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Che Benefits of Ramadan The Messenger of Allah, Muhammad (peace be upon him) said, “Ramadan has come to you. (It is) a month of blessing, in which Allah covers you with blessing, for He sends down Mercy, decreases sins and answers prayers. In it, Allah looks at your competition (in good deeds), and boasts about you to His angels. So show Allah goodness from yourselves, for the unfortunate one is he who is deprived in (this month) of the mercy of Allah, the Mighty, the Exalted.” 14eH | 2015 SAN [Narrated by Tabarani] eee ee ene ES Ue sane r 25 Email as @assyakirin, es Ly CHAIRMAN’S MESSAGE {In the name of Allah, Most Gracious Most Merciful. | would like to take this opportunity to wish all Muslims a blessed month ‘of Ramadan, With this Info Ramadan booklet, we trust that it will be easier for you to follow through our activities and programs that have been lined up throughout the month of Ramadan. Alharmdofillah, with the strong support of the community, our donations have steadily grown each year. Thisreflects our generosity 4s a Muslim and economic potential ofthe Muslim community In our efforts to provide an environment for greater comfort for our jemaal to find tranquillity and solace, we have undertaken rewaterproofing works ‘on the mosque rooftop and epoxy painting at the basement which costs mare than $120,000. In the upcoming months, a multi-purpose hall will be constructed at the ‘open plaza to accommodate an additional 200 jemaahs. In addition, our toilets in levels 2-4 will be undergoing a face-lit. We are currently inthe midst of obtaining approval from the relevant authorities, In conclusion, I would like to call on our community to take advantage of this Ramadan to strengthen family tes and build a family that is based on_and resilience, Take the time to have ita, sholat and recite the Quran with your family Grab this opportunity to participate in mosque programs throughout this month to enhanee our Islamic knowledge. ‘On behalf of Assyakrin Mosque Management Board and staf, | wish you happy fasting and may we meet again inthe coming months of Ramadan. Thank you: Wabillahi taufig wathidayah wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatub 2 MUQADDIMAH RAMADAN Puasa Ramadan difardhukan pada bulan Syaban tahun kedua hijrah. Sebelum itu, puasa telah diketahui oleh umatimat sebelumnya dan juga Ahli Kitab yang hidup sezaman dengan Nabi Firman Allab sivt yang bermaksuc: "Wehai orang-orang. yang beriman! Diwajibkan ke alas kamu hherpuasasebagaimana diwajibkan ke alas orang-orang_ yang terdahuludaripada kamu, supaya kamu —_bertaqwa. (Al-Bagarah: 183) Walau bagaimanapun, kewalipan puasa Ramadan tidak pernah disyariatkan sebelum itu. Persamaan yang wujud di antara umat ini dan umatumat terdahulu alah puasa_—_disyariatkan, Tetapi kelardhuan puasa Ramadan dikhusiskan hanya kepada Umal Nabi Muhammad saw. The fast of Ramadan was made compulsory on the believers in he second year of Hijrah during the month of Syaahan. The act of fasting was also prescribed and practice by the believers before and the communities during the Prophet Muhammad's sa. time. Allah (SWT) said: “O you who have believed, decreed upon you is, fasting as it was decreed upon those before you that