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Americas comply with the

Armenian trick! 1915 year

dream "Armenian genocide"
de saw, why Khojaly
genocide, the Armenian view
of the atrocities do not,
money-seeking and fearing
the Armenian terrorist
kongresmens. crimes against
humanity in the world say no
to that, folks, to the
Armenian lies, false claims,
genocides, minds unite
against the Armenian trick
the devil sometimes
confusing. Unite so XX
century, at the end of just
this mercenary kongresmens
eyes in the face of the
Armenian vandalism of the
'party piece' which Khojaly
genocide and killed blood on
the floor you stay. On behalf
of the world mark this crime
and its perpetrators
addressing the world in the
face of the judiciary and
Look at the punishment they
get. Allah mercy of the best
people, get those damn
shame to humanity AMIN

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