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INSTRUMENTATION FOR OPERATORS Unit 2 Process Control Instruments Process Control PILOT SIX — INSTRUMENTATION FOR OPERATORS UNIT TWO — PROCESS CONTROL INSTRUMENTS Gear-Ratio Pumpa .. Review and Summary . — Section Two ‘Transmission of Signala . Introduction .. : What la a Control Loop .., Pneumatic and Electrical Signals Pneumatic Tranamixsion—How Is It Done Problems with Pneumatic Systema ... Instrument Air Dryers ..... Electronic Transmission—How Is It Do: Blectrical Circuits Transformers .. The Moveable Coil Capacitors .-........, mi Problems with Electrical Review and Summary ..... Section Three Alarms and Shutdown Dovices Introduction ........, Fail-Safe Valves .... Shutting Down a Process sania ung How Are Alarms and Shutdown Devices Sot Off Level Alarms and Shutdown Devices . Alarm: 2 2 a Thermistor Alarm .. Svap-Acting Pilot Valve * é Pressure Alarms and Shutdown Devices . Flow Alarms and Shutdown Devices SSenresasazaaeeee Unit Two of Instrumentation for Operators has been designed to give you, the operator, a feeling for what process control instruments are and how they are used, In Scetion 1 you will learn about some of the different types caf valves and how they ave setuated ly instruments, You will also learn about some of the mothods used in blending operations. Tn Section 2 you will learn how signals are tranamitted from an instrament to a controller, cantrol panel and valve. You will learn about pneumatic transmission and electrical trans- mission and when each is the preferred method of sending aw signal. In Section 8 you will learn about some typical alarms and shutdown devices and how they aid Lhe operator in controlling 4 process, INSTRUCTIONS ‘This is a programed learning course. Programed learning gives information in u series of steps called frames. Euch frame gives dome information and avks you to make use of it. Here is how it works, First, cover the response column at the right with a mask, Rend this frame and use the information it gives to fll in the blank. A micrometer is an instrument designed to measure in thousandths of an inch. A micrometer 1s 4 good tool far measuring very differences in size. Move the mask down to uncover the word at the right of the frame, If you have filled the blank with that word or a word that meuns the same, you are ready to go ahead ta the next frame, The drawing of » micrumeter provides information that will help you fill in the next blanks. OBJECT TO BE MEASURED RATCHET CAP FRAME Seven major parts aro shown in the drawing, bul only the_____and the —— contaet the object to be measured. ammall anvil; spindle ‘The next frame calls for a choice. Circle or underline the ap- propriate word. ‘Of the two parts that contact the object, only the (anvil/ spindle) moves, spindle A program is a series of frames that work like the ones you have just done: Read the frame, ‘Use the information to fill in the blanks or make a choice. Move the mask down and check the response column, Go on to the next frame, Remember to cover the response column with a mask before you bein each page, SECTION ONE PROCESS CONTROL Valves 1 ‘Temperature, pressure, and level can affect the flow rate of & process fluid, Changing the flow rate of a process stream can also Biorb hb 0 de of the process Muid in # line or tower. ‘Valves are used to control flow, Can moving « valve change the pressure, temperature, or Hquld level in a process? <5] yes/L_ no) A valve ig an adjustable restriction in a line. ‘These valves are___________the amount of fluid flowing Uurough the process line. Ay the valve is opened, Ue flow rule (E] inerensus/ | deereases). Changing ov throttling the valve... ____ the tow rate. Pressure is the force which moves fluid through a line. Pressure ia needed to force liquid through a or other restriction, For exumple, w pressure drup (> oceuns/( dow uot occur) seross an orffice plate, Does a pressure drop oceur across a valve? ("1 yo8/ 1 mo) temperature, pressure, level controlling inereases changes valve oceurs ® Opening a valve wider means that the amount of pres- sure needed (o foree 4 certain amount of liquid through the valve ([] increnses/[] decreases). decreases 10. Compare these two valven Pressure drop is probably greater across valve (| | A/ mB) B 11. A valve can control E drup as well as the ‘pressure flow rate in a line, 12, Liquid is being pumped into this tank, When the liquid level is high enough, (lhe 7 valve should be clised, 1. [f the liquid level falls too low, the valve muat be opened to admit more liquid. The valve is controlling ([] flow rate/7] liquid level). liguid level 4 ‘Valves aro used to control temporaturo. AIR IN ‘STEAM IN This steam coll {9 being used to . the air flowing through the 15, ‘The —______.. iv forved (o flow around a heated evil. 16. By openiny the valve in the steam coil, more is allowed to flow into the coil, 17. ‘Thin additional ateam adds ____________ to the air. 14, So opening the valve increases the ________of tie afr, 19. [f you want to lower the temperature of the wir, you the valve in the steam line, 20, Vulves can he used to control the four main process variahles of: air steam, or hewt heat temperature, or heat clone flow prewure temperature level Hand-Operated Valves 21. This is a typical valve similar to one found on a water 21. faucet, HANDWHEEL VALVE BODY The liquid flows through the valve — Changing the size of the opening in the valve body by moving the yalve controls fw, The valve plug is attached to the valve - The operator opens amd closws the valve by moving the ping wp and dovn He changes the plug's position by turning the Hecause the operator himself adjusts the handwhevl, thia is (7 n hand/7] an automatic) valve. ‘The desiyn of a valve depends on what the valve must control, Different processee (7 require/T] do not require) dif- ferent valve designs, For example, a process may require that the control valve always be either in a fully open or fully closed Position, This valve ((— needs] doos not need) to be adjustable for a lot of different settings. 6 plug stem handwhecl a hand require does not need 28, Tn another application very sunall changes in flow rate are necessary to maintain the process. This valve (7 necda/C docs not need) to be adjustable for a lvl of diffursut selling. 