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Heading: Vernonia School District 47J v.

Plaintiffs Name: Acton
Defendants Name: Vernonia School District 47J
Appellants Name: Vernonia School District 47J
Appellees Name: Acton
Citation: No. 94 590
Procedural History
Acton filed in District Federal Court. The District Court sided with the
Vernonia School District and said the drug test were legal.
Acton filed in the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals. The decision from the
District Court was reversed, holding that the Policy violated both
Federal and State Constitution
The district appealed to U.S. Supreme Court. The U.S. Supreme Court
overturned the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals.
Vernonia had a policy to randomly drug test athletes with written
parent consent
Acton was denied participation in his schools football program when
he and his parents refused to sign consent to drug testing
Acton filed suit seeking an injunction
Questions(s) Presented
Does the random drug testing policy violate students Fourth
Amendment rights by searching students without reasonable
suspicion? Does the random drug testing policy violate students
Fourteenth Amendment rights by invading privacy during random drug
6 to 3 vote to send back to court of appeals because the previous
holding rested on a flawed premise. The Supreme Court vacated the
judgment and remanded the case to the Court of Appeals for further
proceedings consistent with the opinion.

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