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McKinley Middle School

World Geography
Welcome to 6th Grade World Geography! This year well be learning about the physical, political and human
geography of our world. Students will learn how to read maps, identify landmarks, continents and countries and
how humans and the environment support and destroy each other, all through a unique narrative. By the end of
this class, students will be prepared to intelligently interact with and discuss the world around them as well as
succeed in their upper middle school and high school years.


Daily Materials

Rather than just focusing on testing and textbooks

(although we will use both of those things), students will
experience geography through a one-of-a-kind Earth
Resettlement Narrative. Scholars are transported to the
year 2815 and transform into a task force charged with
resettling Earth after humans abandoned it 500 years
ago. As they study the physical, political and cultural
Earth of 2015, students locate, design and even build
their own Earth settlements, honing their creative, critical
thinking and public speaking skills in the process.

Students should always have the following in

1 binder with 4 sections
o Homework
o Notes
o Test/Quizzes
o Projects
1 Composition Notebook
Pencil Case with
o Number 2 pencils
o Black or Blue Pen
o Colored Pencils
o Extra erasers

Homework Policy
Sixth grade can be a difficult adjustment for many
students, especially in terms of work load. As such, I try to
keep homework to a minimum; generally anything
students need to do for homework is work not completed
in class. When I do assign separate homework, it is
imperative it is completed by the next class period.
Students will be required to record their homework (even
None) in their planner each day and will have random
checks to ensure this strategy is being used. If students
struggle in completing homework, parents will be asked
to sign off on their planner nightly for at least 2 weeks.

Contact Information
Although I will make a point of connecting with
parents on a regular basis, please dont hesitate to
reach out at any time for any reason.
(202) 281-3950

class website:

Final grades compile a number of factors, and
focus primarily on student growth.


Students will have 2 weeks to make up or re-do

any assignment and are independently
responsible for scheduling that make up time
and/or informing me of an intent to re-do work.
Tests/Quizzes, Projects/Essays, and
Homework/Classwork demonstrate a students
understanding of the concepts and material in
class; Participation assesses student listening and
speaking responsibility as well as respectfulness,
responsibility and self-advocacy. These are
important elements of success in school and in
life and improvement in these areas will ensure a
great experience for individuals and the class as a

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