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Corona-Norco Unified School District

Pupil Services Department

2820 Clark Ave.
Norco, CA 91760-1903
Triennial Re-Evaluation
Student: Jane Doe

Date: 04/30/15

D.O.B. 08/16/2001

Psychologist: Robert B. Garcia/ Gerardo Sanchez


Age: 13-8

School: River Heights Intermediate

Gender: Female

Grade: 8th

Case Carrier: Lori Millsap

Student #: 123456

Guardian(s): Mr. & Mrs. Doe

Phone: 951-222-9999

Address: 11882 Main St.

Multidisciplinary Team:

City: Mira Loma, CA

Zip: 91752

Robert B.Garcia, School Psychologist/Gerardo Sanchez, School

Psychologist Practicum Student (examiners)
Lori Millsap, Resource Specialist
Natalie Richards, RN, School Nurse
Samuel Rangel, Student Advisor
Kim Seheult, Assistant Principal
Teri Dudley, Principal

Reason for Referral:

This assessment was completed per parent request on 02/23/2015 during Janes three year
evaluation. At that time, it was determined by the IEP team that Jane would benefit from
continued special education services to meet her academic needs. This evaluation will be
completed with the intention of assessing to what degree her disability (Specific Learning
Disability: Attention processing disorder) impacts her academic performance under Special
Education eligibility criteria. This evaluation was completed to update her current levels of
functioning and for purposes of future educational planning.

Background Information:
Jane is a 13-year, 8-month-old female who is enrolled in the eighth grade at River Heights
Intermediate School within the Corona-Norco Unified School District. She is currently
receiving special education services as a student with a Specific Learning Disability that
significantly affects her academic performance. She receives these services through the
school site Resource Program. Her special education teacher is Resource Specialist Lori
Millsap. Jane has been receiving special education services since 02/10/2012 when she
qualified as a student with a Special Learning Disability (SLD: Attention Processing
Disorder). Janes most recent California Standardized Testing and Reporting (STAR/CST)
from the spring of 2013 indicates that she obtained scores that fell within the Far Below
Basic Range in English-Language Arts and the Below Basic Range in Mathematics. Jane
reported living with her mother, father, and siblings. She indicated that mathematics is her
least favorite subject. Jane is a sweet girl who appears to be shy, but likes to socialize with
Health and Developmental:
Jane is documented to have no current or prior major illnesses or health concerns. Hearing
and vision are documented to be within normal limits. Jane is a student who is in good overall
physical health.
Behavioral Observations:
Jane came willingly to the first testing session but appeared shy and reserved. She was
polite and cooperative. Testing had to be terminated after administration of the first subtest
because the test administrator was unaware that Jane was supposed to wear glasses. After
several attempts to continue testing, the psychoeducational evaluation continued because Jane
brought her glasses. Her level of effort, conversational proficiency, attention, concentration,
and care in responses were typical for students her age. However, during the math calculation
subtest, Jane did not attempt certain multiplication and division problems. For example,
13x7, 14x6, 126/42, and 288/48. Her test behaviors are reflective of Janes typical performance in
school. These observations lead the examiner to conclude the test results are a valid estimate of her
present level of functioning.

Classroom Observation:
Jane was observed on 04/17/2015 from 9:20 to 10:00am in Ms. Greens US History class.
Jane was sitting in the back center of the class while paired with another student. The students
were working on a Civil War writing assignment regarding the North and the South. Jane was
interacting with her peer partner by talking, smiling, and laughing. She would raise her hand
to show progress because Ms. Green was walking around and checking to see how students
were doing so she could stamp their work. Jane had a book bag on her lap while working
because she was pulling snacks out and eating in class. At one point, she stopped working on

her writing assignment because she started flipping through a note book out of her bag. Jane
would work in intermittent spurts. She would become distracted by her environment or by
socially interacting with her peer partner. She was approached by the classroom instructional
aide, Mrs. Johnson, and told to work faster with less talking. She was approached again five
minutes later by the instructional aide and told that she needs to write. After this second
redirect by the aide, Jane appeared to apply herself. Jane also interacted with her peers behind
her, but this interaction was assignment related. During this observation, Jane did not wear
her glasses. Jane was on task for 77% of the time during a 30 minute portion of this
observation or 23 minutes and 14 seconds.
Tests Administered:
Woodcock-Johnson III Normative Update Tests of Achievement (Form A)
Wide Range Assessment of Memory and Learning - Second Edition (WRAML-2)
Test of Auditory-Processing Skills Third Edition (TAPS-3)
Behavior Assessment Scale for Children Second Edition (BASC-2)
Records Review

