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Candidates name..
Description of job


Job Risk Assessment

Hazard table tick as necessary

Person at risk

A Falling
B Tripping/ Slipping
Preventative measures
C Trapping
D Flying Particles
E Fire/ Flammable Atmosphere
F Oxygen Enrichment
G Collapse
H Overturning
I Electric Shock
J Moving Machinery/ Parts
K Moving Vehicles
L Drowning
M Noise
N Asphyxiation
O Burns
P Burning/ Explosion Risk
Q Vibration
R Oxygen Depletion
S Protruding Objects/ Parts
T Substances/ Fumes/ Dusts
U Other
Instructions and documentation for job (attach any documentation and
photographs to continuation sheet)

Preparation of materials and working areas

Iaaued: 16/06/05

Tools and equipment used and preparation.

Marking out methods

Progression of the job (what was done, methods used, who worked with, etc.)

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Quality checks (monitoring and checking at all stages of the production)

Problems encountered during job and how solved

Completion (Return of materials and tools, tidying of area, removal of surplus

materials and waste)

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