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Your guide to smoothness!
Hello kids!
This site is dedicated for both men and women trying to figure out a way through
this competitive world of hitting and dating. I designed the posts here to be c
ompatible with the below average looking to the most aesthetically gifted gal or
guy so if you think you fall short please think twice before trying the moves/l
ines posted in this site. Ladies, I'll be as honest as I can so that you can car
efully examine the mind of modern hunter/dater. This is a mixture of a "quasi-ge
ntlemen's guide" and a "ladies' survival handbook for subtly hitting minus the e
mbarassment" with a hint of philosophy, psychology, satire and humor.
The world is changing now and although a lot of girls still find the "gentleman
effect" quite attractive, most of them secretly wants someone naughty as well. S
ame goes for the ladies.
Before we get started, these are my 8 cardinal rules:
Be sincere, or at least appear to be one.
You may force it, but force it subtly.
Be a gent, but not too much.
Talk less, listen more.
Stop being a perv, not all roads lead to sex.

It's all about execution.

Don't fuck up.
Being a wingman is a lonely path. But I guess someone has to be one.
May the bods be ever in your favor.
Good luck kids!
-The Ironic Wingman

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