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EDU 766 : Assessment

Sharika Kurumathur

Sample Assessment for Unit 2

Parents have various kinds of questions and concerns when they tour the center.
Read the following parental queries and choose the best suitable answer for the
query based on the criteria in the handout Answering the questions during the
tour. Justify why the answer works best and other choices dont.

1. Mrs. Chang is touring for her two year old son, she wants to know if he can start
Learning Adventure (LA) classes.
a. The LA classes are for children above 3 only, sorry your son does not
b. Let me contact the LA instructor, she can assess your son. She will later
decide if he is eligible and if he is, she will design curriculum specific for
c. Let me contact my director and answer that question.
Answer b. It is important to direct the parents correctly and tell them the next steps
involved in LA adventure classes. Point out how the curriculum are specific to
individual kids can help with the enrollments. Telling the parents the kid does not
qualify may not be the right way. If the kid is advanced, he may certainly qualify.

2. Mr. and Mrs. Jacobson are touring the center for pre K classroom. Their daughter
Sophia is allergic to peanuts and Mrs. Jacobson is very concerned if the
classroom is safe for her daughter.
a. Reassure her concerns and say that our schools are nut-free. Food from
outside is not allowed in the classroom. The parents are encouraged to
leave Epi-pen in the emergency medical cabinet which will used in cases
of emergency by authorized medically trained teacher.
b. Reassure the parents saying that Sophia will be well taken care at the
center. There has never been any issues with kids with allergy. Talk about
your past experience with a kid with allergy and how you handled it.
c. Tell the parents how you have a niece with allergy and ask about the
medications that she takes for it. Tell them about this new herbal
medication available at Co-Op.

Answer a. It is important to give the parents accurate and correct information. Tell
them about the steps and precaution taken. If needed later experience can be
shared. Do not share medication tips during enrollment tours.

How to give an effective enrollment tour to the prospective parents at KinderCare Learning Center

EDU 766 : Assessment

Sharika Kurumathur

3. Ms. Julia is touring for her five year old son, Sam. She has a restraining order
against Sams father and is worried about Sams safety. She is changing her
sons school and is wondering if this new school will be safe and secure for her
a. Tell Ms. Julia that her son is absolutely safe in the school. There are
teachers around him all the time and a staff is always present in the
school. Unknown strangers are never allowed in the building and the staff
treats the children like their own, this school is one big family.
b. Reassure Ms. Julia that her son will be fine in the school and ask her why
she got a restraining order. Tell her there is a police station close by and
during emergencies this center has an easy access to police station.
c. Tell Ms. Julia that every center has a numbered code which is given to all
parents. All parents are requested not to share the code with anyone.
Only individuals who know the code enter the building. The cleaners, the
mailman and food delivery personnel ring the bell and the administrative
staff lets them in after verification. If cases of emergencies, when a
guardian has to pick up the child, they are requested to share their ID
proof which is referenced against the school emergency contact form.
Safety of the child is the utmost concern of the center as well.
Answer c. It is important to give the clear picture to the parents when
answering the questions. Instead of vague statement like absolutely safe, tell
about the steps taken to keep children safe. Concrete examples always help the
parents. It is preferred NOT to ask personal questions to the parents during the

4. Mr. and Mrs. James are touring for their seven month old baby, Emmett James.
Mr. James is concerned that his son crawls around and puts random things in his
mouth. He wants to know about the cleanliness standards of the center. Mrs.
James is very apprehensive about leaving her baby in a day care as he is her first
baby. She is still contemplating about being a stay-at-home mother but is here
to check out the center nevertheless.
a. Tell Mr. James that we follow strictest cleaning procedures. All the toys are
sanitized and cleaned every day. There is a mouth toy bucket so every
toy the kid puts in the mouth, goes to the bucket to prevent the spreading
of the germs. All the classrooms areas are cleaned and sanitized at the
end of the day. Crib sheets are washed weekly and when necessary.
b. Tell Mrs. James that she can be work part time. There are several kids who
are enrolled part time and it is lot cheaper too! Share how you were a stay
at home mom for your first child and had to put the baby in school when
the kid was toddler because you couldnt keep up with the energy.
c. Tell Mr. James that cleaning procedures are followed all the times and
explain the two step cleaning process. Talk to him about the mouth toy
bucket, in which all the mouthed toys are kept and show where it is kept in
the classroom. Take him to the crib area and tell him that the crib sheets
are washed weekly and when necessary. Also, show him the cleaning
How to give an effective enrollment tour to the prospective parents at KinderCare Learning Center

EDU 766 : Assessment

Sharika Kurumathur

chart, where all cleaning procedures are marked as and when completed.
Look at Mrs. James and address her concern and tell her it is very normal
to be apprehensive and if they do choose to enroll their son, you will take
best care of him.
Answer c. It is important to address both the parents during the tour. Both of
them may have different concerns, address them both. It is always good to
show and tell. It makes your information more reliable and establishes trust.
Do not advise parents what to do during the tour. Let them arrive at their own
decisions. Do not give advice to parents until asked. This applies during the
tour and otherwise. Refer to your training manual for more details on Why not
to give advices to parents.

5. Mr. and Mrs. Gaetner are touring for their two and half year old daughter
Maddalyn. Maddalyn can speak German very well but does not know English.
The parents are here on a short term project and will leave to Germany in a few
years. Her mother wants her to know German and English well, but thinks
teaching her two languages may be not be easy. Her mother is apprehensive
about how she will adjust to the new surroundings.
a. Tell the mother that there are kids from various cultural backgrounds in
the center like Hispanic and Asians who speak different languages at
home. Her daughter will be fine and will learn English on her own like any
other kid. Meanwhile she can use flashcards to communicate her needs.
b. Tell the mother that it is great the child already knows a language and it
should make learning another language easier. Research does show that
knowing more language helps to develop brain better. Tell her if the
mother is interested, Maddalyn can join Learning Adventures classes and
learn few English words like water food please using flashcards. Ask
the mother few important German words you may need to be aware of in
order to communicate with the child better.
c. Tell the mother that kids pick up languages and learn them better than
adults. Explain how in the center previous teacher learnt a few Russian
words to communicate with a child who knew only Russian and say you
are willing to learn German to help them out.
Answer b: It is good to praise the parents and point out the positive in the
situation. Share concrete steps that can be taken instead of saying they will
learn on their own. When the kids already knows a language using flashcard to
communicate may not help learning and may offend the parents too. The
medium of instruction in the school is English and it is good for the child to learn
English than the teacher learning a foreign language. However, asking parents
few German words can show your involvement in the individual child and help
them feel comfortable.

How to give an effective enrollment tour to the prospective parents at KinderCare Learning Center

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