29. Valve A upens and cloves very rapidly, but eannot be adjusted to many different settings. A safety valve muet be clther fully open or fully vlused, und must wperate very — 36. Vulve A (Lis Is nut) a good shutdown valve, 81. Valve B opens und closes slowly, but it can be sdjusted smoothly ta sevens! settings. Valve BC {s/[] 4a not) used a8 a eafoty valve, 32, ‘The vaive plug is the part of the valve which actually controls the amount of dow. ‘Valves for different uzcs usmally have different kinita of 88, Fur exuuple, a valve plug used in a steam line is prohahly (> the same as/[j different from) one used in an oll Ine, needs quickly ig in not plugs 34, Here ure (wo different kinds of valves with different types of plugs. YALYE PLUGS A has a single plug; B has plugs. two 25. A is called a single-seated valve. Bina______-seated valve. double 86. Look at tl aingle-seated valve, WEIGHT Fluid enters the valve {{) from the bottom/(} from the top/—] from the top and bottom) of the plug. from the bottom 87. As fluid enters the valve body, pressure pushes up on the plug. If the fluid pressure is high enough, it keeps the single. seated valve —__. open 88, If the fluid pressure decreases enough, the val closes 40. 41, 42, 43, The 44. The valve ia et so that ft will open when the ——. reaches 4 specified point. The valve will not open until fluid pressure is (CD greater than/r less than) the sot pressure, In this double-eated valve, fluid enters the valve through both sides of the bottom plug. Ye Preseure is: (> a. higher on the bottom of the plug, IC b. higher an the top af the plug 17) c the same on the top and the bottom. Process pressure (\, holds.|_| cannot keep) the double- sealed valve open, To control a high-pressure Mauid, a (LJ single’ 5] double) seated valve ix preferred. Plug-Cock Valve This drawing shows # pluy-vock valve. ‘he ping inaerted in the line has a __ init. © pressure greater than cannat keep double hole 4s. By uh plug, the hole in the plu can be pened to the flow, 46. To stop the flow, the handwheel is turned crossways until the _______in the plug is moved out of the path of the fluid. The Butterfly Valve AT. This is 4 butterfly valve. It consists of @ metal —______which fits inside the process pipe, 48. Flow rate is adjusted by changing the angle of the diac. w i Flow rate is greatest when the disc is: () a parallel to the pipe wall, (J b. at an angle to the pipe wall, Ww turning, or rotating hole dise, or butterfly 49. ‘The hutterfly valve (C] can/T] cannot) be adjuated for positions between fully open and fully closed. 50, Phuy-cock valves and butterfly valves change the flow hy (2 lifting] turning) the plug. The Gate Valve #1. This is a gate valve, Flow is controlled by lifting and dropping the Controlling @ Process by Hand 52. To control 4 process with w valve, something must activate the valve. Tn a hand-controlled proecse, the — sail justs Ue valve, 63. The operator io given a target at which he vhould keep the process, ‘This target i alsv called Gee ——___________. 1 turning gate operator sel point 54. Here is w typical coutrol situation, Will the valve be wclivated autumatically? (=) yes/ Ono) no ‘The operator is controlling (C] flow rate/T liquid level). liquid level 56. He adjusts the liquid Ievel by opening and closing the —in the inlet line. valve 57. A Mlual gaye measures the level. It indicates the level on the ________, dial 68. The level in this tank is changing. T POINT At B, the level hay (7 inerewed/[7 decreased), decreased 12 59. 62. &, 85, 7. ‘You know that the level is too low by looking at the To bring the level back up to the sct point, the valve must be - i Will the valve be automatically a nap ated? (D) yeas The ______ must open the valve, When he opens the valve, liquid flows into the tank. This is indicated ou Lie ‘When the operator changes the valve setting, the level indiestor “tells him” the results, Withont this information, the operator (T] knowa/ _J does not Imew) when to adjust the valve, When tho lnvet euuches the set point, the indicator tells Winn tea [ a. open the valve further. 1). clue the valve, ‘The indicator “feeds hack" information to the aperatar abont the liqnid level. This information in called feod- back, The operator (7j needs, does nat need) this feadhack. An operator needs feedback ta tell him when and haw much to _—_____ the valves, In order to control level by hand you nod : to know the at which the level must be kept, ~~ which allows liquid into the tank, an = a to open and close the valve, and w level indicator to give the operator —___ infarmation. 13 dis, or pointer opened no operator does not know needa adjust, or move eet point, valve operator feedhack 70. 1. 72. B. In this operating situation, pressure in the gus sLorage tank is being controlled. OUTLET INLET Pressure is decreased by; 4 letting gas into the tank. Lb. letting gas out: of the tank. b Preaoure in the vessel decreases when valve (C] A/ 1B) is opened. B When valye B opens, the pressure gage shows a pressure. lower Ef pressure fall foo low, the operator must open valve A The vperatur gets his feedback trom: Li & valve A. Ob. valve Th 1D & the pressure gage. ¢ 14 74. Flow rate in this procesa atrcam is being regulated by hand, QRIFICE PLATE Au orifice plale is causing 4 pressure in the line. drop 75, ‘The amount of this pressure drop is being measured hy 8 (2) chaphragm/[] hellows} meter. TG Let's aay the flow rate is inerensing. The dispheaga mesures un (CO inereased/] de exeased) pressure drop. increased 77. The operalor knows this by lookin al the dial, or pointer 78, He closes the valve parlially. This (7 increases/[ decreares) the flaw rate. doereaaes 79. The (5 diaphragm meter/[] valve) pives the operator diaphragm motor feedback on how much flow rate hae changed. Controlling a Process Automatically 80. Sometimes a valve and measuring instrument can control a process without hand control by an operalur. v This drawing shows an _________-controlled valve. 81, The level indiestor (float) is directly connected to the in the inlet te the tank. 82. Lf Uw liquid level falls, the float drops in the tank. This action enuses the valve to (1) open] elose). 83. More liquid flows into the tank, Tf the level rises los much, Uw Moat rises and the valve. Hd. ‘The operator himself (| operates] does not operate) ‘the valve. 