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Name: ______________

Great Beginnings
My beginning is exceptional! I

Elaborative Detail
I always use precise, interesting,

My writing has no spelling

Main Event
I create a sense of suspense that

capture the readers interest

and vivid details to describe the

mistakes. I always have capital

builds up to a single main event. My

as I describe the setting,

critical character/setting/object.

letters and punctuation where

main event consists of an adventure,

characters, or events that will

This brings my story to life!

they are needed.

problems or experience that changes

be important for my story.

or affects the main character in some

My beginning is interesting. I

I usually describe the critical

My writing has one or two

I try to create a sense of suspense

clearly describe the setting,

character/setting/object. These

spelling mistakes. I usually

that builds up to a single main event.

characters, or events that will

details are usually precise,

have capital letters and

My main event consists of an

be important for my story.

interesting, and vivid.

punctuation where they are

adventure, problems or experience


that changes or affects the main

My beginning clearly describes

I sometimes describe the critical

My writing has three or four

character in some way.

My main event consists of an

the setting, characters, or

character/setting/object. These

spelling mistakes. I sometimes

adventure, problems or experience

events that will be important

details are sometimes precise,

have capital letters and

that changes or affects the main

for my story.

interesting, and vivid.

punctuation where they are

character in some way.

My beginning does not clearly

I do not usually describe the

My writing has five or more

I rush through the most important

describe the setting,

critical character/setting/objects.

spelling mistakes. I do not

part of my story, but my readers can

characters, or events that will

The details are not yet precise,

usually use capital letters and

identify my main event.

be important for my story.

interesting, and vivid.

punctuation and this

sometimes makes my writing

I do not have a beginning I

I do not yet describe the critical

hard to read.
My writing has a lot of spelling

do not describe the setting,


mistakes and I do not use

characters, or events that will

capital letters and

be important for my story.

punctuation. This makes my

My readers cannot identify my main


writing hard to read.

One thing I could do better next time is ____________________________________________________________________________________

Name: ______________

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