you may become righteous” (Surah Al-Bagarah 183) However, only the followers of Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. was granted the blessed month of Ramadan. © Cah Bo fe cate ails hy Steal © ones 15) gut ages CAN jal ist age ) Oph: Allah s.wit.berfirman: Dan apabila hamba-hambaXv berlanya kepadama mengenai Aku maka ibectahu kepada merekals Sesuagguhnva Aku {Allah sentiasa hampie (kepada merokal; Aku perkenankan permohonan ‘rang Yang beds apabila ia berdon Sepadakus, maka hendablah mereka rmenyahut seruanki (dengan mematuni perintahKul, dan” hendaslah meceka beriman KepadaKu supaya mereka menjaai baik serta bet (Surah Al-Badarah 186) Meaning: And when My servants ask you, [O Muhammad), concerning, ‘Me = indeed 1 am near. [respond to the invocation of the supplicant when he calls upon Me. Se let them respond to Me [by obedience) and believe in Me that they may be [rightly] guided. (Surat AFBaqarah 186) DOA & ZIKIR-ZIKIR DI BULAN RAMADAN SUPPLICATION & REMEMBRANCE DURING RAMADAN, 1. Ucapan ketika dicela atau diganggu orang lain | If anyone slanders for quarrels with us Nabi sa.w. bersabda, eh pile Ah: ab ie ee ii Lei ate Op rrinya: Apabila ada seseorang yang mencelamu atau mengusik padmus katakarlan padarya “Inn shoo-imun, inni shoo-imun (su sedang, pasa aku sedang pasa. AR. nu Maja dan Hal Meaning: The Prophet, (PBUH) said: “And if anyone slanders you or quarrels with you, you should say “Iam fasting, lam fasting” (Narrated by thu Majah and Hakim) 2. Doa Ketika berbuka Saying the following supplication when breaking the fast: Rasulullah saw: ketka berbuka membaca iyi clean ely Css Siti U5, leg tte a sii ai os by ev ey Allaahumma Laka Sumtu wa a‘lacizqiqa Aftartu Drahabazh rhoma-u wabtallatl‘uruqu wa tsahatal aru insya-Allah” Frtinya: Ya Tuhanku keranaru [ua aku berpuasa dan datas rezekimu sku berbuka, Tolah hilang rasa haus, telah basal uralarat dan semoga diterapkan pabala,jka Allah mengkehendaki, (HR, Abu Dave, Hadith ni ‘Meaning: © Allah, for You | have fasted and with Your provision | make my Iftaar (breakfast, Thirst has gone; veins have became wet and the reward (of the fast) has, AllabWilling, been established. (Narrated by Abu Daud. Al-Hadith al Hasan) 5. Doa kepada orang yang memberi makan dan minum ! Supplication to the person who gave food and drink Kotika Nabi saw diberi minum, beliau pun mengangkat kepalanya ke i 3p gly sal op abl gai ‘Allahumma ath‘im man ath’amanil wa asqi man asqoonii” Frtinya: Ya. Allah, berlah gant? makanan kepada orang yang member maken kepadakis dan berilah minuman kepada orang yang member rminoman kepadaku. (HR, Mastin no, 2035) Meaning: O Allah, give food to replace that feed me and give drink to the person who gave me drink. (Narrated by Muslim no. 2055) 4. Daa setelah Solat Witir / Supplicaion after Sola Witie, in etal 6 trtinya: “Subhaanal malik! qulduus”,cebanyak tia kal dan be! au rmengesaskan suora pada bacon ketiga (HR. Abus aud dan An Nasa Hadith in soli) ‘Meaning: (Glory he to the Sovereign, the Most Holy) three times, raising his voice with Subhanal- Maliki-Quddus the third time." (Narrated by ‘Abu Daud and An Nasav. Sohih) oa di Lailatul Qadar / The supplication of the Night of A-Qadr: Nabi Muhammad s.