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Discover the hidden secrets of the Subconscious Mind to Obtain All you Wish

Author: Bonifacio Sulprizio


All right reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without written permission from the Author.

Disclaimer and term of use: Efforts have been made to ensure that the content in this book is accurate, exhaustive
and professional, however, the author do not warrant the accuracy of the information and text within the book. The
author do not hold any responsibility for mistakes, omissions or contrary interpretation of the subject matter herein.

The author of this book does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment
for physical, emotional, or medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. The
intent of the author is only to offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for emotional and
spiritual well-being. In the event you use any of the information in this book for yourself, the author assume no
responsibility for your actions

Dear Reader,
I want to thank you and congratulate for downloading the book The
Great Subconscious. Im an Engineer and I currently hold a position of
Business Executive in an Italian Company. All along my passion is the
study of the human mind. This strong passion for the mind pushed me to
write the The Great Subconscious in a simple and pragmatic approach
aimed to improve the lives of everyone. In the book Ill refer to stories
and anecdotes of famous people such as Pel, Maradona, Thomas
Edison, Milton Erickson, Mohammed Al to demonstrate how you can
get great results.
If you wish to contact me, Ill be glad to get your question, opinion or
I highly appreciate your kind review.
With Best Regards

Table of Content
Chapter 1: How our mind works
Chapter 2: How mind determines health
Chapter 3: How to achieve personal goals


The power of the subconscious mind is perhaps the biggest secret

ever revealed. The truth is that the mechanism by which the mind
operates is known and it is unequivocally clear and extraordinarily
Starting from our thoughts they determine our behavior which, in
turn, produce the results of our existence, such as a long and healthy
life, a harmonious family life, job satisfaction. The purpose of this
course is to explain, the concepts related to the mind that have a
practical application and which are extrapolated from various areas
such as biology, epigenetics, Neuro-linguistics programming,



I will also refer to stories of famous people such as Pel, Maradona,
Mohammed Al, Thomas Edison, Milton Erickson and my own
personal experiences to demonstrate, with concrete facts, how you
can get great results applying the rules of the subconscious mind.

How our mind works
Whether we like it or not, we are all programmed, just like a robot.
Not only that, as the headline on the front page of the magazine U.S.
News: We are aware of only 5% of our cognitive activities. All the
remaining 95 % is controlled by the subconscious mind that puts
into practice the programs loaded into it.
Now youre probably thinking: But how is this possible? Dont we
have the capability to be a thinking entity and endowed with free
The answer is that certainly we have this capability, but we use it
very little, only 5 % over our day. While, for the remaining part, our
existence might be imagined as were guided by an autopilot - the
subconscious mind to whom, almost unconsciously we entrust our
lives. This happens, for example, during the working hours,
especially when we carry out work characterized by manual and
repetitive activities, or when we drive a car. How is the subconscious
mind programmed? And by whom?

We have received most of the programs since we were in the belly of

our mother until the age of six years; at this time, we are particularly
receptive to absorb stimuli that come from the environment and, in
particular, from our parents.
So, for instance, a child who sees one of his parents frightened by a
snake, receives, directly into his subconscious, the program that
controls the behavior to be used in similar cases. Therefore, when
the child will become an adult, unless in the meantime corrective
actions have been taken, even at the sight of the smallest snake, the
subconscious will apply the program received from the parents in
the childhood, through escape responses and feelings of fear and
Ultimately, our subconscious operates as if it was a recorder, which
by pressing the Record button, appropriates messages, images,
emotions, sounds, smells and it is then activated by pressing the
Play button every time we are in similar situations experienced the
first time.
Our mind is composed of two main parts: the conscious mind and
the subconscious mind. The conscious mind is the part of the mind
that we use when we analyze, review and evaluate the facts and
circumstances, using logic and rationality.We use it for example,

when we decide the objectives of our lives or when we start to learn

something new, like a sport, dance, or a work.
The power of the mind is measured by counting the number of nerve
impulses generated per second. For the conscious mind the number
of nerve impulses per second is about 40. The subconscious mind
instead governs all the processes of our body, such as, for example,
respiration, digestion, blood circulation, sweating and regulation of
body temperature.
In addition, the subconscious mind governs simultaneously all the
activities we perform routinely and almost automatically, without
even realizing the extraordinary power and complexity with which
run with the perfection of the whole.
Let us consider the case in which we are driving the car and
converse with the person who is near us, how many times in such
occasions we did not even realize that weve run for tens of
kilometers - stopping at traffic lights, performing overtaking, curves
- and weve arrived to the destination at the time established. Who
drove the car is the subconscious mind!
The power of the subconscious mind is simply immense: 40.000.000
pulses per second. This means it is a million times more powerful

than the conscious mind! To make us more aware of this size,

imagine for a few moments to entrust the process of respiration to
the conscious mind, instead of the subconscious mind.
The first thing to keep in mind is that it is a continuous process that
does not allow distractions. Then begin. Lets give the first statement
to the lungs to dilate in order to introduce a certain amount of air...
well, it should be sufficient. Now we have to exhale the air out...
well, it seems done. Now we continue with inspiration... and so on.
But you must not get distracted: you must be continually focused on
breathing because, otherwise, the body would be affected and would
send the signal of warning such as: I cannot breathe, move the
mechanism... dont distract you!
But in the night how shall we do it? Do we have to stay awake?
Well, yes we do; we breathe also at night and it is thanks to the
extraordinary power of the subconscious, active 24 hours a day, that
we can govern respiration and control many processes at the same
SECRET n. 1: The knowledge of the working mechanisms of the
subconscious mind allows us to drive our life towards the goals
we have set ourselves.

It was August 30, 1963 when I was admitted to the hospital of

Popoli, the small village where I was born, in Italy. I remained there
for exactly 100 days and no one ever knew what disease I had. Of
those days I remember my almost constant state of weakness and
loss of appetite, the pallor of my face, the fevers that went away and
then returned, the comings and goings of doctors and nurses for pills
and injections, blood tests and x-rays. My family, of course, was
very close to me and followed with great concern the evolution of
my hospital stay. My parents frequently talked with the doctors. The
talks went on for a long time showing the evident difficulties of the
latter in diagnosing the disease. It was this difficulty that drove my
mother to rely on the oil of Saint Rocco, on which she was very
That evening, my mother came to the hospital later than usual, when
I was already sleeping and she came close to my bed. Gently she
started caressing me, making sure that I woke up. After a while, she
began to tell me about the opaque and cryptic attitude of the doctors.
My mother generally never spoke a long about these talks with the
doctors, but that evening her exasperation came out in its entirety: I
still remember very sharply her anger and determination against the
inept doctors.

