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Game Design Document Outline

1. Title Page
1.1. Game Name Requiem of Sound
1.2. Copyright Daniel B. Riccardi as of March 2015
1.3. Version 1.0
1.4. Author Daniel B. Riccardi
1.5. Date 3/31/2014

2. Table of Contents
2.1. Design History
2.2. Section I Game Overview
2.3. Section II Gameplay Mechanics
2.3.1. Screen Flow Chart
2.4. Section III Story, Setting and Character
2.5. Section IV Levels
2.6. Section V - Interface
2.7. Section VI Artificial Intelligence
2.8. Section VII Technical
2.9. Section VIII Game Art

Section IX Secondary Software


Section X Management



3. Design History Initially started in 2013, the game was proposed as a SIP utilizing sound
as a means for player interaction and travel within a game world. After some time spent
learning about game design a demo level has been under slow production. The game has now
transitioned to a pet project for project lead Daniel Riccardi.

4. Section 1 Game Overview

4.1. Game Concept A first person adventure/puzzle solver in which the player must find
out the reason they are now stuck in this empty world that reacts drastically to sound.
The player will utilize sound waves and other auditory based concepts and mechanics to
see and interact with the world of Requiem.
4.2. Features The game features the player moving around a small city that can only be
seen by utilizing sound to illuminate and interact with the environment. Sound waves
would roll across the world similar to how sound acts and in doing so the sound would
illuminate important parts of the environment and direct the player through the city. The
player will shift between utilizing this and the many other facets of sound to navigate,
solve puzzles, and explore the world of Requiem. All sound based functions would be
controllable by player audio input or internal audio files so as to capture the realism of
how sound works, travels, and interacts with the environment.
4.3. Genre First person adventure/puzzle solver
4.4. Target Audience The target audience is individuals 12 and up with a major focus on
players that enjoy puzzle solving in their games. The game is also meant to attract
people interested with how sound functions while getting to experience a fun world.
4.5. Game Flow The character will explore the world at their leisure, in short a sandbox
styled environment throughout different areas of the city. The puzzles and exploration

will start off with simple puzzles and introduce more mechanics as the player progresses
through each part of the city and the puzzles will get hard with the inclusion of the
aforementioned mechanics while utilizing them in interesting and challenging ways.
4.6. Graphic Style The environment will be in 3D and it will become more detailed as the
player progresses through the game, will start out with basic geometric shapes but will
gain contrast and details as the story advances, visuals will get progressively more
realistic as the players abilities grow.
4.7. Game Scope
4.7.1. Number of sectors: 6 separate sectors roughly the size of a 3X2 city block
4.7.2. Number of buildings and areas to explore: 20 buildings, 4 parks, and six open lots
4.7.3. Number of Puzzle Types: Frequency, volume, pitch, all combinations of previous
3, timing, platforming,
4.7.4. Miscellaneous
5. Section 2 Gameplay and Mechanics
5.1. Gameplay
5.1.1. Gameplay Progression The player will move from area to area solving puzzles
and collecting powers. The environment will change to accommodate the new
power and features that the player will come to face as the continue to complete
each area.
5.1.2. Puzzle Structure The puzzles will start with simple mechanics that utilize the
players current abilities, as the player gets more powers the game will throw more
puzzles at the player to capitalize on these powers and the puzzles will begin to

incorporate these different aspects into the puzzles while setting them up in more
challenging ways the further the player gets into the game.
5.1.3. Objective The player will move throughout the sector exploring the buildings
and open areas, while sand box in style the direction of the puzzle solving will still
remain linear. Ultimately the players goal is to find out what is going on with these
powers and what exactly happened within the city.
5.1.4. Flow The player will solve puzzles to explore more of the sector, occasionally
figuring out additional aspects of their sound based power, and eventually find their
way to the passage that will lead them to the next sector.
5.2. Mechanics - The world is ruled by sound, changing the frequency may allow for a shift
of perspective or general shifting of space, sound will have a physical presence being
able to interact with and influence other objects whether it be in position within the
world or by altering the state of said object.
5.3. Physics Altering physics depending on frequency and physicality of the environment
such as the state of the objects/surfaces. The normal physics will be similar to the real
world outside of any alterations utilizing the powers the player has been given.
Frequency shift me increase or decrease physical properties within the given
environment allowing for easier movement or simply to help solve puzzles.
5.4. Movement Players will move the character around the world in a similar fashion to
how people would normally move unless the state of the area has changed.
5.5. Movement ability
5.5.1. Players will control the character with the WASD keys for movement in all