16 automatically valve eloeos: docs not operate 85. RE, BB. 89. 90. 91. Here is an example of an aulumatically-euntrulled valve, It regulates down stream pressure. DIAPHRAGM The preasure-measuring insLeument is Une = "The valve stem ia deractly connected tn the When no pressure acts on the diaphragm, the spring keeps the valve in a fully__________ position. But if pressure in the provesa inerenses, the diaphragm x pushed down. ‘Then the diaphragm the valve. Whe force of the ____being measured ik what J2 doing the uetual controlling. ‘There muat be cnoweh process pressure to operate the valve. If downstream pressure is too may not be enough power to move the valve. there Sometimes a valve is “assisted” with frum uu vutside svuree, —” 17 diaphragm diaphragm ‘open closest pressure low pressure, or power PNEUMATIC POSITIONERS Dicphragm Air Motors 92. 93. 96. 96. 98. This valve is operated by an sir mulur. DIAPHRAGM The vource vf pressure used to operate the amr motor couws from (CC. the proreaa, 5) nn outaide souree), Control-pressure air enters the top of thia motor valve and pushes down on a ‘The diaphragm moves the siew up aud down, thus opening and closiny Le —— The upward force uf «____ resists the force of wir pressure pushing down When the process flow mnat he reduced, the air pres sure must Reducing the alr preeeure enough caues the valve a The valve iv open when air pressure is (greater than/ 5] less than) spring tension. The usual range of air pressure put into the valve le from 3 psi at the lowest to 15 pei ul the hizhest. At 3 pei Une abuve valve is fully — . 18 an vutside source, diaphragm valve spring decrease loge greater Una closed 100. 104. 102, 103. 104. 105, At 15 pel this valve is fully ————___. Preeeures between 3 psi and 15 psi move the valve Lo partially opened or elused positions. Pressures between psi and pei represent the throttling range of the valve. T poi (L. is/|_ is not) tn the throttling range for this valve. 26 psi (O] is/7] is noe) in Uw Ubroliling range foe this valve, Since the nix pressure is not directly related to the process, the power to move the valve doce not depend on th __ pressure. This kind uf avstem works well when process pressure is Wo to move the valve. Piston Air Mutors 106, 107, ‘There are other kinds of air motors which move a valve. Even though the desien Jy diferent, thls aie olor still operates on Instead of a diaphragm, a positions the valve. Ww open 3, 15 is not proves low air pressure piston 10x. 109. 10. A piston is stronger than the diaphragm and can stand ____ pressures than the diaphragm can. A certain vulve requires a tremendous amount of force to open it against very high procews pressure. (2 Wil psi’L] 18 nei) would he a better air pressure to use, The (L diaphyagrs/|| piston) air motor is better able Wu luke (hit high pressure, ELECTRICAL VALVE MOTORS 1, The 1. ns. 4, MA Pneumatic devices, using air motors, can produce force. Instead of air pressure, _______could be used to move @ valve. Solenoid ‘his device is called a solenoid, It consists of an iron core which slides in and out of awire en electrical current is sent through the coil, a atrang magnetic feld ia set mp inside the enil. is attracted by this ‘The iron core is pulled into the. __. When the enrrent » the magnetic field eollapzcs. a higher 100 psi piston electricity coil iron core coil stopa 116. A________ pushes the cure oul of Lhe cuil, 117, Hore io how a solenoid can operate a valve, ‘The iron core of the solenoid is connected to the 118, To close the valve, the iron core must bo pulled up inlu Une voil of the sulenuie. By putting current into the eolenold, the core Js pulled up and the valve is_ _ “ 119. Shutting off the current drops the core vul of Lhe coil aud Uwe valve BLENDING 120, “Most pelrulewm products are not one pure hyurocaeian, but are hlenda of several different components. Motor oil, for example, is really (C7) one oil/ a mix- ture of several oils). 121, Usually substances are mixed together to pradnre a product which mects a customer's epeeifieations. Gasuline is a nenta, of many different vompos 122. ‘The quality of a gasotine depends on the of caeh component in the final mixture. a1 valve stem elused opens a mixture of neveral aila anixture, or blend amount, ar kind 128, 124. 125. wi. 128. 129. Luts say a lab test shows that a certain gasoline is not meeting specifications; the octane number is too dow. ‘To meet spwvifications, the octane number must be Octane number is normally increased by adding tetra- ethyl lead. Tu onder to mevt specifications, only 4 vertain of tetraethyl lead should be added. ‘The finw of tetraethyl Tead into the gasoline must be (. ‘This addition of tetraethyl lead to the gasoline is # step in blending. ‘Usually, petrolewn producls are ______ tu meet specifications. (me way to blend is th use the “eookbooke” or batch method. ‘This is like taking » burrel of une yubslance and it with two barrels of another substance. ‘The batch is made all at ance, It (C is/D is not) 9 continuous process, ‘To maintain % continuous process, the blending must te dune continuously. ‘To blend continuoualy, the producta are mixed together (call at once/C] in 9 steady, continuous stream). increased amount controlled, ar regulated ‘Vlended mixing, or blending ina steady, continuous strean Ratio Flow Controllers 130, 18h. ge, 188. 134, 18a. Two substanven sre being blended in this tank. The final mixture is made up of a spevified aunvunt of wubsiunes ______and @ specified amount of snihstance: * Tet’s say that the mixture must consiat of ¥ parts ot A and 1 part of B. If A is Mowing ut 10 gallons per minute, B must flow at gallons per minute. lot's say that for seme reason A starts flowing at 12 gallons per minute. The flow rate of B nual be (increased) decreased) to keep the proper ratio. If thw llow rate of Hi decreases to 3 gallond per minute, then A must be decreased to________galloux per minute. The flow rates of streams A und B inlu the tank must be vurefully — in relationship to exch other. ‘rhe relationship between A and B is called the rativ. A ratio flow controller keeps the How of A and B at Ue (same rate] same ratio). BS we increased controlled sume ratio 186, Look at this blending process. 