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My Student Life in the University

After passing my HSC examination when I came to the
South Gujarat University, Surat on the 15th of July, I
was a stranger here. It was my first entry to the world
of freedom. In the school, where I had studied I had
many friends. All the teachers and schoolmates were
known to me. I found on the campus of the university
several groups of boys and girls loitering on the lawn or
sifting under the grove of mango frees. Nobody put on
a uniform as we used to do during our school days. For
a few days I remained aloof but I thought that I should
make friends in order to not to feel lonely. I found a
knot of boys and girls who seemed new to college life. I
went to them and got acquainted with them. Then I
made friends with some of my classmates. They were
going to be my intimate friends. They were all good
boys and girls. We all moved together. Our group
spread all over the college. I learnt a lot from some of
them. Thus I led my college life very freely.
I came into contact with many professors. Some of
them created an indelible impression upon me. My
professor of English helped me like anything. Some of
them were really devoted to their work. They instilled in
us the love for books. But at the same time some of the
professors were not dedicated to their work but they
used to give the impression that they were not shirkers.
We made fun of such teachers. On the whole the
atmosphere of the campus was invigorating and
impressed me. Today ruminate those days which I
regard as the best of my life.

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