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June 11, 2015

To our wonderful Year 1 parents

The following is an update/reiteration of the details recently sent home about Year 1 recent events.
This is a very busy time for students as we are busy assessing and collecting data for report cards which are sent out at the
end of this term. Remember, the structure for reporting changes from Prep and we report in the following 5 point scale
Well Below/Below/Expected/Above Expected/Well Above Expected
At Parent interviews last term, we discussed how your child was progressing and what the benchmarks were for magic
words and reading levels to achieve the expected level.

The following are important dates and details for the coming weeks- put these in the calendar!

Multicultural Day/St Peters Day: 19th June

This day incorporated a number of events which occur as follows:

8:40am: The whole school will be celebrating St Peters Day with a Prayer Liturgy in the undercover
9:30am: Multicultural Day Celebration Assembly/concert in the undercover area

On this day, Year 1 will be celebrating the country Greece. We are learning a Greek dance together to perform
at the concert. We are encouraging students to wear something that represents Greece (a google search will
assist with this). Something simple could just be black pants and a white shirt and something blue (as their
flag is blue and white). Ancient Greece is another clothing alternative (i.e togas).
Alternatively, if your family has a strong heritage or another country that you wish for your child to represent,
they are able to wear that countrys national dress.
To coincide with the P&F fundraising, if students are out of school uniform on this day, they are (in place of a gold coin), to
bring a chocolate donation. The school is providing a sausage sizzle for the St Peters Day celebrations in place of
multicultural food (see the last newsletter for more details).

Year 1 Liturgy Change: The Year 1 Liturgy has been postponed until July 21. We will send home more details closer
to the date.

SPECIAL NOTE: 1 Purple and 1 Gold have swapped their Prayer Assemblies this year: 1 Gold will now be on the
last day of school THIS Term, 1 Purple will be in Term 4 (date TBA).

Parking: A gentle reminder that if the classroom is unattended by a Teacher in the mornings/afternoons, please do not
enter the classroom. A number of items have gone missing or been damaged. Thank you for your understanding in this.
Yours in learning
Shai McLady, Bec OConnor, Sharni Green and Alana Moffat

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