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JULY 2015



Hello again.
It was with immense sadness and great
shock that I learnt of the death of Richard
Skeldon on the weekend of 20/21st June. At
only 58, our Club has lost a gentle, polite
man, an active photographic worker and a
passionate Committee Member.
Richard had an intense energy about him he felt things so deeply. Things really
mattered to him.
I remember when Richard joined TPS, he was
so pleased to have the opportunity to talk to
others and learn more about the art of
photography and how to improve his work.
Whilst remaining true to his own style of
photograph, Richard applied all that he could
to his work and won several trophies for his
efforts. Anxious to play a bigger part in the
Club, Richard became a mentor for our new
members and did a marvellous job
welcoming them in to the Society. We shall
all miss him and there will be a significant
empty chair at our meetings next season.
As i write this there are no details as yet for
arrangements regarding Richards funeral as
members of his family have yet to arrive in
England, but an email will go out when dates and times have been agreed.
Richard's print 'Mosque-heat - on' from this year's Exhibibiton
Now, I have an admission to make, or rather, a confession.
Writing this, (before the sad news above. Ed) it is the afternoon of 18 th June and I have
put the heating on!
What a fickle country we live in weather wise that is not politically, although I am sure
that there are those out there who could argue the case for both if push came to shove.
No. I am cold - plain and simple. The cars thermometer told me it was 13.5 and thats
good enough for me. The radiators are warming up nicely, thank you very much.
By fickle I mean that I wasnt cold at the Beamish Georgian Fair a couple of weekends ago.
It was a beautiful, sunny Saturday when we visited (although it had rained on both the
Thursday and Friday of the half-term week and it poured down on the Sunday afterwards, so
maybe we just hit lucky).
We even sat by the Police Box and ate our picnic lunch discussing the sad
demise of the yellow and black AA Boxes and the way their officers would
salute when they saw that famous badge on the front of any vehicle. Not
the awful 70s square badge I mean this treasure.

There were lots of activities to see and things to do at Beamish and it was good to see so
many families having fun in the sunshine. We even popped into the NCPF Exhibition to
look at the competition, so to speak.

Silver Sands, Long Houghton

I was, however, freezing the following

Saturday when we went up the coast with a
disposable BBQ and a pound of sausages.
Both came home untouched and we took
sanctuary in our favourite bad weather
haven, namely Alnwicks Barter Book Shop
where much to my delight, I discovered that
we had 15 left on our account, so it worked
out quite well in the end.
I wonder what the weather will be like this
weekend? We have planned another BBQ so
that confirms it. Umbrellas at the ready and

jumpers on!
Whatever you get up to out and about, go prepared and have fun but do remember, in
this country there is no
such thing as a spontaneous day out. Planning for every eventuality is essential!
Tips. In the next few weeks, many of you will be going off on holidays. Here are a few tips for the use of your
Make sure that you have adequate supply of batteries, that your batteries are charged and that you take your
Also that you have plenty of card space to record all of your pictures. Take a lens brush or cloth to keep your
lens clean.

When lighting is difficult take pictures at different ISO speeds and bracket exposures (higher and lower). Try
using different focal lengths of lens (even a compact has a zoom lens). If your camera has a viewfinder use
it. You will be able to see what you are taking in bright sunshine and the camera will be held more steady
against your face.
Re last months edition, we must thank Sarah for assembling the 'spoof' front page of the Whitley Guardian. It
foxed at least two members. The original related, of course, to North Shields football club and their open top
bus event.
Robins are still making the news. The Robins won the F.A Vase. Our Robin won several trophies and now
the Robin has been voted Britains favourite bird.
The Hilton Trophy (won by John McGuinness this year):
This trophy was presented to the Federation in 1935 by one of our
members at that time S.Gordon Hilton ARPS. The Trophy was originally
for the best colour slide in the Federation competitions. It would be
another 15 years before the first colour slide competition in T.P.S. and
then only an Annual Competition. It was not until 1961 that colour slides
gained parity with prints. In 1974, the trophy's use was changed to the
'Best non-conventional slide' and that has kept up with the times and has
now gone digital.
Gordon joined our Society in the early 1920s and was President on two
occasions 1937/9 and 1947/8. He was Competition Secretary for the
Federation during the 1930s. He retired to the Allendale district in the
early 1950s.

Video Group: John says he has heard nothing yet regarding interest in the fish and chips night get together.
Unless replies are received, it looks like he will be having a bag on the beach on his own.
He hopes the reason is because everyone is too busy making films for next season. As you know John's
number is 0191 2533536. Go on, give him a ring.
Art Group: Michael Dennison reports:- We had an art display at a Rising Sun Table Top sale. Due to poor
weather attendance figures were low but some sales were made and our display looked good for two
forthcoming Art and Craft Fairs at North Shields and Wallsend Libraries.
The Group now has a Facebook page thanks to a new member, Joanne Dodson. This development will bring
many benefits including helping to build networks with other, similar groups. It should also help attract new
Members are currently working on the Summer Competition Theme set by Susan Myers - any subject using
local materials. Not the easiest but a challenge and the results should be interesting. The winner will be
judged by visitors to our Summer exhibition 29th and 30th August. Do come and vote !
Nature Group. If anyone is interested in the Farnes or Bempton trips please let John McG know. (Farnes may
have happened by the time you read this.)
Summer News:
4th July Art Group attend Wallsend Library Art and Craft Fair
13 /14 July Video Group? see above -.
13 July for two weeks. A selection of our Exhibition prints at Wallsend Customer Centre / Library, The Forum.
23 July - Thurs 6.30pm. Ferry across to South Shields for a dander.
Until 5th August RPS Exhibition: At Washington Art Gallery, Biddick Lane, Fatfield, NE38 8AB
6th August. Durham Cathedral Photography Evening. Go to for more information re ticket purchase etc

