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How Does Copyright and Fair Use Impact Education?


Kalisa Craven7/22/2015 10:03:01 PM Copy right and fair use
Copyright is a law that says your works of art or written work belongs to you. It gives you the right to sell, reproduce,
donate, or even hide it and other people cannot copy it and use it as their own. Fair use is any copying of copyrighted
material that is limited. It also has to be commentary, criticism, or parody. Fair use does not have a clear cut definition.
Fair use is also in place for teachers and librarians.
The impact of copyright on education would be phenomenal if fair use was not put into place. Copyright would
keep teachers from using books and other resources to teach or even making copies of some things that are needed.
Some factors fair use takes into consideration in the classroom are purpose and character of use, nature of work,
amount and substantiality of the portion used, and effect of the use on the potential market. If these factors are taken
into consideration then a teacher should have no problem with copyright.

Monique Burkley reply to Kalisa Craven7/22/2015 10:24:01 PM RE: Copy right and fair use
I do agree with you. With copyright laws alone teacher wouldn't have the much needed materials to teach their classes
but with fair use laws teachers are allowed these much needed material to education their students.

James Cram reply to Kalisa Craven 7/24/2015 1:50:04 AM RE: Copy right and fair use
With the ever growing concern with school budgets and the cost of living increasing sometimes schools do not have the
proper resources to use for their classrooms and they might sometimes cross the line on copyrighted material. Most of
it is common sense but a lot of people are not educated in these matters.

Blaize Strogen reply to Kalisa Craven 7/24/2015 8:48:47 AM RE: Copy right and fair use
I agree with you totally Kalisa, if the the fair use law wasn't never put into prospective the copyright law would prohibit
teachers or students to use any books printed or recorded. Without books there would be know learning so yes the copy


James Cram 7/21/2015 5:36:50 PM The Impact of Copyright and Fair Use on Education
Copyright is the lawful right of an author, artist, composer or other creator to control the use of his or her work by
others. Generally speaking, a copyrighted work may not be duplicated, disseminated, or appropriated by others
without the creator's permission. The public display or performance of copyrighted works is similarly restricted."
"Fair use is the right to use a copyrighted work under certain conditions without permission of the copyright
owner. The doctrine helps prevent a rigid application of copyright law that would stifle the very creativity the law
is designed to foster. It allows one to use and build upon prior works in a manner that does not unfairly deprive
prior copyright owners of the right to control and benefit from their works. Together with other features of
copyright law like the idea/expression dichotomy discussed above, fair use reconciles the copyright statute with
the First Amendment." (
Copyright's give protection to people's original work and it should be that way. Fair use was implemented to give
the ability of others to use said copyrighted work under certain conditions. Education happens to fall under one
of these conditions. This does not mean it gives teachers and students the right to infringe on copyrighted
material but it gives them the ability to use common sense on using copyrighted material for the sole purpose of
education and for non-profit. The only problem that is faced today is the growing increase in technology we face
daily. We haven't been able to clearly come up with rules for the emerging technologies of today. Generally
speaking we can use common sense to understand what is and what is not copyright infringement in the
Copyright and Fair Use. (n.d.). Retrieved July 21, 2015, from

Kalisa Craven reply to James Cram 7/22/2015 10:09:45 PM RE: The Impact of Copyright and
Fair Use on Education

James Crams initial post and other students replies

Monique Burkley reply to James Cram 7/22/2015 10:19:22 PM RE: The Impact of Copyright and
Fair Use on Education
I think you make a really good point. The fact that we are becoming more technology friendly, copyright and fair use
laws are being violated because of the lack of knowledge. Many people feel that just because it is on the internet, laws
like these doesn't apply but they do.

Blaize Strogen reply to James Cram 7/24/2015 12:06:31 PM RE: The Impact of Copyright and Fair
Use on Education
I agree with you totally, the lack of knowledge of technology and copy right laws a lot of today's youth are breaking
laws from the lack of information they know about it.


Monique Burkley 7/22/2015 10:46:46 PM "The Impact of Copyright and Fair Use on Education
"Copyright is the exclusive legal right, given to an originator or an assignee to print, publish, perform, film, or
record literary, artistic, or musical material, and to authorize others to do the same."(
"Fair Use is the doctrine thatbriefexcerptsofcopyrightmaterial may, under certain circumstances, bequoted
verbatimfor purposes such ascriticism, newsreporting,teaching, and research, without theneedforpermission
from or payment to thecopyrightholder."(
For educational impact copyright laws set up restrictions for material needed my librarian and teachers. Via
copyright author's work are protected from being used or claimed as others work. But due to fair use teacher are
allowed such access to books and other materials used to teach their classes legally. I full support both laws.
Authors normally right so that their work can be shared with other but as theoriginal author you want your credit.
So it is good to have the ability to copyright your work so that no one can claim your work as their on. Also with
laws such as these set in place if forced originality as well.
Definition of copyright in English:. (n.d.). Retrieved July 23, 2015.
Definition of fair use in English:. (n.d.). Retrieved July 23, 2015.

James Cram reply to Monique Burkley 7/24/2015 1:52:50 AM RE: "The Impact of Copyright and
Fair Use on Education
They are allowed to use anything that they have purchased, but not just one copy. Let's say you have a class of 25,
you would have to have 25 copies of something to legally use it, unless you were to use copies of it for I believe it
to be one school year and you would not be able to use the copies the next year.


Samuel Adams reply to Monique Burkley 7/24/2015 9:35:11 PM RE: "The Impact of Copyright
and Fair Use on Education
Copyrights and fair use can be challenging for the schools. Some programs are able to purchase use of a specific
material for an undetermined amount of time where other materials have a specified time frame for use. With the
internet it has become even more important to ensure that students understand even with providing a reference to
where they retrieved information that the site they used must be the original author or have authorization for the
use. It is so easy to type a topic into a search engine and come up with thousands of examples or even specific
material regarding that topic, but being able to decipher what is an allowable use by the end user is a skill that is
lacking in the educational system. This is an area that needs more attention and focus at an earlier age to stop the
bad habits formed through a basic internet search.

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