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Scientific Method

-a systematic method used to

solve problems in science.

Scientific Method 11

1) Making observation
2) Making inference
3) Identifying problem
4) Making hypothesis
5) Identifying variables
6) Controlling variables
7) Planning an experiment
8) Collecting data
9) Interpreting data
10) Making conclusion
11) Writing report

about a
using our five
namely sight,
smell, taste
and touch

1) Making observation

2) Making inference

Making a smart guess or tentative

explanation about phenomenon based on
the observation

3) Identifying problem

Asking question (s) base on the

inference made.

4) Making hypothesis

Making a general statement about

the relationship between a
manipulated variable and a
responding variable in order to
explain the question asked

5) Identifying variables

Identifying the
Manipulated variable,
Responding variable
and fixed variable of an experiment to test

the hypothesis made

6) Controlling variables

Deciding how to manipulate the

chosen variable, what to measure
and how to keep the fixed variable(s)

7) Planning an experiment

Determining what materials and

apparatus to use, the exact
procedure of the experiment, the
method of collecting data and ways
to analyze and interpret the collected

8) Collecting data

Making observations or measurement

and then recording the data

9) Interpreting data

Organising and analysing data.

Calculation, graphs or charts may be
drawn to look for any relationship
between variables

10) Making conclusion

Making a statement about the

outcome of the experiment and
whether the hypothesis is accepted
or rejected

11) Writing report

Communicating the details of the

experiment to spread and find a
benefit to the findings

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