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July 6, 2015 (MONDAY)

Am shift here! 1st day of so called practicum and another day as a nurse. I
would only describe significant events that I have observed in the unit. Two
newly promoted head nurses were introduced by our Nurse Supervisor and
were assigned to our ward for 2 weeks. Why for 2 weeks only? I also dont
know and I havent got the time to ask! They started the day by introducing
themselves and telling us their length of stay in the ward. They had an ocular
visit in each ward, familiarizing themselves of their new environment while
being oriented by the supervisor. After almost hours of touring around the
ward and the hospital, they head back at our unit, with them are the
discharged charts for the past 24hrs. They checked the completeness of
chart noting for deficiencies and calling our attentions to comply with our
deficiencies. From time to time they would offer their help in carrying out the
doctors order, etc.

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