Soon after, however, the expression of the face of my mother

changed and became very sweet and light while she was saying to
me that she had brought the oil of San Rocco. So she dipped the
finger in the oil, and while anointing my forehead, she pronounced
in a calm and quiet voice these words: Soon youll be fine; youll
have so much energy; youll go soon to play football with your
friends. In the following days, there was a progressive and general
improvement in my health and, after seven days, I was discharged
from the hospital and I returned immediately to school and to my
normal life.
How do you explain all this? What happened? Was it a miracle?
Despite being a believer, I do not think that it has been a miracle,
what I had experienced was the first great demonstration of the
extraordinary power of the mind. My mother, without knowing it,
had masterfully applied the rules that govern the mechanisms of the
The first rule is that the subconscious is literal in the sense that,
surprisingly, it takes everything literally and doesnt recognize
double meanings or humorous phrases: simply it processes to the
letter the instructions it receives! To be effective, the messages must
be formulated in a positive way, avoiding the phrases that contain
the negation not. In the episode of the hospital, my mother had

applied it really well: Soon youll be fine; youll have so much

energy, youll go soon to play football with your friends.
Now lets think about the case of an exasperated parent that, seeing
the persistent gaps in his child s mathematics learning, addressed to
him with phrases like: Youre a fool, Youre a moron.
The subconscious does not take into account in any way neither the
mood nor the nervousness of the parent, nor the fact that with those
claims, in essence, he wanted briefly to say something like: Dear
son, despite your commitment to the study of mathematics, I notice
that youve still got some gaps on some issues, so it would be better
for you to deepen them more.
On the contrary, the subconscious of the child will receive in a
literal mode the messages Im stupid and I am a moron. In
case of repeated and continuing claims of this type, the subconscious
will operate in order to implement these instructions. We must
therefore be careful to the verbal messages and reports we send to
our children. Our words must be always aimed to increase their selfesteem and confidence in their ability to succeed.
Who does not remember the great boxer Mohammed Ali. He
repeated in continuation to himself in front of the mirror: Im the

best! He expressed his desire to be a great boxer and this message,

with the obsessive repetition, had in fact programmed his
SECRET n. 2: The messages that we send to the subconscious
must take into account that it takes all surprisingly to letter.
In order to allow the messages reach the subconscious mind, it is
essential that the conscious mind, should be inactivated. The period
of the day in which this state of mind is available is the moment
immediately before going to sleep and subsequent to awakening.
Technically, the waves associated with this state are called Alpha
waves and have a frequency between 8 and 13 Hertz. In the episode
of the hospital, my mother, without knowing it, had applied very
well, in fact she had spoken to me right after my awakening.
Thomas Edison, the inventor of the light bulb, realized that he could
receive from the subconscious brilliant ideas in the moments prior to
falling asleep. But he had to solve the problem of remembering the
ideas that, most of the times, he couldnt retain because he fell

Therefore, one evening, after dinner, he decided to sit in an armchair

with arms dangling and clutching in the hands two balls of iron. In
this way, when he was falling asleep, the balls, by dropping on the
ground, produced noises and woke him up. In this way, he could
remember any ideas that were occurred in the moments immediately
before he fell asleep.
There are several ways to move to the state of Alfa relaxation
without waiting for the brief moments before falling asleep. You can
use the following method: Sitting comfortably on a chair, back
straight as much as possible because there is evidence that energy
flows better through our spine. Eyes closed, breath slow and well
relaxed. The shoulders are relaxed. The feet are firmly planted on the
ground. Now, relax your eyelids, for three times. It goes like this:
you close the eyes tightly and then you relax, letting this feeling
inundate the whole body, from head to feet. For three times. Now
imagine to look at the center of the forehead and then leave it there
until you can.
You are at the Alpha level, the level where you can program what
you want. The breath is slow and quiet, any noises dont bother us,
on the contrary, they deepen our level (if I am suddenly disturbed, it
does not matter, I will open my eyes smiling and I will not have any

unpleasant side effects, even a light daze will immediately go

To go to the state of relaxation, I also recommend the method
reported in the book Practical course of self-hypnosis of Cherith
Powell and Greg Forde. By practicing these methods, you may have
the sensation of not having reached a state of high quality relaxation.
But remember that, as for learning any other technique, more you
practice, the better you succeed.
SECRET n. 3: The state of relaxation, or Alpha state, is the state
we need to achieve in order to allow the passage of messages to
the subconscious.
The programs loaded into our subconscious can be of different
types. We have some programs that, in certain situations, let us be a
pleasant person who interacts positively with others, and who
inspires reliance; conversely, we can have others which, in different
contexts, lead us to behave as an unhelpful and surly person.
Others, in some cases, can lead us to unexplained anxiety or, under
other circumstances, to feelings of pleasure and joy. It is not always
so easy to identify the programs that we consider useful and positive

for the achievement of our goals, compared to those which on the

contrary, represent for us an obstacle.
However, it is important to recognize those systematic situations that
our subconscious implements in our existence and for which we
should undertake an improvement path.
SECRET n. 4: It is important to identify programs loaded into
our subconscious mind to improve our behavior.
Milton was born dyslexic, with a color blindness that allowed him to
see only the color purple and with a tone deafness that did not allow
him to hear the rhythm. At age of 17, he had the polio. The doctor,
after having visited him, reported to the mother that the boy would
have died the following day.
Milton understood the tragic response of the doctor and he promised
himself that he would have done everything to subvert the prognosis.
He sat motionless in his chair, and the only thing he could move
were his eyes.
He thought to follow with his glimpse the small sister who was
crawling around his chair; he identified himself deeply into her
when she moved, and he imagined every single muscle in his body

while he tensed and twitched. He went on incessantly, day after day,

seeing these pictures vividly in his mind. Muscle after muscle,
Milton re-educated his body, after a year he managed to walk with
the crutches. He enrolled at the Faculty of Medicine, and the
following year, he decided to embark on a canoe trip in the
Mississippi: he was able to paddle and travel 1900 km from dawn to
What I have just described is the story of Milton H. Erickson, one of
the most influential theorists of the so-called psychotherapy and the
short clinical hypnosis of the last century. As the story of Erickson
demonstrated, to achieve the goals we set, after entering the state of
relaxation (Alpha state) we have to send positive messages to the
subconscious mind, imagining and visualizing vividly what we want
to achieve, all in a state of intense emotional involvement.
The messages sent by the conscious mind to the subconscious must
be made certainly of sentences, but especially of images and
emotional charge. The words, alone, often turn out to be not quite
permeable so that they can act deeply in the subconscious.
Who does not remember the most beautiful goal in the history of
football? In the match Argentina-England, Diego Armando
Maradona, as a train, travelled 60 meters in 10 seconds, overcoming

