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During cellular respiration one

molecule of glucose is first broken
down into two molecules of
a Acetic acid
b Pyruvic acid
c Lactic acid
d None of the above
Right part of the human heart
a Oxygenated blood
b Mixed blood
c Deoxygenated blood
d No blood
Involuntary actions including
blood pressure, salivation and
vomiting are controlled by
_________ in the hind brain
a Medals
b Cerebellum
c Medulla
d Cerebrum
The endocrine organ present in
human female but not in human
male is
a Testis
b Ovary
c Pituitary gland
d Thymus
Where are sperms formed in the
human body?
a Vas deferens
b Prostate gland
c Ovary
d Testis

The number of Autosomes in a

human body cell is
a 44
b 46
c 22
d 23
7 The enzyme pepsin is inactive in
stomach without the presence of
(a) Nitric acid
(b) Hydrochloric acid
(c) Acetic acid
(d) Butyric acid
8 The gap between two neutrons is
called ______
(a) Synapse
(b) Synthesise
(c) Dendron
(d) Axon
9 An animal which can reproduce
by budding is
(a) Bryophyllym
(b) Yeast

(c) Hydra
(d) All of the above
10 Male reproductive organ in
flowering plant is
(a) Carpel
(b) Stamen
(c) Corolla
(d) Ovary
11 The F2 phenotype ratio of a
monohybrid cross studied by
Mendel is
(a) 1:1
(b) 2:1
(c) 3:1
(d) 4:1
12 If T is for tallness for dwarfness,
what shall be the genotype of a
tall pea plant according to
(a) TT
(b) Tt
(c) Either TT or Tt
(d) Tt
13 In photosynthesis process,
atmospheric carbon di oxide is
_____ to carbohydrates
(a) Oxidized
(b) Reduced
(c) Neutralized
(d) Burnt
14 The transport of soluble products
of photosynthesis is called
translocation and occurs in the
part of the vascular tissue called
(a) Xylem
(b) Sclerenchyma
(c) Phloem
(d) Collenchyma
15 _______ is a growth inhibiter
hormone in plants
(a) Auxin
(b) Cytokinin
(c) Abscicic acid
(d) Gibberellic acid
16 People living in coastal areas
suffer less from goiter .this is
(a) They eat sea food
(b) They drink sea water
(c) They bathe in sea water
(d) All of the above
17 Copper T and Loops are
(A) Contraceptive
(B) Conventional
(C) Conducive devices
(D)Contaminating devices

18 ______ is a common tube for urine

and sperm in human male
(a) Urethra
(b) Uterus
(c) Ureter
(d) None of the above
19 A Yellow and Round seeded pea
plant has genotype YyRr. The
gametes produced shall be
(a) Yy, Rr
(b) YR, yR, Yr, yr
(c) YR, yr
(d) Y, y, R, r

20 In a terrestrial ecosystem the

biomass of __________ should be
the most
(a) Herbivore
(b) Carnivore4
(c) Producer
(d) Anyone of the above
21 Identify the proper food chain
(a) Grass---frog----insect----snake
(b) Grass---insect---frog---snake
(c) Insect---frog---grass----snake
(d) Grass---frog----snake---insect

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