187, 1398. 139. 140. 1d1. CONTROLLER Each stream has a —__.._~_ which imeasuues Lhe Now rate, ‘The flow meters menzure flow rate and sond this in- formation to the Flow rute is controlled in (7) one strean/T] both streams). ‘The eotroller __________ the two flow rates to sve if they are flowing ut the correct raliv. ‘The controller sends an appropriate signal to the in line B to maintain the correct ratio, Let's say he flow rule decrenses ian pipe A. ‘To maintain the ratio, the controller must the flow rate in B. 24 flow meter controller one streani compares valve deercase 12. 143. 144, 145. 146, 147. 14K. TP the flow rete changes in A, the tlaw rate 1s ndjusted wavured, Flow rule is 1 (CO A’ B/D both A and BY but Jz controlled only in (DO AyD BD. The drawing ehows some of the instrumentation needed for « blending process. CONTROLLER DIAPHRAGM ORIFICE ‘The pressure drop across the orifice i mengured by a flow meter. The diuphragrn sends information to the . ‘The conleuller operates a control valve in ({= one line LJ both Itnes?, ‘This system has the advauluye that even thongh the flow rutes can change, the cunLruller still maintains the right: . ‘The controller must be carefully adjusted. Any mistake in selling Uke controller means that the blend may not meet customer 25 both A and B dinphragm controller one line raliv Gear Rat 149. 100. 161. 152. Pumps Another way to blend products is to uae pumps, in- stead of valves. GEAR PUMP DISCHARGE The flow rate in these two pipes is maintained hy a ———__ —_ pump in eneh proceas Tine, Hach rotation of the gears forced only @ set amount of liquid into the common discharge li One turn of the gears produces: 7 a, only one eet amount of liquid. 1 b. no set amount of liquid. Let's say that pump A turns 2 times for every 1 turn of B. The rulio hure iy —__ to, Will (hiy ratio ever change if the speed of the pampe never changes? ([] yes’[] na) The rate of flow through a flow controller varies mare than the flow through a gear pump. A (7 gesrrutiv pump/T] ratio dow controller) is more accurate blender. Hint ina gear-ratin pump the two separate streams are blended in the: >. gear pumps. 28 gcor 2 to 1 no geur-ratio pump Tbh. Since the liquide flow from two pipes into one pipe, they are being pushed inly a smaller area. Compared to a ratio flow controller, the cear-ratio pump is capable of blending a (7 larger/[] samller) smaller amount of product mure avcuralely, Let's say we need 9 blondor for high-volume blending. A (<] gearsratio pump/Z] ratio flow controller) ig more ratio Dow controller likely to he nixed for high-volume blending. 27 REVIEW AND SUMMARY 157. Name theve valves. Valve A is a______valve, Valve Bis u___wulve. Valve () is a_ 158. The valves ahown above are: @sinwle-seated valves, b. double-seatert valves. 8 valve, butterfly gate plug-cock 159, A valve can be used to control: pressure (Ol yes’ nop yes temperature (1 yea no) yr liquid level (CL year no) yes, Mow rate (PD yea’) aw) yes 160, The target point at which a process should be kept is ealled the ——____ set point 161. Look at this valve. This ealve is» —______ valve, double-seated 162. Compure Liese (wo silualic Drawing (_) A’L B) represents automatic control of A the vulve. 2 163. A valve actustor is a deviea which moves a control valve. Actuator (|_| A’<| B) ia electrically operated. B 144. Actuator A is called ae —_ __. air molur 165. Valve B iy acluated by » ——___ sulenuid 30 166. Compare these Lwo blenders. Blonder (7 A’ BR) is eemtroiling flow rate by first B muwasurmg pressure drop. 167, In urder (y cantral level by hand, you need: to know what the — ms, set point a te allow liquid into the tank, valve ante open and elose the valve, and operator an indivalar to give the operator —__________in fuudback formation. at Section 2 Transmission of Signals SECTION TWO TRANSMISSION OF SIGNALS Introduction 1, Messuring instruments “tell” the operator about proce vss variables, Th get thia information the operatur may take o - ————direetly from a local instrument, reading 2 Sometimes the instrument is localud in a place whieh fg hard to get at. ‘The direct veadiny frum un instrument like this can be abtaimed (—] vasily/C] with didieully), with difficulty: ‘To monitor an wutire proves, measuring inatrumenta are nested in many places. For Lhe uperator to get @ total picture of the process, fhe should yet thu informytion from all these instru mentt (77 all at once/[] at diffuren times), all at once 4, ‘The operator can coutrol Uw provese better If all the information he needs can he obizined iu — ‘one place, 5. By eonding Instrument readings to a more remvenieal, place, the uperslur has (77 more, _j leaa) access to all more the information which he ude, 6. This drawing shows a simplified process control panel, often called the cemtrol board, usually loented in a control room. A varlety of readingn can be taken in one place by looking at the ae contral panel, or contrel boar 33 10. nn. 12, 13, ‘The instruments may be very remote frum the con trol panel, bnt their information is received by the operator (|_| cazily.((] with difficulty). Automatic. valves (T) du’C] du uul) measure process variables. The valve is 4 (CJ measuring/E) controlling) inatru- ment. Measurements are made by —______ instruments. ‘The conteoller, Uhrouyh its mechanism (valve, ete.), adjusts the process according ty infuruution il re ceives from the measuring inatrument. ‘The information from the measnring instrument must by transinilted tu the —______ mechanism, ‘Meaaurements from a measuring instrument eau be eent to a recording or indicating instrument, ar ta a coutrul iusLrument. TRANSMISSION LINE — MEASURING RECEIVING INSTRUMENT INSTRUMENT ‘Vhe information is sent through a —_____luw. The information is converted into signala, a0 that it can be sent Girough (he Lransmission line, ‘The receiving instrument can: | & give the operator a reading, CO >. tell a controlicr what the pracess ia domg. Le. both a and h. a4 easily do not controlling measuring cantralling tranzmistion What is « Control Loop? 14, ‘To cantrol a process etther by hand or automatically we need three things: PROCESS MEASURING INSTRUMENT oH CONTROLLER an instrument te — the process, a that compares the meusurement to the set point, and a contro! to udjuat the prucess il the mensurement doer not meel the sel point. 