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Course Expectations - Practical Applications of Math and Science

Ms. Murray
Room 210
Course Description
This is a full year course specifically for students enrolled in the Academy of Math and Science.
We will be studying a wide range of applications of math and science, including alternative
energy, forensic science, nutrition, and networks. Attention will be paid to current research in
math and science in the news, as well as to interpreting current events in the context of math
and science. You will be using mathematical thinking and the scientific method to better
understand our world.
1. Your school-provided notebook. You will keep your notes and all handouts in this
notebook. It will be 20% of your marking period grade.
2. Paper for note-taking.
3. Pencils
4. TI-83 or TI-84 Plus Graphing Calculator I highly recommend that you purchase one
for home use. We have a class set for use during school.
Attendance is a crucial part to your level of success in this course. We will be doing many
group projects, labs, and presentations that will require full participation of group members. If
you are absent, your group may be penalized, so you should make every effort to schedule
appointments outside of school hours.
If you miss class (for any reason) it is YOUR responsibility to get any assignments or notes
from that class period. If you are absent on the day of a test or quiz, you will take it the day you
return. If you are consistently absent on days of tests or quizzes, your parents will be notified
of the situation. Assignments will be posted on the class website: .
If you are late to school or leave school early and miss class, you must report to Ms. Murray to
find out what you missed in class by the end of the day. Failure to do so may result in a
deduction of class-work and/or homework grades.

Grading Policy
Tests and project due dates will be announced and posted on the website. Quizzes may or may
not be announced depending on their length and level of difficulty. Most of your homework
and class-work will be project-based. Each project will be counted as either a test or a quiz,
depending on its scope. Due dates are important! Points will be deducted for work that is not
turned in on time. Please note that days refer to school days, not class days.
Tests/Quizzes/Projects: 60%
Class Notebook*: 20%
Homework/Classwork*: 20%
*Will be collected and checked, 1 day late = 10% deduction, 2 days late = 20% deduction, etc.
9+ days late = no credit.
Extra Help
I am available for extra help, by appointment, either before school, during study hall, or after
school. Homework Help is available after school in the Media Center Monday-Thursday.
Academic Honesty
Cheating will NOT be tolerated and will result in a grade of zero on the affected test, quiz,
project or homework assignment. Parents, Guidance, and the Vice Principal will be notified of
any suspicious actions. This may result in disciplinary actions, including suspension of extra
curricular activities and Honor Societies. Plagiarism is a serious offense and will not be
APART IN QUOTE MARKS. Be sure to identify the sources of your information in all projects,
presentations, reports, and written exercises!!!
Class rules
1. Arrive on time with all required materials, sit in your assigned seat and begin working
on the Do Now in your notebook.
2. Respect the people, equipment and furnishings in the classroom.
3. Work diligently on your assignments and turn them in on time.
4. Be an active participant in class discussions, labs, and group projects. No cell
phones or other electronic devices, such as iPods, are to be used during
5. Observe all rules in the student handbook.

This page must be signed and returned by Thursday, September 10, 2015.

Class rules Ms. Murray

1. Arrive on time with all required materials, sit in your assigned seat and begin working
on the Do Now in your interactive notebook.
2. Respect the people, equipment and furnishings in the classroom.
3. Work diligently on your assignments and turn them in on time.
4. Be an active participant in class discussions, labs, and group projects. No cell
phones or other electronic devices, such as iPods, are to be used during
5. Observe all rules in the student handbook.

***** Students: Please send me an email with PAMS as the subject, so that I can
quickly build an email list for this class. Sign your name to the email.
We are aware of what is expected and required for Practical Applications of Math and Science.
Students Name: ____________________________
Students Signature __________________________
Parent/Guardian Signature: __________________________________
Parent/Guardian email: ___________________ (optional, but appreciated)

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