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Final Writing Assessment

The Boy She Knew

Two living souls in existence on one
situated on ground distinct from skies,
the floor that holds soil and nature undone
spreads out, yet opening a gap that cries.
Held apart neither by hate nor time gone,
simply by the seasons years which fated
since their delivery; three years upon
his birth was she born, three years she hated.
For the damned three disconnects he from she,
and desperate cries to grasp his mind fades
as each encounter is dismissed by he.
Unrequited love, love of razor blades.
He is life and death, logic and reason,
and to sleep, eat, talk, walk is all treason.
Friend or Foe?
Alongside the days cycle she would sit,
paper and eyes glistening with an ache.
An ache of a story, deep to admit,
that when I reached out, she would not awake.
I am yelling out directions to she,
whom drowns in the water with muffled ears.
I am yelling at her to safety, flee!
but what do I see, nothing but her tears:
As he strolls past overlooking her joy;
As he walks away causing her agony.
His departure is constant, for this boy,
and love, can only be tragedy.
Obstinate girl open thine eyes and see,
I am the warm one, not the enemy.
The One
Lady please dance with me, his hands summon.
Legs assembled, heads leaning in roger.
Nimble steps to the right, voice a hummin,

chaos settling deep, voice getting stronger.

My continued progress of existence,
stay indefinite; please do not cease to
the juncture fore reopening distance
of titanic waters of navy blue.
(6 more lines)

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