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Grade 7 Math Syllabus

Mr. Sherrod
East Middle School 2015-2016
Welcome to the start of a new school year! I am excited to be working with all of you. This year,
students will be prepared for future challenges in math and will be engaged in a program that
includes an active approach to learning problem solving skills. We have gathered material from
various textbooks, workbooks, the Internet, and more for our students. They will learn math
through cooperative learning activities, discovery learning activities, lectures, videos and more.
We will ask them to consistently communicate what they have learned and apply what they

Supplies Needed:
2 inch Binder Students will be given notes, homework assignments, problems of

the week, etc. that will be kept in this binder and needs to be with them in every class.

5 Divider Tabs Your binder will be sectioned off into these 5 sections.
Pencils Students will do all math work in PENCIL ONLY! This will allow for

corrections. If you choose to use mechanical pencils, make sure that you have lead
refills as well.

Erasers I recommend pencil top erasers. Wedge erasers are also acceptable.
Filler Paper You need loose-leaf notebook paper and also Centimeter Graph Paper.

Grading Summary

Students will demonstrate how well they are making sense of the mathematics in many ways.
Below is a grading summary
Assessments 90% of your overall grade
Tests and Quizzes (Points Vary) - A graded assessment will be given at the conclusion
of each unit. This assessment serves as an opportunity for students to show what
they have learned from the whole unit. Points will be assigned based on the amount
of work asked for to solve each problem. Quizzes will be conducted one to three
times during each unit, depending on the length and complexity of the unit.
Graded Assignments (Classwork, Projects, Binder, etc.) - Students will be required
to complete problems in class both individually and with various partners to
demonstrate competency with the material being learned.
Problem of the Week - Students will be required to complete a certain number of
problems on the weekly work sheet. In addition, you will have the opportunity to
complete extra problems for bonus points. These problems are designed to take
several days to complete. These are in addition to the assigned homework.
Homework 10% of your overall grade
Homework assignments offer students opportunity to think about problems more in
depth. Homework is very important and must be complete each night assigned.
Homework Grading
4 - Completed carefully and completely
3 - Attempted but missing some required work
2 - Attempted but missing most required work
1 - Unsatisfactory and incomplete
0 - Homework not attempted and/or not turned in

Classroom Conduct
In order to have a successful, enjoyable, learning environment for all; it is pertinent that
all of us (You, Your Classmates and Myself) make an effort to be pleasant, respectful,
and willing to learn from each other and from our mistakes. The following regulations
have been developed to help address my expectations for all of us in this class. Read
them carefully.





Always bring all the tools you will need. (See Tools on Next Page)
Always bring your completed homework.
Always be prepared to share your questions and/or comments.
Study prior to quizzes, tests, and/or exams.
See me for extra help prior to quizzes, tests, and/or exams.



Tardiness to class will not be tolerated.

Late homework will not be accepted unless there was a valid absence from class OR you
bring a note from a parent/guardian.
Late long-term work will lose 10 points each school day that it is late.
Please see me if you are struggling with an assignment. I will help you, so you do not need
to turn it late.



To yourself, your peers, and your teacher.

If behavioral problems arise, detention will be given.

Be a productive participator! That is, make an honest effort to engage in the task at hand.
Be an active listener! That is, share your knowledge so that others can learn from you and
patiently listen to your classmates and to me when speaking. Also, take notes!
Dont waste time. If you are done early with an in-class activity, help other classmates and/or
begin assigned homework.


Make sure that all of the required work is completed and done on time.
Add questions, comments, and/or revelations to your work.
Double Check/Correct your own work when possible.
Ask questions when confused. Remember that your classmates are wonderful resources.



Dont bring gum, candy, food, or drinks into this classroom.

Remember you will be sharing your desk with other students during the day.
Dont forget to take your belongings and place trash in the trashcans.


All students are expected to adhere to these behavior guidelines and policies.

Absence Policy:

Work is not given out ahead of time. It is the responsibility of the student to come to the teacher
to get missed assignments when absent. Make-up dates will be worked out on an individual

After School Help:

I will be after school most days until 3:30. Students are welcome to stop in any time before.
Thank you for sharing your student with me this year. I look forward to an awesome year of
learning! Please note that this syllabus is subject to change. If it is changed, parents will be
notified. If you have any questions or concerns at any time during the year, please feel free to
contact me.
Mr. Sherrod 781-380-0170

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