¥ bon ‘Allahurrma inmaka “‘afowwvan tuhibbul ‘afwa faa anni Ertinya: Ya Allah sesungguhnya Engkau Maha Pemaaf lagi Maha Mulia yang menyubai permintaan mat, maatkanlah aku. (HR. Timid’ dan bow Majah, Hadi ini soi) Meaning: Prophet (PBUH) said: © Allaah, You are OftPardoning and Generous, and You like pardon; so pardon me. (AL-Tirmilhi. Sohih) Amalan Bulan Ramadan 1436/2015, Practices During Ramadan 1436/2015 1ca dari 1 hingga 10 Ramadan { Zikir 1st to 10th 1D) pit pa "Allahummar hamnii, yaa arhamar rohimiin” Entinya: Ya Allah, Kasihanilah aku, wahal Yang Maha Pengasi dari sekelian pengasi Meaning: Oh Allah, have sympathy over me, oh The Most Compassionate of all Zikir ini dibaca dari 11 hingga 20 Ramadan / Zikir 11th to 20th Ramadan: abl 5 5 abt al “~Allahummaghfir teunubi yaa rabbal~alamiin ” Entinya: Ya Allah ampunilah segala dosaku, wahai Tuhan sekelian Meaning: Oh All Universe forgive me of my sins, dear Lord of the Zikir ini dibaca dari 21 hingga akhie Ramadan / Zikir 21st to 30th Ramadan: “Allahumma A’atigni minan-naar, waradkhilni jannataka yaa rabbal ‘alamiin, birahmatika yaa arhamar-robimiin”” Ertinya: Ya Allah bebaskanlah aku dari api neraka, dan masukkanlah yesta Alam, dengan sepenuh Rahmathtu, Wahai yang Maha Pergasih dari sekalian yang rmengasihani aku kedalam SyurgaMu, Wahai Tuhan se Meaning: Oh Allah free me from Your Hell Fire, and lead me into Your Heaven, Oh Lord of the Universe, with all Your blessing, Oh the Most Merciful of all sympathizers, ini dibaca sepanjang bulan Ramadan { Zikir during Ramadan: Ashhadu alla ilahaillallah, _astaghfirullah —_asalukal jannah wa'aucubika minannar Ertinya: Aku naik saksi bahawa tiada Tuhan melainkan Allah, akw eminta ampun dari-Nya. Dan aku memohon syurga dariMu dan ‘ku berlindung dengan-Mu dari api neraka, Meaning: I bear witness that there is no God but Allah, 1 ask forgiveness from Him. | pray that You grant me Paradise and protect me from the punishment of Hellfire, GD 38) 8 8 Be tn 5 ae oo i ge BS yy) BO Iya : pling ale ‘Anas nay Allah be pleased with him) reported ‘Allah's Messengger may peace be upon him) sald Take sahur {small meal before dawn; for in the Sahur there is a blessing (Narrated by Bukhari Muslim) 10 Date __|imsak HZohor| Asar ie [aaieiaons [327 Tos [a3 2R | 19/6/2015 [527 108 [433 aR | 20/6/2015 [5.27 108 [433 “aR | 21/6/2015 [527 108 [433 5R | 22/6/2015 | 5.27 105 [a4 “GR | 23/6/2015 | 528 109 [434 7e | 24/6/2015 | 5.28 EE ‘aR | 25/6/2015 [528 109 [434 ‘OR | 26/6/2015 [5.28 09 [asa ‘OR| 27/6/2015 | 529) 109 [435 ig] 2a/6/2015 [5.29 110 [435 2R| 29/6/2015 | 5.29 110 [435 SR 30/6/2015 [5 29 110 [435 aR] 1/7/2015 [5.30 110 [435 SR] 2772015 | 5 30 110 [435 Tor] 372015 [5 30. i [435 TR] ai7nors [5 30. 11 [436 Tar] 5/7015 [531 111 [436 Tor] 6772015 [531 i [436 aor] 77015 153115 T1436 [ar[_e7o015_[s3arfsat}7ostrasel7i7lest] 2aRI 972015 133213421705) 112 1436 23R| 1072015 153213421705 11121436 BAR| 172015 1532 25R] 12/7/2015 1532 Bor] 19/7/2015 1532 27R] 14/7/2015 1533, Bar] 15/772015 1533, 29R] 16/7/2015 1533 az [70571121436 saz] 70511121436 saz] 70511121436 543 [706 [1121436 543 [70611121436 54317061112 1436 et >pipuaw wedep esend euewedeg @ ny9q Bud esend 93 NINUOW send uep uydiip exe UE @ ner pay piueds pwzesn | uepewey 91 INas| sisdouls Uepewsey eseng inje}9W emi PIPL ‘8 2enjay uep yetiy UeBuap ey UeBUNgnY