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‘Two-Leg Calf Stretch 4. Face a wall and stand 2 or 3 feet away from it. 2, Reach forward and touch the wall with your hands. 3. Slowly bend your arms and let your body lean forward. Keep your knees straight and your heels on the ior, ZA Caution: Do not arch your back 4, Tun your toes in slight. Hold fr 18 seconds. Note: The singleteg calf stretch can also be used (see page 172) PART 2: Counting Heart Rate To perform many ofthe activities that you wil doin future weeks, you wil need to be able to determine your oneminute heart rate, These activities wil ‘each you how. Counting Resting Heart Rate Your resting heart rate isthe number of times your heart bests when you are relatively inactive. Fallow these instructions to learn how to determine your resting heart rato: 4. Stand i yarn vty wd Se cg a. Sue tbe of eer mae, ed poner ee eae alee eee Sco teangateran tree Seah Goeth smonemvatiy tree 4, Wr nurs ys ease oa Fe Scandal ar ee eae Counting Resting Heart Rate (continued) seth rat an second ingot of a pase at your neck. the number by 4, Tis method is considered tobe ‘especialy good because you can do Itquicly ane ‘because counting our heart rat for lange peods attr exercise is lss accurte, This is because your heart rate slows down quickly when you stop ‘exercising, 50 long counts underestimate your heart rate during exercise. Counting fr shorter periods ‘can resut in ere because a singe beat erorin Counting is mutiied several tines. You can use table 1.1 to help you determine you oneminuto heart rte from your 15econd count 3. Now take both your wrist and neck pulse while you are standing, Repeat the pulse (oth wrist and eck) count while siting. Compare your resus. Usualy your standing puse Is faster than your sit ting pulse. Record your results on your worksheet 3. Take the pulse ofa partner while a partner takes your pulse (standing). Compare your set'courted heart rate with yourheart rate determined by your partner. You may use efferent methods of count- Ing, But use the same one as your partner when ‘making comparisons. Record your results. Counting Exercise Heart Rate Counting your pulse during actvties such as Jogging can be ciffcu, but you can get a good timate of your exercise heart rate during a plysical activity by determining your heart rate Immediately after exercising. To estimate your heart rate during exercise using your afterexercise pulse court, follow these Instruction: 4. Walk at a fast pace fort minute, 2. Immediately after the walk, locate your pulse (within 5 seconds) and use one of the methods Gescrbed to determine your heart rate. You may ‘wart to continue to walk siowty while you count your heart rate because slow walking can help ‘you recover faster. Ifyou have trouble courting {our heart rate while walking, stand stil when {you count then begin moving after the court. Your near rate shouie be raster man was at rest, Record your results on your record sheet, Jog orrun at a moderate pace for 4 minuto. Im ‘mediately after the og, determine your heart rate vine you continue to walk slowly or stan sil, Your heart rate shouldbe faster than ft was at rest. Record your results on your recor 4, Play an acthe finess game, Immediately after the game, count your heert rate, if itwas a vigorous ame, your heart ate il be higher than ater the fn. Reoord your results on your reord sheet © ©- Cardiovascular Fitness: How Much Activity Is Enough? PART 4: Calculating Target Heart Rate Zone tu chapter 4 youleamed how to unt your redial an carotid pulse at rest and ar exc se I chart ou wil earn ow to use heart rte counting to determine whether you se Going do acyl ecco bul cacdovesculrfness. As you learned earn this capt f Jou have a Near rate watch you can use ito count your heart ete aie er aculerftneco you must elevate the heart rate above the threshold of alin aa Sterget zone(a2e table 7.4 on page 1:11), Two methods exst to detetrine you trz6s aa ere hey are explained next. Use your record Sheet to calculate your target heart rate zone using both methods. © meron Finding Your Maximal Heart Rate For both methods of determining your target heart fate zone you wil need to know your maximal hres rate, the highest your heat ate ever ts. set ninguna hers jh formula can be used ‘0 estimate your maximal ae it Langer aras ha oe heart rate For example, elopants all Ne vet blow 60 eats et mint. i Maximal heart rete = 208 ~ (70 x your age) re resting ort tes nes 6D trinte and maximal na ies For 8 16yearld the estimated maximal heart Imiute.oer peop lay a rate would be 208 ~(70 X 46) of 208 — 21 art oes than yun Pop fo. This formule was recent developed E iy researchers to replace e formula that made tetiates that were too high fr young peene, You tan caleulte your own maximal heat rate using the formula or using table 7.5. sable 75 Estimated Maximal Heart Ratos vee [2 = [= | = i Fy 2 | * vem Poo [ase [eer [ser [se [ss | oo fuse the table for Max Fate F ee CLADE “tars ‘Seicatating Heart Rate Target Zone 4 (RR Method) Fanaa [sass 157 rosie Sm er fenet so 8) sens Sto frenole®) 28 (estab) 12 treme Teacing [Sant S97 (re = Sta “er eemer sone sup a0, fects) ua See yostre nha 378, target cling te) Tegel aore | 452078 beats/min Bong fr adbyasad wine etre tT Table 7.7 ae , ‘> eating oan tate st Sasa Tweshoa [Sept 207 (mma Sep2 x65 (Hractle ¥) 26 heshatd Hm) Trgetcaing [Sept 407 (nesta Bs Sapa 290 famgeteling 8) S77 _ tarot cating at) Tage HR zne, | 22847 besten Sign fr esi wh sng ET. Heart Rate Range Method ‘This method is considered the most accurate, but itis a bit more cfficlt to csleuate. To use this rethod you must know both your maximal and your Festing heart rates, Teble 7.6 provides an example OF this calculation for @ 16year-old person. ‘L Begin by estimating your maximal heart rate ‘sing the Information protded eetller. The max mal heart rate inthe example Is 187. 2. Next, determine your heart rate range by ‘SubUaoting your resting heart rate from your ‘maximal heart rate, The resting heart rte in the ‘xample is 67 and the heart rate range is 130. ‘8.70 caleuite your threshold heart rate, mul ‘ply your heart rate range by 50 percent (0.8). ‘Then add your resting heart rate. In the example the threshold would be 132. 4. Caleulate your target celing rate by repeat. Ing stops 1 through 3, but in step 3 multiply by BS percent, not 50 percent. In the example the target ealing heart rate is 178. ‘5. The target heart zone forthe 164earole jporson inthis example is 132 to 478. ee Percent of Maximal Heart Rate Method This method is not quite as accurate es the heart {ate range method butit is easier to cella. In this method you do not use your resting heart rate 1 Estimate your maximal heart rate. The max nal heart rate in the example Is 197. _2.To find your threshold heart rate, mulisly ‘this number by 65 percent (0.65). For the ex. ‘ample in tabla 7.7, the threshold would be 128, ‘a To cateulate your target cellng rate, repeat steps 4 and 2, Bt In step 2 mutiny by 90 Dereent. For the example in table 7.7, the oeling fate would be 477. ‘The target heart rate zone forthe 16-year. 01d person in this example Is 128 to 177. The fumbers are slighty lower than forthe HRR method, a a5

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