six English players, included the goalkeeper, and then scored the
goal which lets him definitively become a legend. In such a short
time there was no possibility to think or assess what to do:
everything was inside the champion Maradona, who, in the game
with the British, showed to the whole world what he was capable of,
scoring the goal that he was waiting for.
During an interview, a few years ago, the same Maradona so,
literally, commented his miracle: It is the goal that I always wanted
to do in my whole life. What, intensely, we think, imagine, dream,
at the end will be realized.
SECRET n. 5: The messages sent by the conscious mind to the
subconscious, in addition to words, must contain emotions and
vivid visualizations.
The repetition of these messages is also a decisive factor in
particular, to remove established habits and replace them with new
ones. For this purpose is fundamental to repeat, repeat and then
repeat again the messages to the subconscious. It is said that the
great Pel, at the beginning of his career, showing the exceptional
qualities of a champion, yet suffered a lot when he had to deal with
the defenders of the North Europe teams. In fact, the tall, lanky

opponents, almost regularly, could jump more than him and hit with
their head the ball in advance.
Thats why he decided that he had to jump higher and overcome the
defenders of the northern teams. Every day, tirelessly and repeatedly,
he exercised jumping, saying to himself that he would add another
25 cm to its normal jump. After 13 long months of hard reps, Pele
obtained the expected goal.
SECRET n. 6: The repetition of messages, sent to the
subconscious, is an essential element which allows these
messages to become new habits.
The subconscious expresses all its immense potential when it faces a
target one by one. Large numbers of objectives, given at the same
time, create hindrance and reduce strongly the capacity for the
change we are requesting to it.
SECRET n. 7: Face a goal one by one: the subconscious
expresses in these conditions the maximum of its immense
A few years ago I participated in the trial of the fire walking.
When I told my friends the experience, almost all of them asked me

the same question: did you really walk on coals? And didnt you
burn your feet? One of the first programs that our subconscious
receives in the first weeks of life is the one related to the danger of
fire. Each time, even when we are distracted, our subconscious
detects this danger and operates in order to keep us at a safe distance
from the source of risk.
It is the same program that is also activated when one approaches
the walk on hot coals. In this case, the danger of fire is almost
completely inactivated by the low thermal conductivity of the coals,
which therefore avoids getting burned the feet. In any case, the
subconscious, not having the capacity of judgment, strongly opposes
resistance to practice this test. If the conscious mind could not
overcome the strength of the subconscious, it would be possible to
operate by sending positive affirmations to the subconscious in this
Reach the state of relaxation;
Imagine when you walk barefoot on hot coals repeating to yourself:
I walk quietly on coals and my feet are cold.

In his training sessions, the great trainer Anthony Robbins almost

always uses the fire walking to remove limits to people and burn
the deepest fears that can mark their existence.
It had been nine years since the Swedish Gunder Hagg had
established the record for the mile race with a time of 4 01 , and
the widespread belief among the athletes was to consider the limit of
4 minutes as absolutely impassable . The coaches and doctors also
reinforced this belief highlighting the potential dangers related to the
breaking of this limit: the human body would not endure such a
similar effort, with irreversible effects on the cardiovascular system.
This type of enterprise was listed as impossible.
But the British Roger Bannister did not have the same conviction of
the other athletes: he believed, in fact, to be able to break the limit of
4 minutes. He began to train privately and announced publicly that
he would run the mile in under 4 minutes. On May 6, 1954 on the
occasion of a university race, Bannister realized what was
considered to be impossible: a real limit had been shot down.
The most amazing fact was that, within a year, more than 300
athletes beat the record of 4 minutes. How was this possible?
Bannister had shown that it was possible to run in less than 4

minutes, and then he changed the beliefs of many athletes who had
had limiting beliefs until that moment.
As Bannister did, what we have to do is to believe in ourselves and
in the objective we have set; we need to transform I cannot do it in
I can do it , by visualizing what we want to achieve. We should
behave and act as if weve already achieved the goal we set; in this
way we program the subconscious in order to make real what we
The use of positive affirmations directed to the subconscious, can
unlock self limiting beliefs in obtaining success, in a certain context.
Examples of positive statements are like, I deserve to get all the
success which came into my life, Every day my success becomes
bigger and bigger. Repeating the affirmations several times during
the day, always after entering the state of relaxation, we will start to
reprogram our subconscious, in order to reach our objectives and
remove the mental barriers.
Remove mental barriers means replacing existing programs in our
subconscious that are no longer adequate, with others useful for our
growth and for achieving the results we expect. If you do not
activate this process with structural changes, our existence will be
characterized inevitably by habituation and routine.

With the imagination, bring yourself for a moment in the Paleolithic

era: start your days going out early in the morning, with bow, arrows
and sticks. You go into the woods to hunt and collect roots, fruits
and berries, and then return in the evening to shelter, where your
family is waiting impatiently to eat what you managed to get.
Imagine now that someone will come to tell you about a new and
more beneficial way to get the food: it is called agriculture. You,
curiously, listen and watch a demonstration of how it works: they
show you the seeds that should be placed in the ground, then
proceed with the watering.
At the end, you ask: But today what do I bring to feed my family
which is waiting for my food? They reply that you have to wait for
a long time before reaping the rewards. You dont go in depth in
what they propose to you, because you dont see any immediate
benefits, but only complications: without reflecting on it, you return
without delay to do what you have always done. It is with this
mindset that many hunter-gatherers faced the new concept. There
were a few who had the capability to get out the habits and look over
them; with the new technology, they saw rise greatly their conditions
of life for themselves and their families. The skepticism of the new
is the constant that recurs in all the period of transition between the
ages of civilization: from agriculture to industry and that which is

still ongoing, from the age of industry to the age of information and
SECRET n. 8: We need to get out from the circle of the
habituation: weve to identify the habits that create us obstacle
and remove them from our lives.
The great nineteenth-century French naturalist Jean Henry Fabre did
an experiment using the pine procession moth. These moths feed on
pine needles and use to move in single file, each one attached with
the head to the tail of the one preceding it.
Fabre took a large earthenware jar, where in the center was planted a
sapling pine, and he ordered the pine procession moths on the edge
of the earthenware jar in such a way that the first pine procession
moth was connected with the last, in order to form a complete circle.
After a few moments, the living circle began to move. Fabre was
curious to see how much time would elapse before the pine
procession moth would realize the trick. With great surprise, the
naturalist observed the inexorable march of the living circle for a
week, after which the pine procession moths began, one by one, to
die of starvation. Although there was all the necessary food, in a
very short space, the pine procession moths continued to march in

the usual circular path only because of the habit, reaching even to
die. In some ways we as human beings are similar to those pine
procession moths.
Often we do things only because we have always done them,
probably without asking ourselves whether it is useful or not. The
habits - or the programs loaded into the subconscious arent always
harmful. Indeed, if we evaluate some of them healthy and fruitful, it
is nothing more than a big advantage. In fact, they allow us to
perform certain tasks faster and with the least expenditure of energy.
On the other hand, it is important to identify those habits that do not
help us to achieve our desires. Its on these habits that weve to
intervene in order to avoid turning around the edge of the
earthenware jar for the rest of our lives.