Be] uepeioSuow welep y!eqiar uek YorUoD UeYLOG @ -eup| ueuieyas uednpiysy qeMelsunsiue; ueyeursyeyou! epediep ue] ynjun esendiog ueseye ueyeunsusus eduei uepeuey unseysuow rurwieseg @ | AYEA Jsnepuis ia zen] uepewey 11 |er/a/az [Nns| uppewey uejng ip epe Burd uewqajay yeredy «© sisdouis por ueyierSunuayy uejng uepewey develes epeduep youpy uep sequy UexBuR9Ua) & seul e295 yenQewey yeAsry aueusy dnpiy ecem UeyRIeAUOWY sisdouis yeAsy ew) uesepzadoy uep wen einyeunyey spur, jexsy PuoW zeIsn) uepewy + |si/a/tz [Nos| e epeduep yeuoyy uep 29h nevjaq ipequad ryeIeuowy ‘tu e22985 Ye/njeUs yea re, dnp ved ms LEYPIEAUOW @ stsdouis edz ual pekiz uqy bie] yuids epe|auayy ser pay piyess pw 72150, veqeess 2 ns ssdouss out spywods ora ‘24997 yngns, st {wits URIOA Ze [~wepeUIEN ez WL [tay pao ween ze] —wepeUTEN ar Peat] aTaeS PZT | _wRpCUP Le on OOP PE] ERP] | GRBRUIPN IC wow Sore qaer ces | wepeureN Se apes oogDZ Fee |eePRURN Ee pres | _wepeurey ce [Sco | Ma Re PRATT |_wePrUR Le PeZo78 [PM mene pay zen | wrpeues oc _[eticorc | an = ue syp-or'e T TEA Teg WOT DN TERRY UO naa sa ae THIVZILVS¥ NIIDIVASSY HIM BINIDIT WOHOT, Somos TDSy YEzSY 9 (ea WRU urpeury e [S101] Nv] Taran pul EA | wepeurey ae [svzost aa] RTP jELINOW TesEA pla PAVE | UEPEUIE ET /SL/ZOIET] NS TV PRAS sounareumy pwn | uepeueyee |e vs S040 aun37 uepeuey "Ae PIV pewey yz |s\/co/bt| AVS pee mH Score [nw “ OITA RT] SPRUE OF [STZ i UIpoTUapea FUE BT] _vepEURY of | S1ZOR NOW Huey per pave —_|_uepeuey gt [Suis | NNS Tay apa PRU urpeures zi [s1/co/r | AVS. [been zon sucore | es TEL ET eZ TH a pu AEP cepeUrE EL TepeUEE TT eq TON Eu [eL90N| Tez wepeurso1 [S902 Ten PREZ [| RPL end PEA | epeURE 60 [s1AORE| TROY FORT TEREST zz ra Isusorre WAL sown | wepeures co SESS, UPR VO ATZprey | ve TRS aAETT PY wart Rumer | wepeurs ro fevearoe] Tvs FLeTO oN _| wepeure co euaOoN| Re TaNSEH BY pres —[ vepeurs 10 [sva0rt[ AL] I TET pay pets pnren [wearers of —[evorct foam] [=aB appar Tae Ra WSLOZ/H9EPL TINGIHOS SHIAVad HIMVEIL Srey jeyeqo yeteoy isentow YeSeqps weypeuiry « Senjoy, wreyep yejeseuryereseus depeyior uereiny @ ner pay ris sisdouis Uuepewey uejng iq wemgyiy euresiog w8.0n) 9 ep nuwjuaq Suek eBsenjay emay weSegas edeg » [SPP 4A 7RSN| wePeUrY ZL | SLIMY LAWS: 4 " Ov 4 *) yeuiey esr | uepewey ¢ | ¢1/9,02|1vs sisdouls y opt. soyeods ara ‘94m907 uepeurey 6 an swten awewe | “1e0yeH OZ 10 eeyer g pusiut swe bt TIVTINWVAID ONINYOSAd OL IGIND TIVTINWVAID LYIOS-LVIOS NYNGNVd MENGHIDUPKAN MALAM RAMADAN DENGAN QIYAMULLAIL ENLIVEN THE NIGHTS OF RAMADAN WITH YAMULLAIL Dari Abu Hurairah ra berkata; “Adalah Rasulullah SAW menggalakkan qiyamullail (Solat mala) di bulan Ramadan tanpa memerintahkan secara wajib, baginda bersabdat “Sesiapa yang solat malam di bulan Ramadan kerana beriman dan mengharapkan pahala daripada Allah, maka diampuni baginya dosa yang telah Tatu." From Abu Huraira r.a. who said: Rasulullah (peace and blessings be upon him) encourages giyamullail (night prayers) during the month of Ramadan without commanding it as obligatory. He said: “Whoever establishes prayers during the nights of Ramadan faithfully out of sincere faith and hoping to attain Allah’s rewards (not for showing off), all his past sins will be forgiven.” 