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Erica White

July 4, 2015
Integrating Instructional Technology of the Comprehensive Classroom Technology Plan
John Schmauder

Section Three: Integrating Instructional Technology

Technology has become the norm in the classroom and an essential part of the basic
curriculum. In todays world we have iphones, smartphones, tablets, ect that are used in and
outside the classrooms. The pros about technology in the classroom is that in some cases children
might need to use them to communicate, also the student pay attention more to the technology
rather than if they had a chalkboard or a whiteboard. One other pro is that the web tools help the
students learn also. For an example: google when typing something in the web bar many
different options come up with google. This can help student when trying to spell something or
looking up research. The majority of groups placed the search engine Google near the top
of their list, which came as a surprise to no one, although the vehemence of one respondent was
particularly memorable. (Skinner, B. 2005).
The cons would be if technology failed everything would be gone and the students
wouldnt know what to do since this is the type of world they life in. One way that technology is
used is when doing math. We use simple and more advanced graphing calculators; we use
computer programs and smart boards to explain mathematical concepts. ( Fital-Akelbek, S.
2012). Also with technology not everyone knows how you use it. There are people that knows
how to work everything. Then there are people that do not know anything about technology nor
do they want to be bothered with it. Then there are people that know just a little bit about
technology and just know how to do certain things with technology. Another way people are
affected by the new technology today is that. To effectively meet the needs of older adults, these
new, innovative technologies must be easy to use, intuitive, and affordable, and they must take
into account the whole personaddressing not only health needs, but also social and functional
needs. (Marchibroda, J. 2015).

The difference is between wired and wireless in the classroom, is that there really no
difference. A wired classroom in an older building that you have to run lines and cables this is
not always safe way to go. With wireless the school have it now due to the flexibility and that it
is easy to use. In todays schools it is mainly all wireless, this makes it easier for the students and
teachers access the web. With having wireless in schools the students are able to move freely
about the school and be connected to the school network and the Internet allows for learning to
take place anywhere, anytime. (Walery, D. 2004).

Walery, D. (2004). School Networks: Going Wireless. Media & Methods, 41(1), 26.
Fital-Akelbek, S., & Akelbek, M. (2012). Smart Use of Technology in Mathematics.
International Journal Of Technology, Knowledge & Society, 8(4), 65-72.
Skinner, B. (2005). Web alert: advanced techniques for simple searches. Quality In
Primary Care, 13(3), 171-175.
Marchibroda, J. M. (2015). New Technologies Hold Great Promise for Allowing Older
Adults to Age in Place. Generations, 39(1), 52-55.

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