5.5.2. Players will use the mouse to look around

5.5.3. Players will be able to jump using the space bar
5.6. Objects
5.6.1. Movable objects many puzzles will utilize moving objects within the
environment to solve the puzzles.
5.6.2. Pickup objects The player will be able to move smaller objects within the
environment within reason and given the current state of the environment.
5.6.3. Breakable objects Some objects in the environment will be breakable which will
tie in to exploration and puzzle solving.
5.7. Actions
5.7.1. Powers The player will utilize the many powers they acquire over the course of
the game with the player able to change the currently equipped power on the fly.
This power would then be activated through keyboard input or internal game
5.7.2. Picking up, carrying, and dropping items Player may utilize these actions to
solve pressure puzzles or create a means for moving to different areas.
5.7.3. Talking Not so much talking but the player will emit sound to interact with the
5.7.4. Reading There will be no reading.
5.8. Combat There is no combat in this game.
5.9. Economy There is no economy or currency system within the game.
6. Screen Flow

6.1. Screen Flow Chart Main Menu Screen Load Save Screen Level Screen
Pause Screen Options Screen
6.2. Screen Descriptions
6.2.1. Main Menu Screen On this screen the player will be able to start a new game,
load a saved game, choose a level to start from, open the options screen, or open the
6.2.2. Options Screen On this screen the player can make alterations to the display,
volume, controls, etc.
6.2.3. Load Save Screen On this screen the player will be able to select save files to
load into a specific instance of the game they have player.
6.2.4. Level Screen The basic screen through which the gameplay takes place.
6.2.5. Pause Screen On this screen the player can access the options screen, save/load
the game, or exit the game.
6.3. Game Options The player can alter the brightness settings, volume, and visual quality
from the options.
6.4. Replaying and Saving The game saves after the player finishes a level or they can
save on their own through the pause menu. Replaying brings nothing new to the game as
everything simply resets.
6.5. Cheats and Easter Eggs There are no cheats or easter eggs in this game.
7. Section III Story, Setting and Character
7.1. Story and Narrative
7.1.1. Back Story The player character lived a normal life but was born blind, he lived
with his older brother for several years until he got older. One day he learns of a

special surgery that could help him see so he quickly applies and undergoes surgery.
After getting home he passes out for several days, when he wakes up again he goes
to see what the world looks like for the first time.
7.1.2. Plot Elements The player is moving throughout the city trying to understand
why he cant seem to find anyone and why things are suddenly so different from
what he had originally perceived them to be.
7.1.3. Story Progression The player starts off with the basic ability to emit a sound
wave that allows him to see the environment around him. As the player overcomes
obstacles and challenges they will unlock new abilities and move deeper into the
city to try and find answers as to what is going on.
7.1.4. License Considerations N/A
7.1.5. Cut Scenes N/A
7.1.6. Game World

General look and feel of the world The game world is very sharp and

plain with the starting visuals being simple geometric shapes to give the player
a vague idea of where they are within the city with few details which feeds into
simply production in the early game and the environment will get more
detailed as the player progresses further in the game and moves deeper into the
7.1.7. Characters There will be the player character (protagonist), the players brother,
and the doctor that performed the surgery.
8. Section IV Levels