SECRET n. 1: The knowledge of the working mechanisms of the
subconscious mind allows us to drive our life towards the goals
we have set ourselves.
SECRET n. 2: The messages that we send to the subconscious
must take into account that it takes all surprisingly to letter.
SECRET n. 3: The state of relaxation, or Alpha state, is the state
we need to achieve in order to allow the passage of messages to
the subconscious.
SECRET n. 4: It is important to identify programs loaded into
our subconscious mind to improve our behavior.
SECRET n. 5: The messages sent by the conscious mind to the
subconscious, in addition to words, must contain emotions and
vivid visualizations.
SECRET n. 6: The repetition of messages sent to the
subconscious is an essential element which allows this messages
to become new habits.

SECRET n. 7: Face a goal one by one: the subconscious

expresses in these conditions the maximum of its immense
SECRET n. 8: We need to get out from the circle of the
habituation: weve to identify the habits that create us obstacle
and remove them from our lives.

How mind determines health
Alessandro, a young man of twenty tall and muscular, every winter
invariably gets the flu. His parents remain often in bed for the same
reason. Their belief is that being periodically affected with flu is
normal and that, therefore, the regular arrival of fever at least once a
year - and the subsequent stay in bed for a week is inevitable.
This happens because one of the programs that is loaded into the
subconscious in every member of Alexanders family foresees that
the same subconscious, thanks to its huge power, operates so that the
body becomes ill during the cold season. Anyone who has a belief
like that who exists in the Alexanders family, most likely will stay
in bed for a week to cure the flu.
If we perceive ourselves as sick and weak, the subconscious mind
will make sure that this belief will be realized; conversely, if our
belief is to be regularly in good health, the subconscious will make
us feel full of energy and well-being. The beliefs, that make us feel
weak and sick, are created especially during our childhood, perhaps
because weve accompanied our parents to visit sick people in
hospitals and nursing homes, or because weve heard the speeches of

the grandparents describing in detail the hardships endured by the

various diseases they faced in the course of their existence.
These episodes, if repeated and frequent, are able to load into the
subconscious of the child the following program: Have some
disease occasionally is normal and is part of our existence. Sooner
or later the subconscious transmutes into practice the instruction
received, by getting various illnesses in the body.
The man, instead, is made to be in good health, not ill: this is the
rule! We are equipped with the innate self-healing system which
operates to restore the correct functioning of our body. It is through
this mechanism that for millions of years, humans have gone
forward, generation after generation, without having doctors
available and even overcoming the tough times of famine. The
pharmacist Emile Cou, who was born in France in 1857,
experienced the remarkable effectiveness of auto suggestion,
through the visits to patients (up to 15,000 in a year). He realized
that he could improve the health conditions of his patients through a
real reprogramming of the subconscious, performed with the
following two steps:
Bringing in the state of relaxation, or Alpha state;

Repeating for 20 times in a low voice, so that the ear can listen:
Every day, from all points of view, I am going better and better.
Dr. Coue required to do this exercise every morning and every night
before falling asleep. The Cou method is both preventive and
curative and should be followed for all the life. The American
Psychologist Association notes that from 75% to 90 % of outpatient
visits, made daily by doctors, are due to physical and mental
diseases and disorders related to stress.
In addition, a study on chronic stress conducted by the Department
of Clinical Studies La Sapienza University of Rome in collaboration
with the Italian Association against Stress and Cellular Aging, shows
that seven out of ten Italians die for stress-related pathologies: one
out of three is anxious, and 12 million and half of Italians make use
of anxiolytics and almost as many have had at least a period of
depression during their lifetime. The studies cited refer to negative
stress (also called distress or simply stress). For negative stress
we mean that source of tension that wears out and weakens us; when
we are in that state, for example, we react in a disproportionate way
to the stimulus.
The other type of stress is the positive one (also called eustress).
Eustress is the beneficial tension we feel when we engaging in

activities that we do with passion and pleasure, as for example, play

a football game or practice mountaineering. Why do stress is so
harmful to our health? And what does cause disease?
When our ancestors lived in tribes, they spent most of the day
hunting and grasping fruits and berries in the woods, in order to
protect their children and their territory. It could happen that some
members of the tribe were in danger for their lives, for example, in
case of sighting of wild animals, such as a tiger.
In order to effectively deal with such situations, the mechanism of
the so-called fight or flight endowed the body of a member of the
tribe with the maximum energy available to better face the battle
with the tiger, or to escape and save his life. Despite the evolution of
the man, today we have the same mechanism that is regularly
activated whenever we are in stressful situations; the difference
compared to our ancestors, is that itll be unlikely that it could
happen to find ourselves face to face with a fierce and hungry
Much more likely, the situations that we have to deal with are the
long queue of cars on the way from home to work, the queues at
checkouts of the supermarket, tensions with colleagues and superiors
at work. The difficulty arises from the fact that our body does the

same thing to help us in these situations, exactly as occurred to our

ancestors, committed to fighting with the tigers.
To prepare ourselves to deal effectively with the situation of danger,
the mechanism of fight or flight activates in our body three main
1. The blood vessels of the intestine contract and consequently the
blood flow is conveyed to the arms and legs. In this way, all the
energy is made available in the upper and lower limbs, both in the
case where we have to flee, or in case we have to fight. Obviously
the digestion process is stopped and simultaneously locks the
stimulus of hunger. It is the effect that each one of us has had the
opportunity to experience the morning before an exam: we feel the
stomach closed and we do not like to have breakfast. The
appointment with the examination causes stress to us and therefore
our body automatically activates the mechanism of fight or flight,
exactly as if we were to face the tiger.
2. Faced with the fierce beast, it is vital to have the maximum ability
to react instantly to events; every millisecond lost can be fatal, and
the tiger may have the upper hand on us. In these situations the
ability to reason in order to assess what should be done is useless:
we must be exclusively and immediately responsive.

It is for this reason that one of the effects on our body of the fight
or flight mechanism is to convey the blood flow from the front of
the brain, where lies our ability to reason, to the rear, appointed to
govern our reflexes and ability to react. In this way we are in a
condition of maximum reactivity and null or minimum capacity of
analysis, evaluation and rationality. How many times happened that
during an examination at the moment of giving the answers to the
professor, we were not be able to put together the concepts, connect
them to each other, to solve exercises? Instead, when we were in the
tranquillity of our room, to those same questions we knew how to
answer. What happened? What has changed?
It has changed our state: in our home, we were calm and quiet, in the
proximity of the examination, instead, we got a state of stress that
activated the mechanism of fight or flight . This state had taken
away our ability of reasoning and intelligence, in favor of the skill to
react. It was as if instead of the professor we were in front of the
3. Our body spends a huge amount of energy to maintain the
efficiency of the immune system. If we are in front of the tiger, our
only goal is to get out alive; so all energies must be available for
flight or fight, including the energies that make the immune system

work. The release of these energies, therefore, determines the

inactivation of our immune system.
The consequence of this inactivation is that our body isnt fully able
to stand up to the attacks of parasites, viruses and bacteria,
especially when repeated episodes of stress happen. Thats why
stress causes illness: disabling the immune system in order to make
available the energy to meet the situations of perceived danger, at
the end some microorganism will prevail and will determine in us
the disease. I talked about the perceived danger because, except for
very rare cases, in situations of stress, in reality we are never lifethreatening. The mechanism of fight or flight, however, triggers as
if we were, with the tiger in front of us ready to tear us to pieces.
The point is this: in our subconscious we have programs that activate
in us disproportionate reactions respect to the objective situations
that weve to face. Such disproportionate reactions, persisting over
time, will determine in our body a general weakness, lack of lucidity
and clarity of thought, impaired reasoning and a progressive
deterioration of our health conditions. What should we then do,
therefore, to effectively combat these situations? Is there a way to
improve our state?

