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S u p r e m e C o u r t of the U n i t e d States

Office of the C l e r k
Washington, D C 20543-0001
July 29, 2015

Scott S. H a r r i s
Clerk of the Court
(202) 479-3011

M r . Marcus Isaiah Washington

54 Boerum Street
Apt. 6M
Brooklyn, NY 11206


Marcus Isaiah Washington

V . W i l l i a m Morris Endeavor Entertainment, L L C , et al.
Application No. 15A126

Dear M r . Washington:
The application for an extension of time w i t h i n which to file a petition
for a w r i t of certiorari i n the above-entitled case has been presented to
Justice Ginsburg, who on J u l y 29, 2015, extended the time to and including
September 28, 2015.
This letter has been sent to those designated on the attached
notification list.

Scott S. H a r r i s , Clerk

E r i k Foss^im
Case Analyst

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