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The most film I have ever cried was Pay it Forward.

It is an American
dramatic film, and it is a chance to think about the things what do you
do, the love and the life.
What made me want to see it was the title, and I was also interested to
see how a boy launches a good-will movement to change the world.
It was directed by someone called Mimi Leder and it stars one young
American actor Haley Joel Osment, Helen Hunt as his single mother, and
Kevin Spacey as his social-studies teacher.
The film is set in America. The main character is a kid, Trevor, who in his
first day of school he gets this assignment Think of an idea to change
the world, and put it into the practice. His idea is that the world would
change if everyone did good deeds for three other people, and then
those three people would help three other people, and so on, and
eventually it would spread right round the world. He did it. However, it
all ends when he gets killed trying to help a friend, after that a lot of
people who had participated in the "pay it forward" movement, decided
to light a candle in his honor.
The film has a lot of positive things like the act of kindness, the
friendship, the love, brotherhood between the people. Negative things,
well, maybe that it is very sad because I cried a lot. I would recommend
this film to all people who want to look at life differently.

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