The response is that with no doubt we can improve. But of course

requires commitment, perseverance and deep conviction that we can
change for the better. The first important step is to recognize and
identify situations that determine in us the state of stress. Sometimes
it is of immediate identification, in other cases we do not even
realize it. It often happens that people say to us: What happened to
you today? You have a distorted face! Other times, we recognize
the state of stress because we realize not to be able to perform
certain activities that usually we do easily.
Despite being able to swim, during the lunch break Andrew went to
the swimming pool and, to his astonishment, realized that he was not
in the condition to swim, so great was the tension he had
accumulated during the work. After having tried to swim, he had the
feedback from his instructor about his muscular rigidity; Andrew
was at the end aware of the degree of his stress.
Joe worked as a crane operator for 40 years in various construction
sites. The bus made available by its company for the trip to the
workplace had a fixed time, regardless of the destination of the
workplace, both outward and return. For Joe, the departure time was
16:00 of every Sunday. At that time Joe had to face his Tiger :
status of stress, block of digestion, nervousness, irritability.

It is ten years that, Joe is retired and, while not having to bear more
to work, every Sunday at 16:00 the Tiger comes back to him in
the same way as occurred to him while he had to work.
SECRET n. 9: Identifying and recognizing the circumstances
which generate in us stress is the first important step.
Consequently, we should put them under control.
Once you have identified the circumstances that cause recurrent
stress, we need to evaluate on which of these we have to work for
improving our state. The assessment should take into account two
The first one is that the situations are rooted in us because we carry
them with us for many years, or because they repeat themselves with
a very close range frequency, require more time to be changed.
The second point to consider is that, to achieve the maximum
effectiveness of the treatment, we need to work on them one by one.
Only after arranging the first, it will switch to the second and so on.
SECRET n. 10: We need to start from the list of situations that
generate in us stress; consequently we need to address them one

by one, beginning with what we believe to be the most critical /

Suppose your work takes you often keeping presentations and that
your recurrent situation of stress youve to face is public speaking.
Whenever you have in program to make presentations, and already
several days before the event, you begin to see in the distance the
tiger . Such circumstance consequently activates the fight and
flight system, with all the negative consequences for your health
and your performance.
Maybe the state of stress arises from a bad experience when you
were a child, during your very bad public play. At the end of the
show the teacher, hopping mad for his and your performance,
disregarding the basic rules of pedagogy, has severely reprimanded
you. This incident led to the loading in your subconscious the
program that provides to keep you away from situations where you
have to show something and others have to listen you.
But now you have chosen to permanently remove this program from
your subconscious mind and replace it with another that not only
will not create stress in you, but even will allow you to experience
pleasure when you are in direct contact with the public. So lets see
what are the steps you can take into account in order to remove the

existing program and to replace it with another that generates

pleasure during presentations:
1. The first step is to enter into a state of relaxation, or Alpha state;
more preferably in the evening before falling asleep or just after
waking up in the morning;
2. Imagine and visualize yourself vividly as you are going to do a
presentation to a group of people: visualize yourself in an upright
position while with full voice, modulating and engaging, you
interact with the audience. Imagine then that people will finally
shake your hand and compliment with you for the brilliant
3. Contextually to the point n.2, uttered with conviction phrases like:
Im a successful speaker;
I like to speak in public;
Im calm and relaxed;
People admire my public speaking skills;

Im confident about myself.

Repeat the exercise over time, with the certainty that the change
when you least expect it, it will come. Of course, it takes a bit of
time before a new program will replace the older, that you have used
for years and years. And it is the constancy in doing the exercises,
along with your deep conviction, that will accelerate the installation.
Its like when to expect the arrival of summer: sometimes the
persistent cold, storms and showers extend the bad season. Despite
not knowing exactly when it will happen, surely the summer always
SECRET n. 11: Through the implementation of targeted and
repeated exercises, we can transform the situations that before
caused us stress and discomfort in situations that generate
pleasure for us.
To achieve fast and precise reliefs from stressful situations, you can
act on one of the main symptoms that indicate us the level of
accumulated tension: the breath. When we are under stress, our
breathing begins to be short and we breathe quickly: in calm
conditions we breathe slowly and deeply, whereas under pressure we
accelerate the pace of breathing, more rapidly the higher the tension
level accumulated.

So, to return to the state of calm, we consciously slow down the

breathing and, at this point, we should say ourselves: I am calm and
relaxed. We continue up to when we do not feel really relaxed and
calm. Our subconscious will associate the slow breathing to the state
of relaxation that we feel when we sit comfortably in our favorite
SECRET n. 12: To get an instant benefit in cases of
accumulation of tension, we should breath slowly as we usually
do when we are comfortably seated in a state of relaxation.
There are many researches aimed to identify the recipe for live
longly and well. The communities of centenarians in various
countries in the world are the subjects of careful observation in order
to understand what allow their residents to easily overcome the
century of life. The most important communities of centenarians in
the world are those of:
Okinawa, in Japan;
Vilcabamba, in Ecuador;
Hunza, in Pakistan;

Ovodda in Italy;
Abkhazians, in Caucasus;
Crete, in Greece;
The communities of Mormons in Utah, United States.
There are many specific features that characterize and distinguish
each of these communities in terms of nutrition, lifestyle, social
There are other features that researchers have detected to be the
common factor that partially explains the long life of the residents of
these communities: eat moderately with a prevalence of plants,
participatory role in the community, manual activities until late in
life, good humor. In addition to these elements, the programming of
subconscious of those who are born into these communities plays an
important role.
Think how powerful is the message that a child receives from the
environment, by seeing around him sprightly centenarians still
digging in the garden and that diseases seem dont even touch them.

