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Simple Machines

Scott Foresman Science
PowerPoint on Simple Machines
Anticipatory Set: I will access the students' schema and review what we learned
yesterday about work. Then I will ask them if there were things that made their
work easier or more difficult.
A simple machine is a tool that has few or no moving parts. Simple Machines help
make work easier. There are 6 different simple machines.
Lever moves back and forth over a point. The point is called a fulcrum. The fulcrum
supports the lever. Notice in the picture how one person is pushing down on the
other end of the lever to make the other person move. An object can move more
easily if you move the fulcrum closer to the object.
Inclined Plane
Has a flat surface. One end is higher than the other. Inclined planes help move
objects to a higher or lower place. The person in the wheelchair is being moved up
the ramp. If the ramp was steeper it would take more force to move the wheelchair
up the ramp.
Is an inclined plane wrapped around a rod. (wrap a piece of paper around a screw
driver) the edge of the paper is like the ridges of a screw. Used to hold objects
Is made of 2 inclined planes that come together. Wedges are used to push or split
objects apart. Look at the axe. The bottom part of the picture is a wedge. The axe is
used to split the wood. Another example is a knife. A knife splits bread.
Is a rope or a chain around the edge of a wheel. Pulley's move objects up, down or
sideways. They help move heavy objects, or they help move an object to a place
that is hard to reach. You use a wheel to open or close blinds.

Wheel and Axel

Is made of a rod or axel attached to the center of a wheel. The wheel turns around
the axel. Steering wheel of car, door knob, wheels of in-line skates.
Closure: To close the lesson I will ask the students to name a simple machine they
see in their everyday lives.

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