20- RAMADAN FAQ ACTS THAT INVALIDATE THE FAST 1) did not wake up for sahur. Can I stil fast? Sahur is a highly encouraged Sunnah although it is not a condition of fasting. One should sil fast even if one did not take the sahur. Not fasting simply because one did not take sahur i not permissible and is considered asin Saya tidak bangun sahur. Bolehkah saya berpuasa? \Walaupun sahur adalah suatu sunnah yang sangat digalakkan, ia bukanlah syarat sah bagi ibadah puasa. Seseorang masih wajb berpuasa walaupun sekiranya belia tidak bersahur. Meninggalkan puasa hanya disebabkan Seseorang tidak bersahur adalah diharamkan dan yang melakukannya adalah dosa, 2) What is the ruling on the use of the Inhaler (for asthmatic) during the fast According to some scholars, the use of inhaler out of necessity during fasting is permissible as it does not satiate the patient of his hunger and thirst. If one is able to recover after using the inhaler and i still capable of continuing one's fst, heshe would need to continue todo so, However, if ne is too weak to continue fasting or needs futher medication to recover, then it is advisable that one breaks the fast to not endanger their health, ‘Apakah hukum menggunakan ‘inhaler’ (untuk mereka yang semput) ketika berpuasa? -Menurut sebahagian ulama, menggunakan inaler'ketika berpuasa adalah dlibenarkan bagi mereka yang menghidapi semput kerana ia tidak sampai rmasuk ke dalam peru serta tidak -mengenyangkan -mahupun menghilangkan dahaga. Sckiranyabeliau kernbali pul setelah menggunakan ‘inhaler’ beliau perlu untuk meneruskan puasanya, 2 ‘Adapun sekiranya.beliau mendapatidiinya terlalu lemah untuk: meneruskan puasa ataupun memerlukan kepada rawatan lanjut, maka cliwakcu in pilihan yang terbatk buat drinya untuk membatalkan puasanya supaya tidak memudharatkan dirinya sendi 3) Does getting injections invalidate my fast? Injections do not invalidate fast, as its not done through an open orifice, ‘And it does not satiate the patient of his hunger and thirst. ‘Adakah suntikan membatalkan puasa saya? Suntikan tidak membatalkan puasa kerana ia tidak dilakukan melalui rongga yang terbuka. la juga tidak melegakan lapar atau dahaga, 4) Does dialysis invalidate my fast? A palient undergoing dialysis should first seek a medical opinion on ‘whether itis advisable for them to fast and whether it ight put thei health in danger. If they are medically fit then they may fast while performing dialysis as it does not invalidate their fas. ‘Adakah dialsis membatalkan puasat Pesakit yang melalui proses dialsis harus pertama sekall mendapatkan nasihat kesihatan samada kesdaan kesihatan mereka mengizinkan mereka, Sekiranya mereka disahkan sebagai cukup mampu untuk berpuasa maka ‘mereka boleh melaksanakan dialsis ketika berpuasa dan puasa mereka adalah sah di sisi agama, 2- '5)Some people say that gargling and flushing out one’s nose affects one's ‘ast. How true is thist Gargling and flushing out one's nose while performing the ablution are sunnahs fencouraged rituals). However when fasting, one cannot do so ‘excessively. As long as one does not do so excessively, but water stil enters the throat unintentionally, the fast is considered to be valid Likewise, if dust from the road or even a fly enters histher throat, itis forgiven for iti unintended. Nonetheless, if one gargles excessively such that water does