In other words, the belief that naturally people acquire, is: Crossing
the threshold of 100 years in good health is the norm.
The subconscious, therefore, with his power provide to organize 100
billion neurons, 100 trillion cells and 15 billion of billions of billions
of atoms present in our body in order to give practical effect to the
belief of living well in health, for over 100 years. I had the measure
of how the environment can influence the subconscious when I
visited my uncle Renzo. He was hospitalized at the long term home
care for the elderly people, just a few days before my visit.
Renzo was always cheerful and playful with a great desire to laugh.
Also that day, during the whole time of my visit, he was not denied:
Renzo was telling the stories of daily life at the nursing home in a
humorous tone, laughing and joking on nappies to keep day and
night and the paps to eat in substitution of the steaks.
We know that, the days of inpatients may come surrounded by long
silences, by faces that look off into space, the cries of those who
suffer. After a few months, when I came to visit again Renzo, I
found a changed person, it was not him; he had completely lost the
desire to laugh and joke, it was as if he was emptied from the

The environment in which he had lived for a few months was so

strong that it had a profound effect on him by transforming his mind:
he had absorbed all the sadness and the absence of vitality that the
place transmitted to him.
SECRET n. 13: The environment in which we are immersed has
the power to positively or negatively affect our subconscious.
Giulio believed in the ability of the good wizards to predict
events. Giulios friends told him about a well famous wizard who
practiced the profession in Turin. When in the sixty years Giulio
passed by those parties, dont let this opportunity escape to him to
meet and get predicted the future by the wizard. To the question of
Giulio: At what age will I die? the good wizard, without any
uncertainty, replied: You will live up to 95 years.
When Giulio returned to his village, pleased for the good news
received by the wizard, told to everybody about his experience in
Turin, pleased for the long life that the fate had reserved to him.
Giulio lived up to 96 years. His strong belief in the ability of the
wizard of Turin had triggered the power of his subconscious in that
it had brought him to exceed the threshold of 95 years.

The researchers of the University of Connecticut and Harvard

Medical School in the United States and University of Lincoln in
England, conducted a study published by the British Medical
Journal. They examined the effectiveness of the 4,378 people
medicines of the group that goes under the name of Z drugs,
widely used for insomnia. They made a placebo comparison on 65
different pills. The study shows that the bulk of the benefit of the
pills comes from their placebo effect and not on the active ingredient
contained in the drug.
This result turns out to be a proof of the extraordinary ability of the
subconscious to improve our state of health. Whenever we assume a
drug, in function of our belief in the healing abilities of that, we tend
to activate the subconscious mind, which works for our healing in
parallel with the drug itself. If positive thoughts may be able to heal,
whereas negative ones may affect our health. To this effect was
assigned the name of nocebo effect .
SECRET n. 14: with the placebo effect we can partially or
totally support our healing.

SECRET n. 9: Identifying and recognizing the circumstances
which generate in us stress is the first important step.
Consequently, we should put them under control.
SECRET n. 10: We need to start from the list of situations that
generate in us stress; consequently we need to address them one
by one, beginning with what we believe to be the most critical /
SECRET n. 11: Through the implementation of targeted and
repeated exercises, we can transform the situations that before
caused us stress and discomfort in situations that generate
pleasure for us.
SECRET n. 12: To get an instant benefit in cases of
accumulation of tension, we should breath slowly as we usually
do when we are comfortably seated in a state of relaxation.
SECRET n. 13: The environment in which we are immersed has
the power to positively or negatively affect our subconscious.

SECRET n. 14: With the placebo effect we can partially or

totally support our healing.

How to achieve personal goals
After my degree in Civil Engineering, I got a job abroad with a
company of supervision of the work in the construction of mountain
roads. The company had the task of checking the correct execution
of the various works, for example, bridges, tunnels, retaining walls,
bulkheads, flooring.
The construction of the roads was entrusted to another society. They
were the performers of the work; we had to check the compliance
with the requirements fixed by the specifications. The place of
employment was located close to the road to be carried out, in a
purpose-built village, where, in addition to the office building work,
there were houses for the group of technicians. I spent the first day
between the presentations of colleagues and the reading of the work
in progress. I met all the people again during dinner time. Later in
the evening, after having talked of this and that, one of the twenty
colleagues informed me about the agreement that was in force with
the company which made the road. The agreement, fully in
compliance with local legislation and with the consent of both
companies, provided for the lump-sum payment from the
construction company of the work, a figure equal to the maximum

permitted overtime hours eligible, even if in fact those hours were

not actually worked.
In other words, it was offered a monthly additional bonus to all the
company members of the work supervision, which incorporated to a
large extent the salary paid by our company. The colleague therefore
made me aware that all the twenty people had accepted the
agreement and, since formal acceptance of the agreement was
required, he asked me if I wanted to take part of it.
Without thinking much, I gave quickly my adhesion; the idea to see
increased the salary reinforced in me the goodness of the choice
taken. At the end of that first long day in the village, I felt very tired,
so I gave the good night to everybody and went in my house for a
good nights sleep. This, at least, was what I thought coming out of
the dining room; but unfortunately it wasnt a good nights sleep:
simply I didnt sleep. I thought many times about my decision to
join the agreement: I felt deeply shaken, sick. I was overcome by the
strong state of anxiety. I could not even give me a logic explanation
of this reaction. So it was that, early in the morning of the following
day, I met with the representative of the group and apologizing, I
communicated my final decision of not joining in the agreement.
What had determined in me that discomfort so deep till to induce me

to go against the decisions of the group and give up to the major

economic compensation?
To answer this question we should refer to the values. Of course we
are referring to the true values, such as love, solidarity, freedom of
thought. The values are the compasses that bring us towards the
achievement of lofty purposes. The values address our journey; lead
us to take the relevant decisions, to perform the corresponding
actions. For living happily and fully satisfied, we must be in
harmony with our deepest values. Every time we adhere to them, we
feel a great joy. Vice versa if we dont live in harmony with our
values, we will suffer a lot.
By deciding to join in the agreement, I was derogating to my
profound value of the freedom of thought, in favor of sordid
personal interests. Of course, these values had been transmitted to
me mostly by my parents, especially in their way of acting, as well
as by their words. The program that my subconscious contained, for
that specific situation, bade me, to meet priority the requirement of
my intellectual freedom. My conscious mind instead was telling me,
at the moment, to conform myself to the groups decisions and to the
utilitarian aspect represented by a major monthly income. As
described in the first chapter, the power of the subconscious is
abysmally larger than that of the conscious mind. Therefore, in case

of divergence between the two minds, it will almost certainly

succumb the conscious mind.
And thats just what happened to me: the subconscious was so
predominant in comparison to the conscious mind that it didnt give
me peace throughout all the night up to renege the decision taken the
night before. An illuminating example of the effects due to a lack of
alignment between the conscious mind and the subconscious is the
one depicted in the movie Shine.
The film, tells the true story of an Australian pianist David Helfgott.
Davids father, survived to the Holocaust, had strongly transmitted
to David the need of leading a family life, by behaving in a
confidential manner in order to avoid the possible threats that
contacts with the unfamiliar surroundings could imply.
David, however, knows to be a pianist of extraordinary talent and
want to deal with others. In contrast to the teaching of the father, he
decided to move to London. Here he manages to get finalist in an
important competition of the Academy. He decides to play what is
considered by many experts as the most difficult concert in the
world: the Concert no. 3 of Rachmaninov.