Intellectual (Cognitive) Ability/ Learning Aptitudes:

Under a Federal District Court ruling of 1979 (Larry P. v Riles, 343 F. Supp. 1306 (N.D.
Cal. 1972), 502 F. 2d 963 (9th Cir. 1984), 793 F. 2d 969 (9th Circuit Court, 1984), the
administration of IQ assessments to African-American youngsters was prohibited.
Additionally, the Corona/Norco Unified School District also honors the October 11, 1994
California Department of Education Legal Advisory banning IQ testing of all AfricanAmerican children. [(Also see Special Education Rights and Responsibilities, Community
Alliance for Special Education (CASE) & Protection and Advocacy, Inc. (PAI), 9th Ed.,
Therefore, no specific or standardized measure of IQ was administered at this time. Instead, a
succession of processing tests, well established within the field of school psychology, as well
as up-to-date behavioral and academic measures were used in order to obtain an estimate of
Janes current functioning levels.
Table 1
Standard Score Classification
Standard Score



X=100; SS=15
130 (+)
69 (-)

Normal curve

Very Superior
High Average
Low Average
Borderline (Poor)
Extremely Low (Deficient)

Wide Range Assessment of Memory and Learning Second Edition


Date: 3/16/2015
General Memory


Verbal Memory


Visual Memory



Scale Score

Story Memory


Design Memory


Verbal Learning

Picture Memory


Finger Windows

Number Letter

The complete WRAML-II Score (General Memory) is indicative of Janes ability for new
learning and associated memory. Janes overall ability level in these areas is classified in the
Average Range (90-109). Verbal Memory refers to Janes long-term retrieval ability. Longterm retrieval refers to the ability to store information and fluently retrieve it later in the
process of thinking. Janes overall ability in this these areas is also classified in the Average
Range (90-109). Visual memory refers to Visual-Spatial Thinking and the ability to perceive,
analyze, synthesize, and think with visual patterns, including the ability to store and recall
visual representations. Janes overall ability in this these areas is classified in the Superior
Range (120-129). Finally, Attention is essential for learning in school. It is important that

students concentrate on teacher verbal directions, even when there is background noise and
movement by other students. Attention helps to filter out irrelevant activity. There is evidence
from history, observations, and teacher ratings that Jane struggles with attention. Examination
of WRAML-II subtests scores displays a Low Average (80-89) Attention/Concentration Index
that is significantly lower than the other domains evaluated within this assessment. Visual
Memory appears to be an area of relative strength for Jane when compared to her overall
General Memory and when compared to her same-age peers.
Academic Achievement:
Jane was administered the Woodcock-Johnson III Normative Update Tests of Achievement
(Form A) to assess for her current academic functioning. A summary of her scores follows:
Woodcock-Johnson III Normative
Update Tests of Achievement
(Form A)

Age Based Scores

Subtest Score


Oral Language
Oral Expression
Brief Reading
Basic Reading Skills
Brief Math





Math Reasoning









Broad Category

Story Recall
Applied Problems
Writing Samples
Word Attack
Picture Vocabulary
Oral Comprehension
Quantitive Concepts


Letter-Word Identification measures the ability to identify letters and decode words. The
examinee is not required to know the meaning of any word. Janes Letter-Word Identification
standard score (94) is within the average range when compared to same age peers. Passage
Comprehension measures reading vocabulary and the ability to comprehend connected
discourse while reading. Janes passage Comprehension score (90) also falls within the
average range.
The Calculation subtest measures computational skills and automaticity with basic math facts.
Janes Calculation standard score (75) is in the borderline range and is considered a normative
weakness when compared to same age peers. Jane was able to do basic addition, subtraction,
multiplication, and division. However, she had difficulty with multi-digit multiplication and
division. In fact, she did not attempt several problems. The Math Reasoning subtest score
(97) is within the average range. The Applied Problems subtest score (102) is in the average
range. When taken together, Janes Math Calculation skills cluster score falls within the LowAverage range.
Listening Comprehension
Understanding Directions requires the child to listen to a sequence of audio-recorded
instructions and then follow the directions by pointing to various objects in a colored picture.
In Understanding Directions, Jane scored in the Average range (97) and is considered to be
commensurate to same age peers. Oral Comprehension measures the ability to comprehend a
short audio-recorded passage and then supply the missing word using syntactic and semantic
cues. In Oral Comprehension, Jane scored in the Average range (99) and is considered to be
commensurate to same age peers. When taken together, Janes Listening Comprehension
cluster standard score falls in the Average range (98) and is commensurate to same age peers.
Story Recall requires the child to recall increasingly complex stories that are presented using
an audio recording. After listening to a passage, the child is asked to recall as many details of
the story as she can remember. In Story Recall, Jane scored in the Low-Average range (85)
and is considered to be within normal limits when compared to same age peers. Picture
Vocabulary measures oral language development and lexical (word) knowledge. Jane was
required to identify pictured objects. In Picture Vocabulary, Jane scored in the Average range
(90) and is considered to be commensurate to same age peers. When taken together, Janes
Oral Expression cluster standard score (88) falls in the Low Average range, and considered to
be with in normal limits when compared to same age peers.

