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Passion Project Brainstorming

a. How long will your students have to work on their projects? When will you schedule this time?

Students will work on their projects over the course of 8 weeks.

The first week of projects will be focused on planning, skill development, examples, and tips for success for students.
Students will work on their project 2x per week for 1.5 hour sessions.
Students will work on on their projects during two afternoon sessions as this will be a scheduled time with teacher

b. What resources do students need to work on their projects? How will they get them?
Students will need access to the library/learning commons area
Students who do not have their own devices at school will need access to school technology
Students may need support in contacting experts - administration & parents will need informed prior to contacting
community members

c. Will you allow students to work in groups?
Students will be working in small groups on their projects in order to further hone their collaboration, planning,
research, communication, and presentation skills.

d. Where will students be permitted to work? What will the learning spaces look like?
With supervision, students will be able to work in the classroom and in the library during allotted times. Students
requiring extra support will be permitted to work with Learning Support Teacher in the classroom/library/Learning
Support Room.
Ideally, students will complete most of their work in class.

e. Who will help you facilitate during Passion Project sessions?
The teacher librarian and Learning Support Teacher will help to facilitate these sessions. Although both teachers may
not be available for both sessions/week, students will be able to access the classroom teacher or one of these
facilitators during each session.

f. How will you check in with each student and/or monitor their progress? What will they be
accountable for?
At the end of each week (during the second session), students will provide a brief reflection. This check in will ask them
where they are, how they feel, whether the work has been fairly shared by all group members, and where they still
need to go with their project. They will also keep track of their work on a visual planning timeline.
Teachers will also check in periodically with each group to consult on how their progress is going.

g. What direction will you provide for how they share their learning?
As the focus of this project will be on presentation skills among others, students will be required to present their
learning in a fair like environment.
They will be required to have a technological component to their presentation.
They will be required to have a written component to their presentation.
They will be required to have a minimum of one other component of a different mode.

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