8.1. Sector 1: Outer Residential District Throughout this level the player will be getting a
grip on their newfound power by using it for exploration and navigation. Visually the
simplest of the 6 sectors. After finishing this sector the player will be able to direct their
sound, essentially a new power.
8.2. Sector 2: Outer Market District In this district the player will utilize their new power
to locate items in the environment and open up certain areas in the level with more focus
on solving puzzles than navigating the environment. Visually it is almost the same as the
last district with slightly more detail strewn through the environment. At the end of the
sector the player will develop the power increase/decrease the pitch of their sound which
will allow them to alter the power/duration ratio of the sound emitted.
8.3. Sector 3: Midlane Residential District Slightly more detailed environment. Puzzles
will utilize the players ability to influence Pitch. At the end of the sector the player will
develop the ability to influence the Frequency which will alter the worlds physical state.
8.4. Sector 4: Midlane Market District Modestly detailed environment. The puzzles here
will utilize the players ability to manipulate the Frequency. At this point the player has
obtained all of the new powers. So instead the player will uncover narrative elements to
further the story.
8.5. Sector 5: Hiland Market District Increase in environment detail. Here the puzzles
will begin combining the need for the different powers. The player will uncover more
narrative elements as they move through the sector.
8.6. Sector 6: Hiland Residential District This final district will utilize all the powers at
the players disposal with each puzzle pushing them to use their powers to the fullest. The
environment will look the most realistic of all the levels.

9. Section V - Interface
9.1. Visual System
9.1.1. HUD There are no HUD elements as there is no combat or health system and
the player is meant to have a full and clear view of the area around them.
9.1.2. Menus The player will be able to access the pause menu by pressing escape and
from here the player can make adjustments to the aesthetics, save/load the game, or
exit out of the current session.
9.1.3. Camera The game will be shown from the First person perspective.
9.1.4. Lighting - Given the blank nature of the environment will not be an issue.
9.2. Control System The player will control the game through the keyboard and mouse.
The player will move with the WASD and utilize sound with the mouse which will be
used to aim the players view. They will be able to influence the pitch with the mouse
wheel and toggle the frequency with ZXC.
9.3. Audio Audio will be relayed through the computers speakers or players headphones
and the game will incorporate a audio system so that the player can speak and that will
translate over to the game mechanics.
9.4. Music There will be a light song and if the player doesnt utilize the audio input the
player will produce music notes or tones as they use their powers.
9.5. Sound Effects As stated before the sound the player makes will produce music if they
arent using the audio input.
9.6. Help system N/A
10. Section VI Artificial Intelligence

Oppenent AI N/A


Enemy AI N/A


Non-combat Characters N/A


Friendly Characters N/A


Support AI - N/A

11. Section VII Technical


Target Hardware Computer


Development Hardware/Software N/A


Development Procedures and Standards


Game Engine Unreal Engine 3


Network - No network functionality


Scripting Language N/A



12. Section VIII Game Art


Concept Art


Style Guides







13. Section IX Secondary Software






Update Software N/A

14. Section X Management


Detailed Schedule Development will begin with the draft levels of the first few

areas where the abilities would be obtained, during this time the artists will be working
on concept work for the puzzles and the several sectors of the game.



Risk Analysis Given the finicky nature of the concept and mechanics the game

may not catch on and given the amount of time invested in developing said mechanic
and the game alone my result in a modest financial set back if the game fails to pick up
any interest once it hits the market.

Localization Plan Initial release will be purely English with no immediate

plans for larger levels of distribution. If sales show decent progress than work would go
into bringing in translators and programmers to set up the other languages within the
game. Given the nature of the audio mechanic no localization would be needed here
since the mechanic is simply monitoring the sound produced.

Test Plan The most important aspect of the game would be the audio mechanic

so long term testing and development would go into this asset first and foremost so that
the game can then be developed around it. From here the team will perform testing with
the several puzzles to insure that they work and that the game itself can be cheated in
too many ways if any.
15. Appendices

Asset list

15.1.1. Art The art will be found within the Art Design Document that was put together
by the animators and artists working on the game project.

Model and Tecture List

Animation List

Effects List

15.1.2. Sound

Environmental Sounds

Interface Sounds

15.1.3. Music




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