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Climate Change (Emphasis on causes)

I. (Attention Getter) [Intro Music][Crash Sound] What was that crash? Well, that was the sound of an
iceberg splitting and falling into the ocean. Because temperatures around the world are rising, our ice caps
are melting. Why? Climate change. There are a lot of people talking about climate change and global
warming and how they may or may not believe in it? Well, what exactly is global warming? Does is actually
exist? What is responsible for bringing it about? These are only a couple of questions that are being asked
about climate change.
II. (Audience Adaptation). You may hear about climate change here and there. Though, some of the time it
is not being talked about in any seriousness.
III. (Purpose) If you don't pay attention to the seldom reports of climate change, this podcast provides
useful information and dicoveries about how the climate is changing, and helps you realize that these
changes are happening now, and just getting worse.
IV. (Preview) My name is Marina and today I will be expanding on three aspects of climate change.
A. First, Ill discuss what exactly climate change is.
B. Second, I will tell you about what is causing the change in climate.
C. Third, I will try to encourage you to help hinder global warming by giving you tips on conservation of

Let us start exploring with what exactly climate change is.

Climate change, or Global warming as some refer to is the heating and cooling of the Earth.
A. These changes in the Earth are brought about by the variance in gases. Gases that
contribute to the changes are:
1.Carbon Dioxide, which is released through natural processes and human activities.
2. Methane,which is produced through natural means and human activities.
3. Water Vapor, the most abundant greenhouse gases and one of the most important
feedback mechanisms.
4. Nitrous Oxide, which is released through human activities.
5.Chlorofluorocarbons, which are synthetic compounds of industrial origin.

Now, how exactly are those gases changing the planet?

Human activities are a major cause to the climate changing. They solely produce two of the gases that
cause global warming, and cant be found naturally.

A. The human activities that emit gases include:

1.The burning of fossil fuels such as coal and oil release carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide.
Biomass burning, the combustion of organic matter, also releases nitrous oxide.
2.Deforestation, the permanant destruction of forested areas to make the land available for
other uses, makes the carbon dioxide levels rise, since there is no plant-life to process the CO2 into
3.The decomposing waste left in landfills releases methane, as well as manure
management from livestock.
4.Agriculture and rice cultivation also releases methane. Any commercial and organic
fertilizers release nitrous oxide into the atmosphere as well.
B: The natural producers of the other gases are:
1.Volcanoes erupting, which cause an increase in the carbon dioxide levels of a region,
which can be short or long term.
2.Temperature, which is the main controller of water vapor.
3.Changes in solar radiation, that is, how much energy the sun is putting out, and where
the Earth is in orbit around the sun.
4.The tilt of the Earth can also be a cause of climate change.
5. Changes in the reflectivity of Earths atmosphere.

How each gas pollutes the atmosphere can result in a cooling or warming phenomenon. That is
determined by reflecting and trapping.

Now that we have explored the causes behind climate change, how can we as a people
help prevent further harm to our plant?

.Some things that we can do to help our planet are:

A. Recycle! That is a major component to cleaning up the landfills. There are so many things that are
just thrown in the trash, that can instead be recycled. All those old moving boxes you have lying
around from your last move, why not recycle them? You can make it fun by making things out of
them too!
B. Use alternate sources of energy. You can harness the power of natural sources like solar energy or
wind energy. It may be a more expensive option, but it definitely pays for itself in the long run, and
you get the added benefit of helping your planet.
C. Improve design and efficiency of building and farms.
D. Mitigate against extensive resource consumption by managing the resources you use.
E. Above all else, learn. Learn what is going on around you, and that way you can learn how to
improve the working of the system. Nothing can be changed or improved without those willing to
learn and help.

After exploring some of the options available to take a stance against global warming, I
would like to conclude this podcast with some final remarks.

I encourage you to keep in mind, that though you may feel like you cant make a difference as one person,
you can. Our world will only keep getting worse and less hospitable, especially for future generations. We
dont see the worst of yet, so why not make it a little easier on the generations to come? Every small action
provides a reaction, and every reaction grows to mean something important.


"Action at Home."
Government of Canada, Environment Canada.
Web. 10 Aug. 2015.
"Global Climate Change."
Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet
. Web. 10 Aug. 2015.
Environmental News, Green Living and Sustainable Business."
. 8 Aug. 2015. Web. 10 Aug.

"US Environmental Protection Agency."

. Environmental Protection Agency. Web. 10 Aug. 2015.

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