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Verbal Tences Revision

Present continuous
Subject + to be (am, are, is) + verb ing
Its used for:

Present action: He is eating dinner

Temporary action: I am riding a bike to get to work because my car is
Longer actions in progress: They are working hard to earn money
Future arrangements and plans: He is flying to Rome in September
Tendencies and trends: Our country is getting richer
Irritation and anger (presented with adverbs of frequency): John is
always asking stupid questions

Past continuous
Subject + to be (was, were) + verb ing
Its used for:

Duration in the past: I was watching TV yesterday

Interrupted actions in progress (when, while): I was singing when my
wife came home; While I was taking a bath, my son came home
Actions in progress at the same time (while, when): I was singing
when she was cooking; While I was fishing, Bob was drinking
Polite questions: I was thinking (I was wondering) could you lend me
you book?
Past irritation (frequency adverbs): She was always coming late to
our dates

Future continuous
Subject + will + be + verb ing
Its used for:

Future actions in progress: In one hour, I will be watching TV

Guesses: She wont be coming home tonight, the roads are closed
Questions: Will you be going to school before or after 9 a.m.?

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