During the performance, David manifests immediately the tension

generated by the strong contrast between the two minds: the
subconscious mind that, through the program that the father had
transmitted to David from an early age, ordering him to stay retired
and not in front of so many people; the conscious mind that, on the
contrary, he had as objective to perform and show to people his great
talent. David, dripping with sweat, manages to bring to the
completion of the performance, but pays dearly, falling immediately
after and sinking into madness.
We have to obtain the alignment between our two minds. When we
realize this synergy, everything becomes very simple: we dont have
the need to reflect so much on the decisions to be taken, everything
seems already in us and what we have to do is just pull it off. When
instead we have a mismatch between the two minds, we make an
immense effort even to decide on little things.
SECRET n. 15: The alignment of the conscious mind with the
subconscious mind is an important requirement for obtaining
personal goals.
Barbara, a professional accountant, is 40 years old and her weight
varies between 300 and 330 pounds. She realizes that is reaching the
threshold of 330 pounds because she feels a strong desire to sleep

throughout the day. The hardships that alerts are among the most
diverse as, for example, inability to walk on paths also short if not
having frequent stops, sweating always abundant, low back pain.
Barbara is well informed and aware of the risks to her health caused
by obesity.
Many times she tried to lose weight and every time has stopped the
diet resuming eating with the solitary and nightly meal of 2:00 am
with the refrigerator opened. Why is it so difficult to achieve
personal goals such as that of Barbara to lose weight, or as that to
quit smoking or not to drink more alcohol? How ever that is, in the
face of our real and sincere desire to improve ourselves, we cant
achieve the expected result? What is the mechanism involved and
that hinders the natural fulfillment of our clear intent?
For which reason, in the cases in which, with difficulty, the hoped
result has been obtained, this causes the worsening of other aspects
of our life? This is what happens for example to people who stop
smoking: they become irritable, or tend to gain weight, or feel an
inner discomfort for the lack of cigarette. To answer to these
questions, we need to relate our desires, which always start from the
conscious mind, and check whether they are coherent with the
programs loaded into our subconscious.

In the case of Barbara, obviously her desire to lose weight and eat
less, dictated by her conscious mind, is in contrast with the program
of the subconscious concerning eating. Probably the subconscious of
Barbara has forfeited a program that could act as: Eat everything
and thoroughly because it makes you feel very good; eating, all
worries will disappear.With this imbalance between the two minds,
Barbara inevitably ends up to succumb.
Whoever wins is almost always the subconscious, because of its
enormous power greater than the conscious mind. Therefore, in
these conditions, Barbara at 2:00 am will continue to interrupt her
good intentions in front of the open refrigerator. It is therefore
necessary to change the existing program in the Barbaras
subconscious with another that causes her to eat less and better, to go
towards a perfect line and a state of full health. However, for this
type of objective it is important the support of a nutritionist in such a
way to ensure that, eating less food, this is properly balanced in its
constituents needed by the body.
To reprogram the subconscious mind, the steps to be taken every
day, preferably in the evening before going to sleep or in the
morning just after wake up, are:
Get yourself in the state of relaxation, or Alpha state;

Imagine yourself in the shape that you would like to achieve, if you
would go back to be like you were 15 years ago, visualize yourself
vividly that image;
Repeat affirmations like:
I eat small portions and I feel in form;
Im thin and in perfect health;
I feel full of energy and vitality;
The healthy foods and low in calories, keep me in good shape;
I eat only what my body needs.
Of course you can customize the statements as you wish, while
respecting the principles. Follow the steps as described having full
confidence and belief that the results will come sooner than you
SECRET n. 16: In order to achieve personal goals, it is
necessary to replace the programs loaded into the subconscious

with other programs that allow to acquire definitively new and

healthy habits.
When I enrolled in the first year of the Faculty of Engineering in
Italy I was quite confused about what was waiting for me. At that
time there was no Internet, so many news were found by word of
mouth. One piece of information that I had not yet very clear, was
the degree of basic preparation required for people who began the
Faculty of Engineering.
Coming from the technical secondary school, the preparation on
scientific subjects was notoriously low: topics of mathematical
analysis -such as limits, derivatives and integrals - were not even
mentioned. So it was that, attending the lectures of the first year, I
realized the big gap that I had and that I had to fill.
For two times, by entering into the classroom with lesson already
begun and peeking with the tail of the eye to the blackboard full of
symbols unknown to me, I came out quickly thinking to be entered,
by mistake, in the classroom where a lesson of the second year was
held. Instead, they were just my lessons; I was suffering for the lack
of a solid preparation, necessary to face the faculty that I had

I promised to myself then that I would have gone ahead anyway; I

would have managed to recover all the gaps that I was well aware of
and that I would have achieved all this by appealing to my own
forces. I followed all the lessons and studying every day, with the
only exception of Sunday afternoon. I went on tirelessly, as a
grinder, with the firm conviction to succeed.
And even when I encountered serious difficulties, I proceeded as if
everything was regular and I devoted the utmost commitment to
repeat and deepen, to study and restudy countless times the
arguments. Arrived in the month of May, as if by magic, I found
that I was well prepared and that I mastered all the topics. In the
summer session I managed to overcome four of the five tests
planned for the first year, when normally the average student of
engineering could overcome two, or at most three. Despite not
knowing, at that time, the powers of the subconscious, I had quite
unconsciously applied what needs to be done in these cases. I had
given a clear and strong message to my subconscious of what I
required to it: learn the subjects of the study, within the range of
time I had available. For that session my purpose was to have a clear
and definite belief to succeed. I repeated to myself these messages
with a certain frequency, especially when I felt like I did not grasp
well the topics of study.

Every time I sat down to study, the subconscious activated superior

energies aimed to get the result I had requested. What I never said to
myself, even in the most difficult moments, were phrases like: I am
denied for this faculty; math is hard; the topics didnt come into my
head; Ill never learn math .
The moods associated with these thoughts are particularly harmful:
for example feeling good for nothing, inappropriate to the situation
or feel a sense of inability to deal with the difficulties of life. Having
these thoughts and believe in them, it means that sooner or later you
will see them really achieved in your lives. The subconscious, in
fact, transforms in practice our thoughts and our repeated statements.
The subconscious is literal, so does not ask why one person says
to himself: Ill never learn the mathematics. It has no ability to
discern whether the sentence is said just for merely speaking, as a
joke or for some other reason.
What the subconscious receives as information is that the person
requires of dont be able to learn math, and, therefore, gives the
order to 100,000 billion cells to make this instruction be fully
implemented. Now youre thinking: So the subconscious makes us
fools? Well, yes, it can do that too, and everything depends on us,
from the messages that, directly or indirectly, we send to it or from