20 August - Thurs. Local outing. Full details next issue.

Until 19th September. At the Laing Art Gallery, 'For Ever Amber', the first major account of The Amberside
Collection - a photography exhibition on Working Class Culture.
(Nov 30 - selection of our Exhibition Prints to be hung upstairs in N Shields library for 4 weeks.)
People and Places: Unless you are very new to the Society, you will know that Howard and Dorothy were big
James Last fans and had met him many times. He was very generous to the family over the years. In April
they were at the last concert of the final tour in Cologne. Below is Dorothy's 'last' picture of the man at that
concert. D and H are both pleased that they were there.
Also below is a picture taken at Bempton Cliffs on 11th June when H & D visited. Both H and D deleted lots
and lots of pictures on return home from there..

Gateshead Local History Society celebrated the 25th

Anniversary of the Gateshead Garden Festival over the
weekend of 12 - 14 June, by staging an exhibition at
the St Mary's heritage centre next to Sage Gateshead
( they tell you off now if you call it "The Sage". Mmm!)
There was a good display of memorabilia, including two
of our members who were obviously frequent visitors to
the event in 1990. Each day over the weekend there
were illustrated talks. Trevor Ermel showed a video
presenting his capture of the event and Howard
showed his digitized AV of the Festival.
Howard & Trevor with one of the Garden Festival Art
pieces which was on display.
Competition News It seems that tickets are not yet available for our visit to Ellesmere Port. If you are going
along to support us please let Howard know and he will get it when he can.
External Competitions:In the last edition we gave the scores from our successful Bewick Trophy entry.
Here are our scores for the Corder and Myles Audas trophies - B/W Prints and PDI respectively.
Corder - Paddy's Hole, John McGuinness - 11; The Fox Hat, Larry - 12 and selected for the Portfolio; Loch
Lurgainn, Robin - 11; Winter View, John - 13 and Alliance Entry; Contemplation, Larry - 11; Winter Trees, Arthur
- 11. We came a creditable 6th.
Myles Audas - Barn Owl, Larry - 12; The Pier, Howard - 11; Pictorial Photography, Arthur - 10; Steel Wheels at
Seaham, John McG - 14; Groyne - 11, Tawny Owl - 13; We were 10th.

Space and time do not allow us to give the results of each individual's other entries, but as we have said
before, you can view all the results at and the Awards Galley at
or simply go to and follow the links.
Other News
Members may be astounded to learn that there was an article about the Society in The Whitley Guardian in
mid June. (Maybe they had seen our spoof page and took the hint. Ed)
The NCPF International Salon 2015. A reminder that entries for this year's competition close on 23rd
August. Below is a copy of information from the NCPF website. See last month for more details, but full
details and the entry form can be found on the Salon web site at
Looking Back In times past, our exhibition was staged in the clubrooms for two weeks in May. Each evening
there were illustrated talks by different members and very often we had the 'Full House' notice at the front door!
In September, shortly before the start of the new season, we staged 'Colour Week' which was another week of
illustrated talks. It was hoped that this week would help attract new members.
Below are programmes from two tickets in 1984.


This Trophy, which has now come into our hands, was won in February when we were joint winners in the
competition, with Northallerton CC. It has been held by them for the first six months.
The NCPF International Exhibition has been running since 1980 and like most of the International Exhibitions
around the world, has the recognition of F.I.A.P. (Federation Internationale de lart Photographique) that is
When the exhibition had been running for 15 years, a Bronze Plaque was presented by F.I.A.P. to the
Federation; at 20 years a Silver Plaque was presented and for 25 years a Gold Plaque. This years exhibition
is the 36th.
When a Trophy was needed by the Federation, Jane Black had the three Plaques mounted in wood, which
makes a very unusual and interesting trophy.
June Walkabout: Seven members turned up for the Tynemouth walkabout and picture taking. An almost dry
night and a few pictures taken before a cup of coffee in the clubrooms. (We know how to live it up!) Some
pictures below.


'Be careful'

Howard. How many of you have ever spotted this?

Margaret Warren
'Front Garden Livestock'

John McGuinness

August Edition: Next edition will be sent on or about 1st of August.

Any articles, copy or interesting information, and the odd picture would be welcome and we will do our best to
include them. Please let us have anything by 20th July.
Carry on Photographing!! (Sounds a good name for a film. Ed.)
Your Editors: Jennifer Cowley, Stan Bewick Sarah
Timney and Howard Wilson

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