enter hisher throat intentionally, Hishher fasts invalidated ‘Ada orang yang menyatakan bahawa kumurkumur dan menghembus air dari hidung tketika berwudhu) membatalkan puasa. Adakah ini benar? Kumur-kumur dan menghembus air dari hidung ketika berwudbu adalah sunnnah-Totapi ketika sedang berpuasa, seseorang itu tidak digalakkan Unluk melakukannya secara berlebihan, Selagi mana perbuatan tersebut tidak dilakukannya secara berlebihan, akan tetapi masih ada sedikit air yang mengalir secara tidak sengaja ke dalam rongga tekaknya, maka puasanya tetap sah. Begitu juga sekiranya habuk dari jalan raya bahkan Sekiranya seekorlalat masuk ke tekak seseorang, a dimaafkan kerana tidak disengajakan. Sebaliknya, sekiranya seseorang tu berkurmur-kurmur secara berlebihan schingga termasuk air ke dalam tekaknya, maka puasanya dianggap sebagai bat. 6) | am admitted to the hospital and am being put on drip. Does this invalidate my fast? Scholars have diferent opinions regarding ths issue, We understand that someone who is warded and put on a drip is infact in dre circumstances. Hence he should break his fst, continue with the treatment and make up (qadha) on other day. Nevertheless, according to some scholars, using a drip will not break the fast as the drip is an intravenous method of introducing substance into the body like getting an injection, ry Saya telah dimasukkan ke dalam hospital, lalu menggunakan "drip" di tangan saya. Adakah ini membatalkan puasa saya? Para ulama berbeza pendapat berkatan isu ini, Sekiranya. seseorang terpaksa menerima rawatan di hospital lalu menggunakan "drip", ini mmerupakan satu petanda bahavwa beliau berada dalam keadaan yang, sukat. Beliau sepatuinya_membatalkan puasanya dan meneruskan dengan rawatan tersebut. Beliau hanya perlu menggantikan puasanya pada hari yang lain, Akan tetapi, menurut sebahagian lara, pasa tidak terbatal dengan menggunakan "drip". Penggunaan "drip" merupakan cara memasukkan perubatan ke dalam tubuh tetapi bukan melalui rongga terbuka, sama seperti suntikan. Maka ity ia tidak membatalkan pasa 7) What is imsak? If continue to eat and drink after imsak, does it invalidate my fast? ‘The announcement of imsak serves asa reminder tha aja or subuh prayer isapproaching and that one should finish up eating as soon as possible. So that when the call of far is being rade, one would have completed his meal. If you are stil eating during imsak but have stopped before fajar, ‘your fasts still valid “Apakah itu waktu imsak? Jika saya masih makan dan minum selepas waktu imsak, adakah ia membatalkan puasa saya? Pengumuman imsak berfungsi sebagai peringatan bahawa sudah hampir masuk waktu slat subuh, maka adalah digalakkan untuk kita habiskan mmakan dan minum dengan segera. Ini adalah untuk mengelak daripada kemungkinan terlajak makan dan minum apabila masuc waktu solat subuh, Namun sekiranya anda masih maken semasa waktu imsak tetapi telah berhenti sevelum subuh, maka puasa anda mas lagi sah. ae FIQH OF FASTING FOR LADIES 8) If my menses (haidh) ends before subuh, and I do not have time to perform the Purificatory bath (ghus)), cant stil fast? Yes, you can fast if your menses thaldh) oF postnatal flow (nifas) ends before subuh but you have not performed the bath ighus) until after subuh, This is because when