Auditory-Perceptual Skills:
Jane was administered the Phonologic portion of the Test of Auditory-Perceptual Skills
Third Edition (TAPS-III) to assess her current auditory-perceptual functioning. Subtests

administered from this assessment indicate that she has Average Range (90-109), ageappropriate overall auditory processing functioning. Compared to children her age, Jane has
been measured to have normal auditory processing skills. A summary of her scores follows:
Test of Auditory-Perceptual Skills- Third Edition (TAPS-III)
Phonologic Index Score


Word Discrimination
Phonological Segmentation
Phonological Blending


Visual-Motor/Perceptual Functioning :
Jane was administered The Developmental Test of Visual-Motor Integration
(VMI) to assess her psychomotor functioning. Her overall standard score of 96
falls within the Average Range (90-109) and reveals no significant visual-motor
perceptual deficits. Jane functions at an age-appropriate level in this domain
when compared to her same-age peers. A summary of her scores follows:
Raw Score: 26
Standard Score: 96
Scaled Score:

Percentiles: 39
Age-Equivalent: 12-6

Social/Emotional Functioning:
Jane presented as a friendly, thoughtful, and respectful student. She was polite, motivated,
and interacted with the examiner in an age appropriate manner. When challenged by the
academic tasks of the testing process she did not become frustrated, but rather she continued
with poise and positive attitude throughout the assessment process. She was very polite and
cooperative with the examiner. She appears to be a social and interactive student who was
motivated and hard-working. Multiple comments on report cards from various teachers
indicate that Jane is a pleasure to have in class, she is cooperative, she has a positive attitude,
she consistently follows directions, and she gives excellent effort and participation. Jane was a
pleasure to work with.

The Behavior Assessment System for Children Second Edition (BASC-2)

The Behavior Assessment System for Children Second Edition (BASC-2) rating scale
was completed by Janes Resource Specialist and case carrier, Lori Millsap. This assessment
evaluates Janes current social/emotional functioning while at school. This report is based on
the raters view of Olivias behavior as it pertains to the classroom and while at school. Any
score in the Clinically Significant range suggests a high level of maladjustment. Scores in
the At-Risk range identify either a significant problem that may not be severe enough to
require formal treatment or a potential of developing a problem that needs careful monitoring.
Adaptively, any score of 41 or above falls within the Average Range. A score of 40 to 31 is
considered At-Risk. A score of 30 and below falls within the Clinically Significant Range. A
summary of Janes ratings are as follows:
BASC II: Teacher report: Lori Millsap, Resource Specialist
F index = Acceptable
Response Pattern= Acceptable
Consistency= Acceptable



Clinical Scales
Conduct Problems
Attention Problems
Learning Problems



Adaptive Scales
Social Skills
Leadership Skills
Study Skills
Functional Communication