1a. Lenk at this operation, OPERATOR The controlter ia gn — ‘The measuring instrument ia a 35 ——mvler. measiive controller valve operator pressure, or dixpluayin 16. Luck at this operation, ‘The controller {2 an (7 invlewwent’[] operator). 17. Im both eavee, feedback about process changes is pro- vided by the. matrument. 18, Thia diagram shuws # remplete control loop, PROCESS MEASURING INSTRUMENT | CONTROL ‘his control loop: =} a. is circular an elnsed. Ob. is a straight line. 36 instrumunt anwasuring 19. 20. ‘The three elements in the luop must he connected togather. ‘The elementa are conmoetod hy — Times Lu rover large distanees. Information ean be eonverted into _____and eont to each clement in Ue eoulrul lonp thrangh these Lransmission lines. Pneumatic and Electrical Signals a, 26. Signals are generally prodneed m two wou: by clec tric current ar hy changing air pressure In @ Tine, Signals gent along a wire uve ( elveteical’[] air) siguuls, Changes in air inaide the tranemizeion lines (tubing) are called pnoumatic slensls. Blectricity travels very fast. ‘The time lay between Le Lime the electrical signal is vent aud the time it is received ia very (J Jone/ T] shart} (F Pheumatie/[] Electrical) signale move taster. |. Pneumatic signals mave: slow cnough eo that over very Jong distancee the signal will (7 lag behind’) race head of? process: metsuremien, changes A pneumslic sigaul is being sent throngh this linc. The Jonger the distance dhe (Dj grealer .77 less) the line's re al travels, the ‘stance to the elgnal. ‘This resivuuce (Z] wrreases/(j decreases) the time lay in the signal. Which can be sent over longor distance wilh luss Lrans- minsion time Jag? (7 eleclvival signala/C] pneumatic aignsls) 37 transmission signals electrical pressure short Blectrical lage bahind yreater increases electrical signals 29. 80. 82, 33. 4. In which control loop do the signals move faster? ELECTRIC B PNEUMATIC (J ArL) Be they both are dhe same). "va keep up with the process, the signals ((7 ahauld/ L should not) have large time Jaga. . But in chemical plants there may be flammable gases Tinwering: ond equipment. An electric spark could Louch off an- a Aiv pressure (a pnoumatle gignal) produces no sparks lk are uaed in Instrument yystuins _ could cxusy an accident. Pnoumalic where a Do electrical signals have Iarge time lays in transmis sion over long distance? (2) yes/7] ne) Tor transmitting over 1000 feet, (7 electriral’j pneu matic) systems are generally preferred. PNEUMATIC TRANSMISSION—HOW IS IT DONE? Tn & pneumatic aystem, the signal is a change in = pressure. 38 shonld not explosion epark no electrical air iG. The measuring instrument produces a ___ by ebanging the amount of prozeure in an air tram mmission Line. 37, The signal (change in air pressure) is received by anther instrument whieh this new pressure into a reading. 3M. Liquid ix flowing through this process Tine, DIAPHRAGM. | ORIFICE PLATE As Ube valve opens wider, (] moveya) tess) Myuid Nowa through the line, #Y. Aa the flow rate inereasca, the pressure difference scrogs the orifice (Cj inereases/(= decreases). 40. The diaphragm meter measures the pressure weruss the orifice. 41. As Uw pressure diiTerence Increases, the diaphragm bulges te the (Cy left] wight), Can the, diaphrngrt shown in the drawing control the valve? {Li yeae_j no) a9 signal changes, or converts: more ineresses differance, or drop right no 42, 4. 4h, 16. a. 43, 49 60. aT Let's eay the diaphragm meler is located at a xpat, dificult for the operator to take a reading. | TRANSMISSION LINE 20 PSI FLAPPER ‘A pneumatic _____system is used to send a sigual tu the control panel. The sigual represents a reading from the. ‘Thiy is how a pneumatic transmitter works: ‘A mechunteal linkage cunmecls the diaphragm to a ns —_— instead of to a pointer, Air ix being supplied into this: system at a constant presnure of 20 psi, ‘This air pressure decruses ag air passes out of the Ay Iluw vate in the process line increases, the din- phragm moves to the rght. ‘Tho flapper moves (—] nearer tn/C] farther away from) the nozzle. As the flapper cloaes the nozzle opening, pressure in side the alr chamber (("] increswes/[] duureases}. Pressure to the transmiztion line lo Liw control panel (77 invreuses77 decreases) ‘The receiver gaye an the control panel indicates an in pressure, ‘his increase in pressure really moana that the rate has increased in (hw process, 40 transmitting, or transmission diaphragm, or (rausuiitter flapper nozale nearer to "Whey hoth are rhe same) inercases increase flow 52, Since a small amount of air enters the chamber con- tinuonaly, changing the position af the flapper changes the proseure to the ______ line, 53, The flapper position is changed by the — 64, What is missing from this control loop? g def’. control valve. instrument, L. © a controller that will adjust the control valve if the process fe off the act point. 55. By adding a tranamisston Ine and a controller to the valve, the movement of the valve may be controlled. By connecting an alr motor to the _____atem, the flow of liquid is controlled. at transmission diaphragm valve 66. Air pressure fram the transmission line does not con= trol the air motor directly. A signal is sent to the first. 57. ‘The eunteoller inlerprets this signal, Tt then sends its own signal to the control valve ‘Thie signal is aleo a change in ______. 68. Air pressure to the controller inercases, ‘The eontroller iuerewses air pressure tu Lhe 59, The vulve muves Lou nee (pape) eusul) position, GO, Tf pressure decreases (o the cuntruller, the voulroller decreases pressure to the air motor, and the spring moves the diaphragm back upward. Phe valve —__ausatinn. 61. This drawing shows Ube wutire process in operation. —_ => — ‘The throtting valve 1 filly (> opens T] closed). 62. The: presimre drop across the ovifire 1a nt the maseimnm ‘This causes the diaphragm to (7 open/{~ clare) the newzle in the phenmatic system. 