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July 9th of 2015

A teachers role at Harmon Hall

In todays training the Academinc Coordinator pointed out imporntatn
information that teachers should take into consideration.
The AC addressed the teachers about the importance of calling students
when they dont show up on the first day of class. The call logs are evidence
for teachers to show when questioned about student absences. Also, to show
that teachers are following up on their students.
Another important matter presented on the training was the importance of
encouraging students to continue with their courses, in other word,
encouraring and motivating them to continue with their learning. By having
students continue with their English classes, courses will stay opened and
teachers will have more classes, thus, have more money.
Furthermore, teachers should be aware that sometimes they share courses
with other teachers, therefore, teachers should get together to check their
lists so they know if students are attending classes in a different schedule.
Finally, teachers need to remind students about the quiz grade deadline.
Students only have two days after the day of the exam to take their quiz. It is
important for students to become self aware of their responsibilities as
Harmon Hall students.

Teacher Jorge Armando Varguez Castillo

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