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wee soe[ TTT TT ETT TTT) Question Paper Code : 91103, ‘BE /-Toch, DEGREE EXAMINATION, NOVEMBER/DECEMBIR 2014 Soveuth Semester -Astomobite Engiovosing AT 2402/AU1 7910199 AU 702 — VERICLE DYNAMICS ‘(Begulation 20082010) ‘Tims : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks 4 10, ‘Answer Ald, questions PART A — 10% 2= 20 masks) ‘Whavis damped vibration? Dafne the tora teansmisaibiiy. State the need for carrying out modal analysis when designing a dynamic ‘syotem. Site the importenorofigen value and eigen veto. Dysoase brief the load distribution fora three wheeler. What is Tractve ftbre? ow wil you ealeate the effictive wring rate a voile? What is "Steoing ratio”? What is branched ayntom? ‘Write the advantages of Holzer method. 4. 16 @ ©) a Sxplaia brody the following types of tyres with neat skeiches, (® Convertional tube wre @ fil) Tubeless tyre © or A Car has a weight of 8.5 KN on front axle nnd 7 KN on the war axle with 1 wheel base of 2540 mm. Tho tyres have the following cornering siflaoss values: Toad (aN) | Cornering stiftess (Widow) 1 00 2 & 4 a a Caleulate: @) Under steer gradient GC) fi) Characteristie speed @ i) Lateral acceleration gain at 72 kemph @) ‘A shaf of 50 mm diameter and 3 meters long is simply supported at the fends and carvies three loads of 1000 N, 1500 N and 750 Nat 1m, 2m, and 2.5 m, from the left support, The Young's modulus for the shaft ‘material is 200 GNinw® Find the frsquency of transverse vibuation sing Dunkerloy’s method. or Discuss the step hy step prenedure ta compate natural frequency using Holver's method 3 91103

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