6B, Closing the nozzle _—— air pressure in the tranemiecion line, a2 controller pressure valva, ur ale molor elosud opens open lose increases 14. As air preaaure in the tranemission ling increases, the controller increases ils output and the throttling valve Veyrians Lo close 65, This__________ the flaw vate of the procesa Liquid. decreases 66. The preseure difference auruss the avificr 1 dcercasca 87. The flapper next moves Lo Le lelt, upening the nozzle and _______he air pressure in the pneumatic decrensings Lransmisman line. €8. ‘The reeiver (controller) on the control panel shows x_n flow rate. decrease ). ‘he controler sends n elemal to the valve. ‘This signal is acluully » 1m aur pressure deerense Ly thy wir mote, 70. The wulve begins te —<— open TL. Changes in ___ pressure indleate and con air trol rate, flow Problems with Pneumatic Systems v2. The nogele in thle pneumatie system has become flor ked, If the nowzle is blocker, the air proseure in the trans- mission Ime ([ inerenees/L| decreases). increased a 73, A Uluckeid nozale causes Che flow rate in the process to decrease but causes the control panel to show (T] a decrease ’(] an increase )in flow rate, 74. The nowsle can be blocked by particles of water, rast, or dirt from tho air supply. ‘Thw adr supply for a pneumatic system must be ‘Th. ‘Vhe fanper ar nozzle may hecome eroded. This crogion may produce extra air leaknge and re sull in au incorrect wir-vutpul______ for # given flapper position. "Wh. ‘Transmission lines are made of materials which can he kept clean and do not______enaly. 77, Water corrodea metal parts of the pneumatic system. Waler my alve freeze suul______ tw lines. 78. The air supply for a pueuinalie syslem must be clean and . 79, A pneumatic air system must have an air dryer whieh removes._______fvom the air. Instrument Air Dryers 80. A chemical that abeorba water from things fe called a desicexnl. Can a desiccant dry aut air? (C yes’ no) BL. Desieeants are used for the air for pneumatic instruments. 44 an inercase clean, or filtered pressure plug, or block dry water yea drying 2. Silica gel is one chemical which absorba water from air. DRY AIR AIR IN The inateument air supply cas be drivd by passing it over dry oo siliea gel 83. Some ineLeument air dryers use aa a drymg agent (eaiccant). ailien gel 84. Lock at tins drawing of an instrument ulr dryer. DRY AIR ‘t CHAMBER DRY AIR hy TO BED 2 ce Wy RED! = RED2 This fe & typieal unit forthe mstrue drying ment xir supply 85. Tt cunsisty of two heds af gel. silien 45 86, 87, 8, 89, 90. a. 93. 35. 96. 97. Bach bed can absorb only certain amount of water, Once they are saturated, ____muat he re. moved from the beds, ‘Two beds ure used. ‘While one bed is______water from the air, the other bed is .______. out, ‘The drying-out process 1s called regeneration. Regenerating, is done by heating the bed and passing freak, dry — through the siliea gel. ‘Some dry alr can be removed from bed 1 and used to Yeu 2, Silica gel holds less water when it is warm. ‘The heating coils are turned on in the beds during (2 drying of the instrument air/ptexeneration), Only a small amount of drying ale from bed 1 is needed to remove from bed 2 Bed 2 is still hot from the heating coils after regenera- tion. Warm silica gel (XJ ia/7% not) good for drying air. Bed 2 must be__________aiter it has beon re- menerated. One hed is always in uae, while the ather bed is heing and ‘ In this way, the transmission lines always have a aup ply of —. ar, ‘To remove water from the bed, the bed must be heated enough. Nut enyugh heal will leave luo mueh ———__ in the bed, ‘The beds can eontain thinge which should not get into the pneumatic system. Particles of ailien gel eouki ___________ the trans- mission lines, 46 water absorbing, or taking drying air regenerate reweneration water is not cooled, regenerated, cooled dry water plug, or clog 98, 100, 101. If regenerating geta the silica or other drying agent (ilesiccant) too het, it could break it up into particles Can these small particles pluy the air lines? (- veo! Li no) |. During regenerating, the heds must nol become lao ar tou Oil from alr compressora can be nbsorhed into the deying beds, Whon the heds are heated during regenerution, this oil ia haked into particles. ‘These wil particles cun elo tho. beds so that they cannot absorb Oil can he removed hy filters, Somw typex uf compres SOFS are dil-lree Which of the following ean keep the drving beds tree of il? Live clean Alters on the afr before nending it into the dryers. (yes. no} Ue oil-tres comprnscors, 7] yea/L] mop Heat the bole until the nil sx burned one (| yee! C]n0} ELECTRONIC TRANSMISSION—HOW IS IT DONE? 102, 18, Electronic (runuuniasion of signals uses muny of the aame principles as pneumatic transmission, A pneumatic avatem changes the — inthe i mn Tine, In the electrical transmission system, some character- iatic of ‘rent or voltage is changed. Electrical Circuits 14, 105, Materials which allow electrical curront to flow easily from one place ta another are called conductors. A conductor ig a pipeline for transporting: ‘Most metals are good conductors, {C Copper/2] Rubber) is « good electrical conductor, AT hot, cold water yes no pressure electric electricity Copper 106. Wor electricity to flow, It Must have an uninterrupted path, called a cireuit. The clroult must bo made out of » conducting material, 107. Beeause they are such good conductors, clectrical cir- cuits are usually made vul uf metals, or copper 108. The cumponeuls of an vlectrical tranamission ayatem are connected in a —____. elreutt TM, Wlectricity ows from a source, Luruugh the components of the eystem, through the user of the electricity and back Lo the eource. BATTERY LIGHT BULB lem, the battery is the gouree of the power is the uver. light bulb 11 ‘Phe drawmes show two electrical cireuils, Cireuit A will mot operate, becanse there ix an in the cireuit. apening, or switch IHL A cumplele electrical cireuit ig (». shut dewn the process, In drawing C, the cleetrical cireuit is completed and ia causing » to close. ‘Vhe alarms and the shutdown devieo arc triggered by (7 the eame principle/(] different: principles). Should ahutdown devices he failsafe? (C] yes’ no) ay alarms shutdown cluwed, or completed valve the same principle yea Af. Let us say that there is a power failure in the shutdown device. ‘The shulduwn devive (7 should should not) operate. shonl, 46, Look at this ehutdown device, CURRENT | The solenoid closes the valve when the clectrical cirenit ta (0) closed’) breken), broken i. Let ns say Unere is puwor fsilure. This shutdown devies: 77] &. cludes the valve automatically. Li b. keep the valve open until it can by operated manus a 48. Shutdown devices operute mare safely if they are set off when electric current ts turned (_Jon/(-, off). off 49. Several of the alarms and zhutdown devices described in this unit are shown ty be sul ull by Lurning clectrie current on, hecause it is easier to see how they operals this way. But most alarms and shutdcwn devices yuu find in a refinery are operated hy turning electric current 50, This makes them fail in the —— Douition. sate n LEVEL ALARMS AND SHUTDOWN DEVICES 51, Usually, because of the design capacities nf storage vessels, liuid leve) muzt be maintained within a speci- fied range. The control pancl may have an ___ to warn alarm the uperulor if level is not within the specified range. 