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Greenhouse Biology

Fall Semester

Mr. Vincent Littlejohn

Cell: 704-836-6808
About Greenhouse Biology
Biology is an End-of-Course tested class and passing this course is required for
graduation. Greenhouse Biology, taken the semester before Biology, allows us to
develop your skills so you are most prepared to take the EOC in the spring. This is a
great opportunity to study a wide variety of topics through a plant-intensive lens.
You will be involved in many hands-on experiments, activities, and experiences to
learn the foundational topics of Biology. Prepare to be more excited about plants
than you thought possible!
Classroom Expectations
Respect will be given both ways; There will be zero tolerance for disrespect
All Electronic devices will ONLY be used when given permission too (must be put
away until then)
All hats and hoodies will be removed at the beginning of class; dress code will be
You will greet Mr. Littlejohn at the beginning of class with a handshake or fist bump.
Discipline Steps

Verbal Warning
Points taken off test, quizzes, homework, etc
Call Home to Parent/Guardian
Referral to Administration

Positive Consequences:
If you CHOOSE to follow these rules, there are many positive incentives! You will
have the opportunity to earn points in your groups for good behavior, completing all
work, coming to study hall and doing your best. These choices will result in rewards
throughout the semester. Most importantly, you will be on your way to learning
everything you need to know to be highly successful in my class and life.
Negative Consequences:
In our classroom, its all about choices! If you make the choice to disregard our
classroom rules, there will be consequences. I expect you to correct your behavior
the first time that I address it. If you do not make the right choice, you and possibly
your group will lose points for your behavior. You will earn points taken off quizzes,
homework assignments and test for bad behavior. Failure to correct behavior will
result in severe consequences and behavior contracts.
Attendance Policy
If you are not present for class you can obtain all missing work from my website
online or from the classroom folder for missing assignments. You will be responsible
for obtaining notes from students in your group. If work was assigned BEFORE you
were absent, it is due the day you return. If work was assigned DURING your

Greenhouse Biology

Fall Semester

absence, you have 5 days to turn in the make-up work. It is YOUR responsibility to
get with me to receive your make-up work. This can be done during lass time or
afterschool as well. If you fail to do so, you will receive a permanent zero. Make-up
work will not be completed during class time.

Required Supplies
Each day, all students are required to have: [If you have difficulty obtaining items,
please see me]
A composition notebook (100 sheets)
Personal supply of colored pencils (optional)
Spiral Notebook (College Ruled)
Textbook (provided by Mr. Littlejohn)
Course Outline
Unit 1:
Scientific Method
Unit 2:
Unit 3:
Unit 4:
Unit 5:
Unit 6:
Unit 7:
Unit 8:
Unit 9:
Unit 10:
Unit 11:
Unit 12:

Introduction to Plants / STERNGRR Life Processes and

Plant Cells and Tissues
Photosynthesis and Nutrition
Transport in Plants
Plant Respiration and Excretion
Plant Growth and Regulation
DNA and Protein Synthesis
Meiosis and Plant Reproduction
Plant Genetics
Using Plants and Biotechnology
Evolution, Adaptions and Classification of Plants
Plant Ecology

Spring Semester we will begin to follow the Biology curriculum. You will receive an
updated syllabus at this time! The EOC will be taken in June.
Your grade will be based on the following:

Grading Scale
A= 90-100
B= 80-89
C= 70-79
D= 60-69
F= 0-59

IMPORTANT: Your performance in Greenhouse Biology will determine if you will
continue with Biology in the Spring semester.

Greenhouse Biology

Fall Semester

Since study guides, class review time, and ongoing tutoring opportunities are
available, you should score above 80% the first time on your exams. If you score
low on an exam, you may request the opportunity to come to tutoring and re-take
the exam when prepared using the designated classroom form. NO re-takes will be
given unless students attend at least 1 session of tutoring and fill out the required
form. It is your responsibility to schedule a time for the re-test with me, and the
highest grade will be taken.
Extra Credit
The opportunity for extra credit will be given throughout the semester through
coming to the tutoring sessions available after school from 2:30pm-3:30pm. Also
through extra credit assignments and also at the discretion of Mr. Littlejohn.
Make-Up Work
Make up work is allowed on a case-by-case basis. You are not permitted to do makeup work close to the end of the quarter; it must be requested well in advance (well
in advanced meaning 1 week of the due date of the original assignment). Make-up
work is designed to help you reach mastery, not to quickly bring up your grade at
the end of a grading period.
Ms. Littlejohns Schedule
I will do my best to be available before and after school most days and during 4 th
block planning. Students will have three opportunitys every week to meet with me
after class for clarity or additional help. However, I do have meetings and other
commitments from time to time. My weekly schedule will be posted in the
classroom each week. Please schedule a time to come see me to ensure I am
available to help you.

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