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This page is from a longer document that I created as a draft proposal for a
committee within my position as Vice-President on the Panhellenic Council for UBC
Sororities. Jacqueline Marchioni

Judiciary Committee Proposal

What it is: The committee shall be tasked with analyzing the usefulness, or lack
thereof, of the bylaws. They will provide insight into their own and their chapters
experience generally of FR.

Who The committee will be composed of one representative from each chapter
who does not have a position on her executive council and does not hold any
recruitment-focused role in her chapter. This individual should be ready and willing
to work for all of Panhellenic, and not just serve her own chapters needs. The
representative must understand the confidentiality and objectivity required of her
in this position. The Vice President will review all candidates before making a final

What A committee made up of one representative from each chapter, the Vice
President of Panhellenic, and the Panhellenic advisor.

When Selection and training will be held in the spring term. There will be three
spring training sessions total. Additional meetings will be held to review the process
of mediation should the committee be required to aid in the infraction process.
Ideally I would like to select candidates the week of February 10-13 and hold the
first training session after Reading Week.

Why The Judiciary committee has been created as a source of education for
chapters. The committee will have an in depth understanding of the recruitment
rules, the constitution and bylaws, and the Panhellenic code of ethics. Not only will
the committee aid in chapter education, but they will also help the vice president to
edit the formal recruitment rules each year. Furthermore, they will play a role in the
infraction process when necessary. In cases where mediation is not enough to
resolve a recruitment infraction the Judiciary Committee will be called to hear the
issues, and come to a consensus on the matter.


The committee members will be chosen through an application and interview
process similar to what is already in place for the selection of Recruitment


Training for committee members will cover what an infraction is, how to mediate,
and will include practice cases for the committee.

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