52. If the equipment is (1 antomatleally/Q] manually) automatically. eotrotlied, a shuidewn des may stop the process when level reaches the danger point, Floot-Switch Alorm Si, The drawmg shows a simple level alarm, As the liquid level rises, the float __with rises Aa. When level rises above a safe level, the metal bar un the top of the flout touches the two cantacta, This ( opens/[] clos) thu wlevtrieal the closes alarm. #8. ‘This alarm hell is activated when the circuit ix closed 86. Thie float switeh alarm warns only of excessively (( high/Z] low) level. high 78 57. The design must be modified to bv x Jevel alarm. ee low 58. The flont-switch alarm can be modified for use ws 4 shutdown device, Instead of an alarm ringing, a snlenoid closes a —.whon the eireult is completed, valve 59. When Uw level is tuo high and the vireuit is closed, a valve which controls the flow uf liquid into the tank loses 60. Level can no longer — 2 inereaee 18 Magnetic-Follower Float G1. Some liquids can damage instrument parts, FLOAT In this system, the part which sensca level ia Incated (2 insirie/D uutyide) the tank, outside fz. ‘The float and the magnetic Uloop attract cach other. As the float riees, the nap — rives 63, The U-toop is linked to a meter which shows the level, In the drawing, the meter has been replaced by two electrical —_______. conlacls 4 6B. IL Ube Noat civenita are too high or falls too low, electrieal and the alarm ig wounded. cloned The ([Ehaguetiv-fual follower/( float ewiteh) ia pre- magmetic-foat follower ferred for use with corrosive liquids. Sonic Sensor tii. ov. 68, ‘This senie sensor indicates level by bouncing sound, or suuic. waves off the surfsew uf Che liquid, ‘The sommd waves ure reflected back up to the detector unit. Af Ube level is high, it takes (| mores lesa) time less for the wavea to reach the uni( Use it would if the level were low. ‘The nonie sensor can set off an alarm wher ik detects either or —liquid level. high, low Thermistor Alarm 69. Look at this alarm system, 70. THERMISTOR The sensing unit ts the (C] thermistor/2 meter). A thormistor moamurea the changes in the dow of electric current when vealstance to the current changes. ‘The resistanes changes when the of the thurmistor changes. + Thertuistors, if you remember, conduct electricity betler when they sire (7) hot/D) cold), ‘The thermistor in thy drawing hus a heater built into It, vo it gives a (C varying./~] constaul) eurrent read- inyg on the meter When it is not submerged. ‘The circuit conducta (L! more/(= tess) current in euld liquid than it does iu air. 8 ‘thermistor temperature bot ronstant, lesa is. 7, a8. If this self-heated thermistor is placed Ln eold liquid, it wets colder. ‘When the level rises to point Hi, Uw Uwermivlor sete eulder and conduece-—__" current. ‘Then the wheter rerors x (7 higher’M lower) reading, ‘This thermistor systom fa (LJ igh’[] low)-tevel alarm ayatem, In thie system, the thermiste the danger point, At (L will] will not) indiewe a change In level near voink A. is located just below Most vetinury liquidy are highly volatile. Some clectrieal equipment can spark and sel off An such instances, (C] eleetrival/] pnoumatle) alarms anid shutdown syutems are usally used. 7 les lower Ligh will not explosions Pneumatic Compare these two tanks. Pressure fs greuter al the bottom of tank B, becauce the is higher in tank B. level 81, The pressure gage can be replaced by « diaphragm age. DIAPHRAGM Ax level rises, pressure at the hottom of the tank AE, The middle of the diaphragm bulges ( downward’ Li upward). upward Snop-Acting Pilot Valve A pilot valve can be linked ta the diaphragm, DIAPHRAGM PIN ‘The pilot valve is activated wlwn Use digphragm, or pin moves, 84, AA the diaphragm bulges upvkard, the pin pmshes Ue hall up and —______ the alr supply line to the close meter, ‘When the pilot valve is closed, the wir-prossure meter receives no pressure and reads DIAPHRAGM, PIN ‘This lend of meter can acluale an air alarm without ging electricity 9 86. Usually, the diaphragm only has to move the pilot valve a very small amount lo shut off the atr supply ta the meter, ‘tha valve enape easily. shut 87. ‘This kind of valve in called a snap-acting pilnt valve. A snap-acting pilot valvw yunerully operates a (C) pneu matic/J electrical) shutdown system, bul ulvo might pneumatic ‘be used to actuate @ pressure awitch. 88. IC sparking ie not x problem, the pilot valve may be replaced by uu —__"_ switch, ‘leet rieal PRESSURE ALARMS AND SHUTDOWN DEVICES 89, Compare these two snap-acting.pilbl valves, Aik) In A, (0) level/T] pressure) iy fing monitored. level 90. The effects of pressare are nsec! (a aetivule Uwe pilot valve, In, is being monitored directly. pressure SH, When pressive increases tuo anuch, the pilut valve is by the action of the diaphragm, closed 80 92. Tonk at this atarm system, Lich T—| ‘This diaphrayan eumpletes an cleetrical 4 circuit inatead of activating an air switch. 