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CPSC 8845

Abstract Due:- June 15th
Final Project Presentation:- June 22nd, June 29th
Documentation Due :- June 29th
There are two choices for the project. Each team selects project I or project II.

Relational Database Application

After you determine a background of your project and collect information about the
project. Each project would typically go through the following phases:
(1) Design the database (Oracle or DB2) using Entity-Relationship Diagrams/UML
Class Diagrams.
(2) Create tables, including constraints such as primary keys, foreign keys, check
constraints, and not null constraints.
(3) Create triggers and active elements to maintain integrity of the database and to
perform appropriate actions on database updates.
(4) Populate the database using SQL insert statements or by writing programs in
Java, VB, C#, Python, ASP.NET, JSP, or any language.
(5) Write application programs in any language.
(6) Documents the project.
The application programs would have to implement some form of user interface.
simplest user interface is terminal based and involves menus and sub-menus.



NoSQL Database Application

(1) Compare NoSQL Database Management Systems and Models

(2) Select a NoSQL database (MongoDB, Cassandra, CouchDB, Redis, or HBase)
and data model.
(3) Design NoSQL database. Develop NoSQL Database Application
Make a NoSQL database connection with a Java
Make a NoSQL database connection with a .NET

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