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Tarushi Ravindra

Ravindra 1

Professor Ris
Intermediate English Composition 2089
July 13 2015

Genre Project Outline

Black Holes: The Tipping Point in Science


Earths end has been determined. About 5 billion years from now, our planet is
bound to meet its end due to the dying Sun. So what now? Thanks to the study
of natures most mysterious, yet powerful phenomena, black holes, we can
save life on Earth before it becomes an erased concept. Black holes have been
a subject of interest to scientists, astronomers and researchers for many years,
yet because of peculiar findings about black holes, people have constantly
argued about the need of studying them by raising questions like why waste
time and money on the study of black holes if we are probably not being
directly impacted by them? or why dont we just focus on concepts on Earth
that are more tangible or at least, more likely to occur?. The answer is simple:
While resources and monetary concerns are important and justifiable, studying
black holes is crucial in advancing our knowledge of nature in order to help
mankind advance in the most effective manner, affirming that the benefits of
studying black holes outweigh the costs by a great extent.


Even though scientists have learned a lot about black holes since their
discovery in the 18th century, there are more questions than answers about
the black holes theory.
- Elaborate on the topic sentence by giving background info about black
holes and the type of questions/mysteries that surround black holes study.
- Draw an analogy of my own experience while researching about black
holes. I found the topic very interesting but felt like the more I researched,
the more questions I had.


It is interesting to note that unconventionality in science leads to

breakthroughs. To understand this, we can learn from history.
- Einsteins research that challenged Newtons idea of gravity gave birth to
one of the most important concepts of physics - theory of general
relativity. (Source: Univ. of Tennessee study material)
Ravindra 2

If it wasnt for Einsteins courage to question the known, we would not be

able to understand time or use the GPS systems we have today. (Source:
NY Times)
By comparing Einsteins example, state the possibility of the new lessons
that can be learned from black holes study.


Finding the logic behind the strange black holes can be the key to truly
understanding our universe.
- Discuss the theory behind black holes role in our universes creation.
(Source: Sky & Telescope and Nat Geo news)
- Importance of studying black holes to fill the numerous holes in theories
of physics and to fully understand the Why, What and How of our
universe. (Source: Bright ideas about black holes by Michael Brooks)


Scientific studies of black holes opens up many doors of long term

benefits as well as short-term benefits for all species of our planet.
- Time travel through time dilation.
- Black holes as the ultimate power source
- Black holes role in GPS system accuracy
- Black holes role in improving living standards of dying and blind people.


Since the scope of studying black holes is so vast, support and high
amounts of resources are needed from all communities.
- Not many communities other than scientists and researchers show much
interest in black holes due to its incoherent science and also because there
is a huge scientific knowledge gap between scientists and other educated
citizens. There is a need to bridge this gap to get more communities
- It is not just the responsibility of science organizations to support research
that will benefit us all. Politicians and businessmen can also make a
difference through their financial and political support.
- Common educated citizens need to be more aware of this concept and get
involved through supporting or participating in research since it can kickstart our lives in a way like never before.
- Some organizations like National Science Foundation and renowned
universities give grants to researchers to pursue study about black holes.
- But more funding and support is needed to support scientists and
researchers. For instance, at UCL, the future income from student fees is
being planned to be used for research funding of black holes. This has
steamed up the situation between the board of directors of the university
and amongst parents and teachers.
- [Research more through database searches to find sources supporting
monetary and economic concerns of research].
Ravindra 3


Because of the dying Sun and mankinds ignorant role in environmental

degradation, life on our planet needs to find a new home soon. Studying
black holes might be the key to finding alternate life supporting planets.
- Discuss about the movie Interstellar and its portrayal of black holes
experience and heroic role.
- Discuss how studying black holes will help us survive according to
CERNs physicist Mangano.


Conclusion: The enigmatic nature of black holes has constantly propelled

scientists to learn more about them. Study of black holes is definitely an
arduous and challenging process but its rewards are fruitful. This is why more
support and community involvement is needed. All monetary, political and
scientific concerns need to become one in supporting what could be the gamechanger for all earthlings. While some may argue that the implications of
black holes wouldnt affect us anytime soon, it is important to note that
when it comes to black holes, time is an eccentric concept. If we need to save
life on Earth 5 billion years later, we need to start working now to win against
time. What may seem like an eternity to us, might be a passing second for our
fate. Given that the little we know about black holes has such great
implications, researching more about their nature would only empower us to
advance with unprecedented knowledge for the best of all species.

Work Cited
1) Overbye, Dennis. "A Black Hole Mystery Wrapped in a Firewall Paradox." The
New York Times. 12 Aug. 2013. Web. 6 Jul 2015.

2) Crane, Louis, and Shawn Westmoreland. "Are Black Hole Starships Possible?"
(2009). Cornell University Library. Web. 6 July 2015. <arXiv:0908.1803v1>.
3) Bryner, Jeanna. "Black Holes: Solving Mysteries Creates More Mysteries." 10 July 2006. Web. 21 July 2015. <>.
4) "Black Holes." National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Web. 21 July
2015. <>.
5) "Newton vs. Einstein vs. the Next Wave." American Museum of Natural History.
Web. 21 July 2015. <>.
6) Moskowitz, Clara. "Do Black Holes Create New Universes? Q&A With Physicist
Lee Smolin." 29 May 2013. Web. 21 July 2015.
7) Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics. The Black Hole at the Birth of the
Universe. YouTube. 7 Aug 2014. Web. 21 July 2015.
8) Will, Clifford. "Einstein's Relativity and Everyday Life." Physics Central.
American Physical Society. Web. 21 July 2015.
9) Emspak, Jesse. "8 Ways You Can See Einstein's Theory of Relativity in Real
Life." Livescience. 26 Nov. 2014. Web. 21 July 2015.
10) Hawking, Stephen. "STEPHEN HAWKING: How to Build a Time Machine."
Mail Online 27 Apr. 2010. Web. 20 July 2015.

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