5A When pressure inerusses Lou mueb, the dlaphragm ‘the cirentt. loses 94. Bourdon tubes, like diaphragm gages, cas be used Ww actuate alarms by connecting them ta merenry: switches. “CURRENT: | SOUR A moreury switch consista of a glass hnbble containing (wo —____and some mereury, contacts 81 96, ov. 8, 99, ‘When the morcury touches both contacts at once, the emrenit Hy _ the bubble back and forth, the ei euit can be npened and closed, Rourdan thes and as pressure inereases and deeranses Here the moreury awiteh in tipped back and forth by Une movement uf the bourdon tube. «Siti _CURREN. When pressure increases in the bourdon tube, Uny ave ‘ment of tho tube tllts the switch so that the merenry touchus Uv. ‘This circuit ix Uhen completed and the alarm ie turned (Tons off) closed tipping, or moving coil, uncolt contacts FLOW ALARMS AND SHUTDOWN DEVICES 100, If you put your hand out of the window of a moving car, the alr pushes againat your hand. It you put o puddle in w liquid viream, the Tguid pushes against the 101, ‘This paddle is attached to a spring-loaded switch, As long as liquid flows tn the pipe, this evriteh Is kept hy the puddle, 102 Li thy flow stops, the spring _—________ the switch, 108, Whon thw xwiteh is closed, the low-flow — is activated. addin open closes 104. Orifice platos or Now nozzles can be used to trigger uluriny or shutdown devices, A switch mechanism ix connected lo 105, As longe us flow rate is in the specified range, the Pressire drop across the orifice keeps the switeh 106. Tf the flow rate doereanes too much, the diaphragm moves and closes tho cireult. When the civenit ia closed, the light ia turned on. 107, For eafoty reasons, the clectrical aystem ean be re. phiced with a pneumatic system, ‘Che awiteh ean be repliced with valve. Electrical Flow Alarms 10K. An abject ia cool more by a: Tr a. slow-moving Jiyuid stream, [Eb rapidiy-moving liquid stream. 109, ‘The faster liquicl flows, the (] more/[] lesa) heat it enrries away from an object immersed in it. Rs diaphengin open alarm pilot more 110, Look at this drawing. TEMPERATURE TAY CONTROL An insnlaterd coil is installed in Univ pipe. 111, A meter ahowa how much — ix being nsed tu heat the coil, 112. The faster the liquid flows, the (1) moro/|_ lose) heat fs akeu away frou Ue coil. 18, ‘To keep the Weimperslure of Lhe coil constant, the amount of current sent to the coil must he a8 the flow rato increases, ALL, When the flow rate Inercases, the meter shows a ——. roading. 115. The svstem can bo adapted to ativate an or Ulewiee, TEMPERATURE ALARMS AND SHUTDOWN DEVICES Bourdon Tubes 116. If x sealed Cube iy fllled with ras or liquid and heated, presume im the tube hoator currant, or elvcLriefly: increawed higher alarm shutdown increases 117. ‘The drawing shows a temperature probe which touches ‘the Hauld in the pipe. MED BOURDON 46-2) TUBE ‘The prone is attached to a on the outalde of the tube, L18. If the temperature of the Hauid increases, the probe is, houted and prossure in the bourdon tube —_. 119. ‘Tho tubo (7 coilx’7] uncoils). 120, The tip of the bourdon tube can be connected to a mercury switel, shld CURRENT” Psounce- If the tompernture of the liquid increnses, the switch is tipped and thy eireuil is (7 opened," closed). 86 bourdon tube inoraacor uneotls closed 121. When the etvcutt Je closed, an nlurm light is turned on, By making the svitch activate « eonleol valve inatend ‘of an alarm, the hourion tube becomes an automatic: —_— daviee, shutduvn, or control 12%. Tligh-temperalure alarms and chutdown devices are often triggered hy a gas-filled spiral boucdon (ube. "ewer vatve a SPIRAL BOURDON TUBE The spi | bourdon tube operates a valve, pilot 123. The spiral bourdon tubo can change a valse position trom open to closed! with very little movement, Thiv (%) te ia not) o anap-acting pilot uve, 8 Bimetallic Alarms 124. A bimetallic oteip is often used in thermometers. ‘The binwtallie slvip consiste oft La, one solid piece of metal Lil. Wwo different metals attached together » By 125, 126, 128, 120, 139, Whon n pince of metal ia heated, it (expands /—] con- Lrwels) Different metals expand at ____ rates, when Woatud, 7. Lf we wandwich two different metals together, we have a bimetallic strip, The etrip curves when This expanding and contracting of the bimetallic strip cant ulso be ueed to operate a anap-acting switch, When Phe strip ix heated, il other wes and touches the When the cireuit is completed, the ig activated. Tho bimetalile strip could activate # suilennie actuated expands different reeled contact alvem, or Heht valve Alorm-Set Pointers 181, ‘Thermocouples measure temperature olectricaily. DANGER LEVEL JHERMOCOUPLE When Uhis meter shows un increased current, ft means thatthe thermocouple in the circuit is measuring temperature, increased, ur hish 182 When temperature roaches a danger level, the contact ton the pointer of the dial toucher the contact which ia mounted in the danger rone. ‘This completes the 488, ‘This can turn on an alarm. Or, n___device may bu activated, shutdown WHA. With thin device, the meter itself wely ws thw __, witch #0 185, Alarms of this kind are called alarmset pointers, because the pointer sets off the alarm when a pre- determined point on the yago face Is reached, ‘A stripechurt recorder can be uned to keep a paper i of liquid level, flow or other measure- monts. 236, Tho recording pen on a strip-chart recorder can work lke the = on an indicuting gaye. ABT. A recording pen cwld be ued ay un alurm, if tbo pen arm could huve x. ______faatened to it to make It work like the wlarm-vet pointers, 138. When the gage reaches the set reading, it triggers an 139. ‘To make sure that the operator knows un alarm has one off, most alarms must be reoet ((_ automatically ) by hand), 10, Shutdown devices are used to make sure that if some- thing goen wrang with a process, it doos not endanger anyone's —___ or the equip- ment, 80 record, or chart pointer, or needle contact, or switeh alarm, shutdown device safety, or life, damage tEVIEW AND SUMMARY 41, Measuring instrumente may be used to set off wlurmx or shutdown devices, Pneumatic, xystems se si, — 4 valve or aot off an alarm, to activate pressure 42. Tn am electrical syatem, the meusuring instrument touches a contact to Net close, open acire 48. Name the following systems, alarm (CJ alarm/E shutdown/Q) both/[ neither) ‘alarm o (10) alarm) shutdows/[> buth/Cy neither) both (2) slarm/=j shutdown} both/7 neither) shutdown 92, (2 alurny/() shutdown/T bolh/eKoither) neither 144. Look at this druwing. This shutdown device stops the process hy closing a valve, 145, A aes valve is a valve that fall ento tatls in the gafe position. 146, For safer operation, a shutdown device should ¢o off when electric current is turned (C] on/C] off) off

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