According to the responses from the Resource Specialist, Lori Millsap, Jane does not appear
to be at risk of any social/emotional functioning issues while at school and her adaptive skills
appear to fall within normal limits as well.
Jane is a 13-year, 8-month-old eighth grader at River Heights Intermediate School within
the Corona-Norco Unified School District. She has been receiving special education services
as a student with a Specific Learning Disability since 02/10/2012. She currently receives her
services through the school site resource program. This evaluation was completed with the
intention of assessing to what degree her disability impacts her academic performance under
Special Education eligibility criteria. It will be used to update current levels of functioning
and for future educational planning.
The Wide Range Assessment of Memory and Learning (WRAML) indicated that Janes
scores were from the Low Average range to the Superior range (120-129). Her
Attention/Concentration memory skills fell within the higher limits of the low average range
(80-89). As a result of limited attention, Jane will likely struggle more than peers to master
the regular education curriculum. Jane is less able than peers to exercise the sustained

concentration expected in regular education. This has been documented in Janes last IEP
meeting dated 02/23/2015. During a classroom observation on 04/17/2015 from 9:20 to
10:00am in Ms. Greens US History class, the school psychologist observed Janes
attentiveness to the task at hand to be at 77%. Her Verbal Memory is within the Average
Range (90-109) and her Visual Memory score was in the Superior range (120-129)
Academically, she obtained her highest score on the subject area of Applied Problems
(101). This scores falls within the Average Range (90-109). Her lowest scores (73) was
obtained in the area of Calculation and (75) in writing samples. These score falls within the
Borderline Range (70-79).
Jane appears to continue to be eligible for Special Education services as a student with a
specific learning disability as she displays a significant discrepancy between her learning
ability and academic achievement due to an attention processing disorder rather than to
environmental, cultural, or economic disadvantages. The assessments and procedures in the
present evaluation are deemed appropriate for this student and the results are considered to be
a valid measure of Janes current level of the areas of Oral Language, Oral
Expression, Listening Comprehension, Mathematics Reasoning, Brief Reading, Basic
Reading, Brief Math, and Math Reasoning due to an attention processing disorder. The IEP
Team needs to review these findings, review current academics, and recommend the most
appropriate placement and interventions to meet Janes educational needs in the least
restrictive environment (LRE).
1. Seat the student near the teacher and away from distractions such as the doorway,
windows, pencil sharpener, and high-traffic areas.
2. Alternate seated activities with those that allow the student to move about the room.
Whenever possible, incorporate physical movement into lessons.
3 Schedule an IEP team meeting to discuss the results of this assessment and possible
placement into the least restrictive environment.
4 Make teachers and those working with Jane aware of her strengths, weaknesses, and
areas of need to foster the greatest amount of growth.
5 To use a generous amount of repetition to improve memory and retention skills.
6 Provide student with a study corral.
7 Reduce the number of homework assignments and/or items required for completion
for an assignment.
8 Encourage proofreading and/or editing of assignments prior to handing them in.
9 The student may benefit from teacher assistance with setting short term goals.
10 Break longer assignments or projects into parts and set a separate due date for each
11 Encourage student to use a planner to track upcoming assignments, tests and quizzes.
12 Talking slower and frequently restating oral information will aid in comprehension.
13 Avoid complex or compound sentences when providing instructions to the student.
14 Provide frequent short quizzes, rather than long tests.


15 Student may benefit from utilizing a stress ball, Velcro strip, small toy, or other object
to squeeze or play with discretely at her seat.
16 Teach self-monitoring skills to the student in order for her to learn how to manage her
own behavior.
17 Assign a study buddy to the student. Ask teachers to privately ask a nurturing
student to be the students study buddy in each class and ask the student to help
explain or redirect the student to the task when appropriate.
18 Develop a nonverbal signal between the student and teacher when he/she needs to get
back on task (i.e. walk by and tap desk, touch nose, or clear throat).
19 Set a timer for 10 minutes of seatwork time. Start with a coloring activity she likes.
The student should be expected to stay seated the entire time and work quietly. If the
student requires more than one reminder to stay seated, reduce the time to 5 minutes
the next time and build from there.
20 After 10 minutes of work time, allow the student 10 minutes to engage in a
preferred task or activity involving movement and play. Gradually increase the length
of seatwork time.
To improve reading and reading comprehension:
a. Have Jane verbally paraphrase material just read or at various points during a
reading selection in order to assess for comprehension.
b. Have the student take notes while reading in order to increase comprehension.
c. Assist Jane in how to prepare an outline, underline, or highlight important points
in reading material.
d. Provide her with a quiet place (e.g., carrel, study booth, etc.), free from
distractions, where she may go to engage in academic activities.
e. Give Jane time to read a selection more than once, emphasizing comprehension
rather than speed.

Robert B. Garcia, School Psychologist

Gerardo Sanchez, School Psychologist Practicum Student

I have received a copy of this report________________________________date___________



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