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Slave To The Rhythm(Man Made Artificial)

This is an attempt to show how a day is broken down into a specific rhythm based on the inner workings of the global industry
which is predicated upon consumerism and voluntary servitude or bondage contracted naively by the people who surrendered there inalienable rights
in exchange for privileges granted by the U.S.A. corporation.

24 hours x 365 days = 8760 hours/year

The Usual Suspects
1. Work week 40/week on average = 40hours x 5 days/week x 52 weeks/year= 2400 hours/year
2. Driving time(traffic jams) on average commute is about 2 hours /day 2h x 5 days/wk x 52 = 520 hours/yr
3. Hygiene time before/after work 1hr/day = 365/yr
4. Cooking/eating/Chores 1-2 hours/day x 365 = 365-730 hours/yr
5. Sleep 6-8 hours(if lucky) 8 x 365 = 2920/yr
6. Entertainment ,TV , internet and games 2-4 hours/day = 730-1460 hours/yr
7. Remaining time to Self = 8760hr/yr - The Suspects = Time to self

8760 Hours in a solar year

Time to self 365

Drive to and fro work
Hygiene (bathing,shaving,elimination of waste)
(The amount of hours left over 365 hrs /24hr/day= 15 days ..which is about 4.16% of the entire year.)

Now if we just multiply that(Time to Self) by the number of years one is expected to live past 18
We get (365 hours a year x 52 years Age 70 rough estimate)= 18,980 hours / 24hr we get 792 days approximately roughly 2 .2 years of time to self *

Now lets also take into consideration that children ,mates ,family ,pets etc. were not factored in so in actuality these numbers are relative to the individual and there set of circumstances, don't get me
wrong there are people who have an abundance of time to self while living in this coarse dense reality fueled by competition and deception but they are few and far between the masses of people who
truly believe that this paradigm can be salvaged . We all have the opportunity to dissolve and do away this current system of involuntary bondage made real by our own ignorant participation

Now we see why our lives have become even shorter and shorter in the context of a so called full life in the context of a Western Civilization.

Wake Up My People

Wake Up My People

Wake Up My People

Wake Up My People

Wake Up My People

Wake Up My People

Wake Up My People

Wake Up My People

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