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Cowan Article Reading and Reflection

Keshlae B. Baltrip

EDUC 5321 Curriculum Planning with Technology

Professor Dr. Kristy Duckworth
East Texas Baptist University

June 18, 2015

Version 1.0


The Technology-Enhanced Learning journal article was a really great piece on strategies
teachers can use in the classroom to support integrating technology into their classrooms. This
article opened with giving Strategies that give basic computer usage tips and helps to understand
potential challenges and design of effective and successful Technology-enhanced learning
experiences. The first strategy is Understanding the larger context of technology, curriculum,
and education reform. This strategy talks about the No Child Left Behind Act and how it takes
funding away from schools that dont meet AYP goals so focused on excellence, in which
schools are penalized for not making AYP and full funding is not provided, creates tension
between making AYP and delivering a well-rounded curriculum. Strategy two is understanding
basic modes and appropriateness of computer use and goes into detail on the three types of usage
tutor, tool, and tutee. The third is conduct and reconnaissance to find out what facilities, items,
and people are available for support and how to access these resources. The fourth strategy is to
create a detailed plan to determine your topic, content knowledge, and systems you want to put
in place. It is basically giving the details on how you would create your lesson plan. Strategy
five is just a reminder not to reinvent the wheel and to take advantage of what other educators
have done before you. The final and sixth strategy is plan for alternative assessment to achieve
results in the classroom. I liked this article because it was written very well to where it is useful
for first time teachers and seasoned teachers as well. The article really show how technology has
the capacity to appeal to a wide variety of ability levels and learning styles to reach every
student. Using technology innovatively and demonstrating through alternative assessment that
there are better ways to approach teaching and learning is a positive way to help students succeed
and to offer an alternative vision for twenty-first century education.


COWAN, J. E. (2008, November). Strategies for Planning Technology-Enhanced Learning
Experiences. Retrieved from

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