attached list of practice
questions will be available in the assessment folder on learning@griffith from Week 4
Note: You are not permitted to use palm cards or notes during the test.
Marking criteria for Part II and III: You will be judged on:
(1) pronunciation, tones, intonation and fluency
(2) appropriate and accurate use of vocabulary and grammar and for Part III,
(3) listening comprehension, i.e., whether or not you have understood the question
(1) Ensure that you come to the test five minutes before the time you have signed up

(2) If you are sick on the day of the test, you must phone Melody on 37355150 to leave
a message or
email Melody at BEFORE the exam. You will only be
permitted to sit
the test at an alternative time if you can produce the relevant medical certificate of
Revision Questions for Oral Test One Part III.










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