your menses thaidh) of post-natal flow (nifas) as ended, itis obligatory upon you to fas. Iti similar to the case of those who ‘ate sil in the state of major ritual impurity unub) when fajar arrives, ‘whose fasts are stil considered as valid Sekiranya haidh saya telah tamat sebelum subuh, dan saya tidak sempat ‘untuk mandi hadas besar (ghus), bolebkah saya meneruskan puasa bagi har tersebut? Ya, anda boleh berpuasa sekiranya haidh atau nifas telah berhent sebelum subuh dan anda tidak sempat untuk mandi hadas besar sehinggalah mask ‘waltu subuh, Ini kerana sekiranya anda telah suci dari haidh atau nifas sebelum subuh, maka ia menjadi wajib untuk anda berpuasa. Keadaan in sama seperti mereka yang berada di dalam keadsan hadas beser junub) Seuclum masuknya subuh dan hanya sempat untuk mandi hadas salepas subuh, 9) What isthe legal ruling on the fast for pregnant women? A pregnant woman may fast if she is physically able to do so. If she is not ‘able to fat, she is allowed to break her fat If she does not fast for fear of her own health and safety, she has to make up the days she had missed (qadha’ only. However, if she does not fast for fear of her child's health only, she has to make up the days she had missed (qadha’) and pay fdyah forthe days she had missed, Apakah hukum berpuasa bagi wanita yang hamil? Seorang wanita yang hamil boleh berpuasa sekiranya beliau mampu untuk ‘melakukannya. Sekiranya beliu tidak mampu, maka dibenarkan baginya ‘untuk berbuka puasa. Sekiranya beliau tidak berpuasa Kerana risaukan Kesihatan dan keselamatandirinya, maka wajib baginya untuk ‘menggantikan (qadha) puasa sahaja, Namun sekiranya dia tidak puasa kerana risaukan kesihatan dan keselamatan kandungannya, maka wajid bbaginya untuk menggantikan puasa dan rembayarfidyah bagi setiap hari yang ditinggalkan, FIQH OF FASTING FOR THE TRAVELLER 10) {wil be travelling during month of Ramadan. Should I fast? In commanding the fast during Ramadan, Allah S.W-T has given special Consideration to travellers (musa) such that i is not obligatory upon them to fast when they are travelling. They can fast if they want to do so, but should they decide not to fas they have to make up the days they had missed (qadha’ after Ramadan. Allah says in the Quran, in Surah al-Baqarah Verse 184: “For a certain number of days; but whoever among you is sick or on a journey, then (he shall fata like) number of other days." Saya akan belayar pada Ramadan. Perlukah saya berpuasa? Dalam mensyariatkan kewajipan berpuasa dalam Ramadan, Allah s.v:t telah_memberikan keringanan bagi musafr. Mereka tidak diwajibkan berpuasa ketika bermusafir Sekiranya mereka milih untuk melaksanakan ‘badah puasa, puasanya tetap sah. Bagi musafir yang tidak berpuasa ‘mereka diwajibkan menggantkan puasa yang tertinggal (qadha’ selepas Ramadan) Firman Allah di dalam Surah al-Baqarah, ayat 184: “Puasa yang diwajibkan itu ialah beberapa hari yang tertentu; maka sesiapa di antara kamu yang sakit atau dalam musafr, (olehlab ia berbuka, kemudian wajiblah ia berpuasa sebanyak thari yang dibuka) itu ppada har-hari yang lain.” 26- RAMADAN REMINDERS 4ANHOEVER GIVES IFTAAR mn AREWARD Rane ‘THE FASTING PERSON IN THE SLIGHTEST” #2 REWARD j= mosSINS. 