the messages that we acquire from the environment with which we

Again, during the university years, I usually had the habit of
interrupting my studies in October to go to France in the Champagne
region, to participate at the grape harvest. I worked for about a
fortnight and then, with the money earned, I continued to travel to
France for vacation. My friends of the university, strongly advised
me against the stop of my studies at a time when the university
activity resumed in full, and they said to me: youll risk not to go
ahead well, to lose the rhythm of the study, with serious
repercussions for the total duration of your path.
For me, instead, it was an opportunity not to be missed. It was a very
nice and fun experience of life. I knew perfectly well that lose a
month of study meant having to work and study hard quickly for the
time lost. This was what I was saying to myself in return from
France: I have to prepare the exams quickly and well. And so it
happened: when I opened the books, I looked like an unstoppable
train running; I was able to assimilate quickly the concepts and to
take the exams at the fixed time.
Unknowingly, the message that with the conscious mind I sent
strongly to the subconscious was to assimilate the arguments of

examination at the fixed date for the examination itself. The focus
was directed mainly to the time: having the days numbered, the
subconscious activated the superior energies that allowed me to meet
the agreed deadlines.
Upon this argument, in the fifties, the British historian and writer
Cyril Northcote Parkinson published his important law that bears his
name: The work tends to expand so as to fill the time available for
its completion. Parkinson noted that man tends to use all the time
available to accomplish a given task.
Parkinson reported the example of an elderly noblewoman that, to
write a letter to her niece, it took a whole day: an hour to find the
sheet, one hour searching for the address, an hour to compose the
text, an hour to go to post the letter and so on. The noblewoman,
telling herself to have all the day to write a letter, in fact, sent to his
subconscious the message to slow down the activities related to the
operation, in so that the whole would last an entire day.
In order to meet this command, the subconscious predisposed a bit
of amnesia in the search for the address of her niece and look for the
paper, or instilled doubts about the form in which to write the letter
or the feeling of boredom and so on.

SECRET n. 17: If we have to perform a task, prepare an exam,

realize a project, we must fix time constraints; the subconscious
will activate the immense resources available to complete the
work within the time fixed.
Being able to read and learn quickly is one of the determinant
factors to enhance personal and professional growth. Anthony
Robbins , the great trainer, early in his career he worked as a night
porter and, training ones mind to speed reading, he managed to read
over 700 books in a year. On average, each one of us has a speed
reading of around 200 words per minute. The world record is over
3,850 words per minute! Its up to us decide if we are satisfied with
the average pace of 200 words or if we want more. During the years
of school, our subconscious has been programmed to have a certain
pace and could not do anything else but comply with it.
It was asked for little and he had given exactly what it was asked.
Today, in particular thanks to the sophisticated techniques available
to speed reading, what we need to do (as we did when we practiced
to learn how to drive the car, dancing, to play a musical instrument,
or even when we decided to learn new styles of swimming) is to
practice with many repetitions up to when our subconscious, without
even noticing it, will give us the sensation of the high speed.

SECRET n. 18: The subconscious, properly trained, can produce

the increase of the speed of reading and the ability to understand
the texts.
Tazio Nuvolari is the legend of the automotive history: they still
remain unmatched his qualities of courage, determination, bravery
and generosity. Nuvolari had no limitations; he faced each race as if
it was the last. Every obstacle always had to be overcome.
There are numerous extraordinary events that gave the start to the
Nuvolari legend, when he was still alive. To the Grand Prix of
Motorcycle of Monza, he makes a bad crash that causes the breaking
of both his legs. The doctors fossilize them and prescribe Nuvolari to
rest for at least a month. The day after instead, hes on the starting
grid in the saddle on the motorcycle; he arranges with the mechanics
so that they would hold him during the departure and the arrival.
Nuvolari wins the race. Still, in 1924 plays the car race of Tigullio;
his car is damaged due to an accident. Among the parties destroyed
theres the steering wheel, completely cut from the steering column.
Nuvolari doesnt lose a bit of time, he cant stop: grabs a wrench
from the toolbox of the mechanic, tighten it in the stump of the
steering column and restarts immediately. To maneuver the car uses

the wrench as a lever in place of the steering wheel; its certainly not
easy to drive in this way, but this is the legend of Tazio Nuvolari:
surpasses all and wins the race.
These are just two of the many historic achievements got by
Nuvolari in the course of his life. Anyone, in his place, would have
avoided to participate in the motorcycle race at Monza with both
legs in casts and anyone, with the car without any possibility of
government, would have surely accepted the evidence of the facts
and desisted.
For Nuvolari, instead, the fixed thought he had was leading to term
and win the race. This deep conviction, took him to find always
solutions that even the experts could not see.
We should train our subconscious in order to address the situations
such as Nuvolari did: after bringing ourselves in the state of
relaxation, let tell us that we will bring to completion brightly in our
activities, overcoming any problems that may arise. Always
associate with the words the vivid visualization and the imagination
to empower the messages. By repeating these statements, we will
strengthen the subconscious in its ability to give us the right
solutions for every situation.

SECRET n. 19: Train the subconscious to improve our ability to

complete our activities, overcoming any problems that may
SECRET n. 15: The alignment of the conscious mind with the
subconscious mind is an important requirement for obtaining
personal goals.
SECRET n. 16: In order to achieve personal goals, it is
necessary to replace the programs loaded into the subconscious
with other programs that allow to acquire definitively new and
healthy habits.
SECRET n. 17: If we have to perform a task, prepare an exam,
realize a project, we must fix time constraints; the subconscious
will activate the immense resources available to complete the
SECRET n. 18: The subconscious, properly trained, can produce
the increase of the speed of reading and the ability to understand
the texts.

SECRET n. 19: Train the subconscious to improve our ability to

complete our activities, overcoming any problems that may
Our life is filled almost entirely by the subconscious. For the 95% he
decides every day of our lives and, with its extraordinary power,
where there is a contrast with the conscious mind, he will always be
the winner.
Our daily actions are guided and driven by the programs loaded into
the subconscious, programs that in the vast majority of the cases
were put there by someone else to our account: they can come from
our parents, from school, from friends, from the environment with
which we interact, from the television.
In other words, our life is the result of the programs that someone
else has transmitted to us and that, probably, very often dont
coincide with those that would help us to achieve our desires, our
goals and our aspirations. This is the point: we work with other
peoples programs which, in most cases, they do not coincide with
those we want to have.

Now, we must make an important decision: do we want to continue

with the same old life, using the same old programs that lead us to
achieve the usual results from which we arent fully satisfied? Do
we intend, today, do we decide to change and choose to fully realize
the desires, the aspirations, the goals that, with our conscious minds,
we want to achieve?
It just depends on us whether we want to continue on the same road,
or if we want to take the one that leads us to achieve great results.
The instruction that governs the mind has been discovered and is
available to all, it is up to us to take the decision to use it to its
Then let us arm ourselves with a lot of will and perseverance in
working and repeat the exercises as much as possible, without giving
up. We will be amply rewarded: in addition to becoming beautiful
and pleasant, our life can also become memorable!

The End

The painting shown on the cover has been made by the author on

Oil on canvas 27,5x35,5

Title: The Contrabassist

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