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Edward T Hall Framework

Time (Decision Making)

Context (Communication)
Space (Org Structure / Decision Making)

Monochromic Polychromic
One thins at a time Multiple activities at once
Rigid approach to time Flexible approach to time
Strict agenda No strict agenda
Focus on task Focus on relationship
Completion of job is important Relationships more important than the job
Emphasize promptness Promptness based on relationship

Business in other countries, people perception on time is different. Such as scheduling

meetings, participating in conference calls or planning a project, all this can be affected
by attitude to time.

Culture of the country also had affect the way people view time. Polychromic culture
tends to focus more on relationship (family, friends) compare to monochromic culture.

High context culture  much is taken for granted
Low context culture  very little is taken for granted

Factor High Low

Use of non-verbal Much non-verbal More focus on verbal
communication communication communication than body
Expression of reaction Reserved, inward reaction Visible, external, outward
Cohesion and separation of Strong distinction between Flexible and open grouping
groups in-group and out-group. patterns.
Strong sense of family Changing as needed.
People Bond (relationship) Strong people bonds with Fragile bond between
affiliation to family and people with little sense of
country loyalty.

Low context culture

A highly mobile environment where people come and go

High context culture

With stable population and the culture mature over time.

Space is important especially personal space/

When a person personal space is being invaded it will create discomfort

Space between people or where things are position in a room or during meeting have
different meaning to people from different culture, can affect businesses and

Every culture has a hidden cultural rules concerning physical space between people when

Side note
South Africa  Sub-Saharan Africa Region (Huntington)
Known as black Africa which mean black population

History of S.A.

1652, Dutch, East India Company

1795, Great Britain

In between, France

1803, Dutch

1806, Britain (British)

Ubuntu (One founding principle of S.A.)

Open and available to others, affirming of others, does not feel threaten that other are
being able and good… etc.
Is about the fact that you can’t exist as human being alone.
Concept of Ubuntu is used in political to emphasize the need for unity or consensus in
decision making as well as to inform decision.
Hofstede Studies:

Country Power Distance Individualism Masculinity Vs Uncertainty

Vs Collectivism Feminity Avoidance
South Africa 49 65 63 49
West Africa 77 20 46 54
East Africa 64 27 41 52

The three countries belong to the same region identify by Huntington as the Sub-Saharan
Africa Region.

Next phase:

Use framework combines with background to analyze culture of S.A.


According to Hofstede individualism vs collectivism of Singapore is 74. The figure show

that Singapore is lean toward an individualism country. Individualism is the (meaning)
(who, 1999). The individualist thinking of Singapore may due to the education of the
country as the educations setting are of western culture. This create a westerner culture
mindset in Singaporean and people tend to work toward own merit and believe that
individual is important.

Note: the individualism and collectivism figure is inaccurate for Singapore (20). I only
use it as an example.

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