41H MONTH OF RAMADANIN WHICH THE QURAN: REVEALED. FOR MANKIND AND CLEAR #3 PROGEStorrecunnes wo re CRITERION (BETWEEN RIGHT AND WRONG)!” #4 a RAMADAN REMINDERS (0g 008 OF.8 MuSLM FOR Hs WaCeRANiy Be ANSWERED HE MAES DUA Fat #5 fils BrotHer,tHeANGEL APPOINTED FOR THIS, TASKSAYS, “AMIEENI MAY ITBE FORYOU. FOR WHOM DID YOU MAKE DUA TODAY “CONTROLyour TONGUE! #6 Bt POLITE se KINDTo your FAMILY, HELP OTHERS M4\SLAM 1s BUILT ON FIVE PILLARS: resnony tHar tHe SNO GOD BUT ALLAH, #7 | SHATMUHAMMAD smenessevoror ALLAH, ESTABLISHING PRAYER, PAYING ZAKAAH, FASTINGRAMADAN & PexrorwincPILGRIMAGE, To THe HOUSE (KA’BAH)* 26 ASSYAKIRIN NEWS BULLETIN: ‘Tadarus AL-Quran (Muslimin) Start 30 Syaaban 1436//17 June 2015 End 20 Ramadan 1436 /7 July 2015 Time 9.45 pm ~ 11.00 pm Venue Main Prayer Hall, Level 1 ‘Tadarus AL-Quran (Muslimah) Start 1 Ramadan 1436 / 18 June 2015 End 21 Ramadan 1436 /8 July 2014 Time 8.30 am- 12.00 pm Venue Prayer Hall, Level 3 Nuzul Al-Quran (Talk) Date 16 Ramadan 1436/3 July 2015 Time 9.30 pm Venue Main Prayer Hall, Level 1 Gagasan Subuh 5 Date 25 Ramadan 1436/12 July 2015, Time 5.42 am - 7.30 am Venue Main Prayer Hall, Level 1 Khatam Al-Quran Date 24 Ramadan 1435 /11 July 2015, Time ‘Alter Terawi Prayer & Lecture Main Prayer Mall, Level 1 1 Syawal 1436/17 July 2015 First Prayer - 7.30 am “mam : Ustaz Md Sabirin Thaha Khatib: Ustaz Md Kamal Md Yunos Bilal: Haji Eris Ismail Second Prayer -8.15 am Imam : Maolana Golam Hakkani 2 UPCOMING ACTIVITIES Mass Registration -aLIVE Madrasah & Itqan Date 29 August 2015 Time 40.00 am - 4.00 pm Venue Assyakirin Mosque, Level 1 CYBER ACTIVE Join US @ Our Social Networks ‘¢ FACEBOOK: hitp:fivww. facebook comlassyakrin. ice 6B) «202 rt hesvantn coma G2. + st our website nn asyainsg © # ICC FLASH Email Blast subscribe o our E-mail bls tour website WIRELESS@ASSYAKIRIN Please get your password at the Front Office ».ZAKAT HARTA / FITRAH OPERATION HOURS Start: Friday, 2 Ramadan 1436 / 19 June 2015 10,00 arn to 10.00 pm daily End = Friday, 1 Syawal 1436/17 july 2015, (Hari Raya Aidit) 6.30 amo 7.15 am DISTRIBUTION OF PORRIDGE ‘Atter Asar Prayer @ Concourse Area, Level 1 Start: Thursday, 1 Ramadan 1436 / 18 June 2015 End + Sunday, 25 Ramadan 1436/12 july 2013 30- SAHUR ON THE LAST 10 NIGHTS OF RAMADAN, Start : Tuesday, 20 Ramadan 1436 /7 July 2015 Time : 4.45 am End» : Thursday, 29 Ramadan 1436 / 16 July 2015 IFTAR @ ASSYAKIRIN Start: Thursday, 1 Ramadan 1436 / 16 June 2015 End : Thursday, 29 Ramadan 1435 / 16 july 2015 ‘Venue: Basement Muslin) & Level 2 (Muslimah) INFAQ covers : ‘© construction of new permanant multi-purpose hall at open plaza on round floor ‘© Upgrading of toilets and ablution areas for level 2-4 You may donate via the following options: er cash NETS via the mosque '* crossed cheque made payable to LPM Assyakirin Do imelude name, address and phone number, {© Banking to OCBC Current Account 622-853976-001. ‘eNETS Direct Debit/ Credit Card via wow assyakirin 5g GIRO fform is downloadable at assyakirin 3) For more information, please contact us at 6268 1846 or email ‘asyakiiin@assyakirin mosque. org 38 “Never will you attain the good (reward) until you spend (in the way of Allah) trom that which you love. And whatever you spend - indeed, Allah is Knowing of it." ALmran 4:92) Donations & PayMENTs

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