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Unit 1: All About ME!

You must complete 100 points from the project list for your portfolio
All projects must be completed by October 13
You may complete extra assignments to earn points, but each may only be
completed one time
Everyone must complete the Personal Narrative

5 Points
Bio Poem
Likes / Dislikes
Soundtrack to Your
Thought Collage

10 Points
In other Words
Found Poem: An

Project Title

15 Points

25 Points

Whats in a Name?
Personal Narrative
Where Im From
New York State of


Poem Analysis

Points Earned

Use the website to find examples and more detailed instructions:

(Line 1) First name
(Line 2) Three or four adjectives that describe the person
(Line 3) Important relationship (daughter of . . . , mother of . . . , etc)
(Line 4) Two or three things, people, or ideas that the person loved
(Line 5) Three feelings the person experienced
(Line 6) Three fears the person experienced
(Line 7) Accomplishments (who composed . . . , who discovered . . . , etc.)
(Line 8) Two or three things the person wanted to see happen or wanted to
(Line 9) His or her residence
(Line 10) Last name

Likes/Dislikes List: Make TWO columns, one titled Likes, the other Dislikes,
and list from TEN to FIFTEEN specific items in each column. Avoid naming specific
classmates and teachers by generalizing. For example, that mean teacher
whos making me write an autobiography, not my name! After you finish your
list, use magazine clippings to decorate around the columns with images of the
things you like/dislike.

Soundtrack to Your Life: Choose 3 songs that would be on the soundtrack of

your life. Research the songs origin, author(s) meaning, and cultural place in
history and society. Write about the information you discover and the songs
relationship to you. What does the song (topic, theme, lyrics and sound) do to
influence the thoughts and feelings of listeners?

Thought Collage: Use magazine clippings to fill a silhouette. Fill the image with
words and images of the things going on in your mind right now.

Personal Metaphors: Make a list of metaphorical comparisons. Think, If I

were an animal, what kind of animal would I be? For each item, write the
general LABEL and then your specific comparison. Be realistic, be somewhat
honest, and be able to explain your choices. Dont say you are a rose, if youre
really a daisy.
1. Animal

11. Musical Instrument

2. Car

12. Geometric Shape

3. Article of Clothing

13. Piece of Furniture

4. Day of the Week

14. Song

5. Food

15. Season of the Year

6. Color

16. Television Character

7. Movie

17. Cartoon or Comic Character

8. Fragrance

18. Appliance or Machinery

9. Type of Building

19. Natural Phenomenon

10. Plant

20. Word

Unfinished Sentences: Complete each of the following sentences by

expanding them into short paragraphs (5 sentences per paragraph). As
always, be specific.

I feel angry when


I feel depressed when


Im moody when


I am comfortable when


Im happiest when


I feel nervous when


I feel confident when

10. I feel sentimental when

In Other Words: Try expressing yourself through someone elses words. Select
at least ten Quotable Quotes which express your philosophy of life. Choose
quotations which represent your thought on several aspects of life not only
love, but also faith, success, integrity. character, friendship, etc. List the TEN you
have selected, including ATTRIBUTION (who said it). Use a large paper to decorate
around the quotes.

Found Poem- An Autobiography: Create a poem about yourself and your life
using the Found Technique. Make sure you are using powerful words and
phrases that describe yourself, while also creating the flow of a poem.

Whats in a Name? Names are an integral part of who we are. They shape our
sense of who we are. Explore your feelings about the unity between [your]self
and [your] name. Are these the names you would have chosen for yourself?
Surname, middle name? Is there a story behind your naming? Someone famous,
a family member, weird initials? Does your name have symbolic meaning? Is it
ethnic or historic or literary? Did your parents consider other names? In short,
how do you live with your name?

Where Im From: Using George Ella Lyons poem as your inspiration (will be
online), write a poem that reveals your roots. Specificity is the key exact
things, places, traditions, sayingsLet where and what and who you are from
reveal how you have become who you are now.

New York State of Mind Read the lyrics from the Jay-Z and Alicia Keys song
about New York. Define and list some of the figurative language devices he uses
to describe his city.

Poem Analysis: Read a poem (from a list of my choosing). In no less than OnePage typed, double spaced, write an analysis. You need to analyze the authors
word choice, use of figurative language, the topic, etc.

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