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Chelsea A.

July 14, 2015

To Whom It May Concern:

It is with great interest that I apply for the library media specialist position at Bay Trail Middle School. I strongly
believe that my experience working as a middle school library media specialist will enhance the learning
opportunities for students within the school.
After obtaining a degree in History, Adolescence and Special Education at St. John Fisher College in 2010, I gained
instrumental experiences in education that inspired me to pursue a Masters Degree in Information and Library
Science and I have worked as a librarian at Burger Middle School for the past year.
During the 2013-2014 school year, I completed my secondary library student teaching and worked as a long-term
substitute for 8th grade social studies at Bay Trail. As a former Penfield graduate, I was excited by the opportunity to
return to the building where I had many fond memories. At Bay Trail, I not only developed my teaching style and
management skills, but I was able to connect with the students and staff on a long-term basis. My teaching
experiences at Bay Trail and the extraordinary educators I worked with were influential in helping shape my career
as a teacher. I also had the opportunity to chaperone the 8 grade Washington, DC trip, which allowed me to further
build relationships with students and further feel part of the Penfield school community.

In my position at Burger Middle School this past year, I focused on establishing relationships with the students and
staff through meaningful interactions and getting to know them as people. I worked to create a safe and welcoming
learning environment by greeting students and staff in a positive manner each time they entered the library and
regularly met with teachers to plan upcoming lessons. This year, I have continued to develop my management style
as a librarian through positive reinforcement and setting clear expectations. My educational values align with those
at Bay Trail, as I believe in creating a nurturing and supportive environment for students within the library. I achieve
this by making myself readily available to students and staff and building relationships on an individual basis.
This past year, I frequently pushed into classrooms to help support learning during various research projects. I
collaborated with teachers across three grade levels and various disciplines to create purposeful learning experiences.
Many of my lessons focused on helping students develop research skills through the use of technology, which I
believe is of great importance in preparing students for their futures beyond school. I gained a deeper understanding
of the curriculum and developed the library collection to better support it. As a library media specialist, I strongly
believe in the importance of reading promotion. Throughout the school year, I gave book talks to different classes to
promote reading for pleasure. A few additional highlights from my year include: collaborating with the RushHenrietta public librarian on a literary contest for students as well as establishing the Furry Friends Group; a
program that provides a safe, nonjudgmental space for special education and life skills students through reading to a
therapy dog. This program has been a joy for me to establish and watch students flourish.
I truly look forward to the opportunity to collaborate with the educators at Bay Trail Middle School. I believe the
skills Ive gained will help to enhance the learning environment there. I am eager to further my career as a school
library media specialist and I welcome the chance to become an integral part of the Penfield school community.
Thank you for your time and consideration.

Chelsea Johnson

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