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14 01 2015

Chapter 16 Partnership
- Debt Financing
- Equity financing
- Public financing (bonds)
- Institution financing (Loans, mortgage)
Partnership dan proprietorship tidak boleh issue bonds, hanya boleh pinjam dari

Tanah 100juga, toko kecil 75juta, fictures and furnitures 25juta, [comp 5juta, c
ash register 6.5juta (on account to chips)]
Pinjaman di bank- interest 1 tahun 15%
Profit sharing ratio (1:3)
Depreciation equip 10tahun
Depr furni 10thn
Gedung 20tahun
sheet 1, cerita dan jurnal
sheet 2, ledger
sheet 3, financial statement, (balance sheet & income statement)
Bulan 1
Indomarco kasih masuk barang seharga 38juta-inventory full
Akhir bulan, habis tu barang. Dijual dengan profit margin 20%, bayar setengah hu
tang indomarco, kong indomarco kasih full ulang inventory

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