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Diagnostic Exam Item Breakdown

1. 6. Comma
7. 11. Fragment
12. 16. Run-on
17. 19. Apostrophe
20. 22. Semicolon
23. 25. Quotation marks
26. 28. Wordiness/streamlining
29. 31. Colon
32. 34. Capitalization
35. 37. Parts of speech
38. 40. Active verbs
41. Appropriate language
42. Comma
43. 45. Parallelism
46. Point of view shift
47. Verb shift
48. Direct indirect shift
49. 51. Pronoun & antecedent agreement
52. Pronoun reference
53. Who/whom
54. 56. Misplaced & dangling modifiers
57. Dash
58. Numbers
59. Numbers
61. 70. MLA

Eng 101

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