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Grade 7 Science

Review Sheet: Cluster 1

Interactions within Ecosystems
I. You should understand the following terms:
1. organism
4. abiotic
7. community
10. micro-organism
13. biosphere
16. lithosphere
19. energy
22. primary consumer
25. herbivore
28. food web
31. owl pellet
34. decomposer
37. oxygen
40. parasitism
43. succession
46. predator

2. environment
5. individual
8. species
11. interaction
14. atmosphere
17. sampling
20. producer
23. secondary consumer
26. carnivore
29. pyramid of numbers
32. bioaccumulation
35. photosynthesis
38. carbon dioxide
41. mutualism
44. ecosystem
47. prey

3. biotic
6. population
9. habitat
12. biome
15. hydrosphere
18. food chain
21. consumer
24. tertiary consumer
27. omnivore
30. pesticide
33. scavenger
36. cellular respiration
39. symbiosis
42. commensalism
45. limiting factor
48. human influence

II. You should be able to answer the following questions:

1. True or False: An interaction between two organisms in an ecosystem wont affect any
other organisms.
2. What term is given to living things in an ecosystem?
3. Give three examples of biotic parts of a forest.
4. What term is given to non-living things in an ecosystem?
5. Give three examples of abiotic parts of a pond?
6. True or False: Biotic and abiotic things cannot exist together in the same ecosystem.
7. One organism is called what?
8. A group of individuals of the same species, living together in one place at one time is
called what?
9. True or False: Populations live by themselves.
10. True or False: Populations share their environment and interact with populations of
other species.
11. All of the populations that live in one area make up what?
12. List three examples of biological communities.
13. Give an example of how an abiotic thing will affect a biotic thing in an ecosystem.
14. Give an example of how a biotic thing will affect an abiotic thing in an ecosystem.
15. The particular place where a species lives in a community is called what?
16. What is the habitat for a shark?
17. The interactions between abiotic features of an area and the biotic community that
lives in that area is called what?

18. True or False: Ecosystems are all about the same size.
19. A large area with characteristic climate, soil, plants and animals is called what?
20. Give three examples of biomes.
21. All of the places on Earth where life can exist and interact with the physical
environment, taken together, form what?
22. The air around us is called what?
23. Oceans, lakes and rivers help to form another part of the biosphere. What part?
24. What name is given to the solid part of the biosphere which includes rocks and soil?
25. Name the three parts of the biosphere.
26. Name a technique used to estimate how many organisms of a certain species are in an
27. A sequence of feeding relationships among living organisms, as they pass on food
energy is called what?
28. What do food chains always begin with?
29. Why are plants called producers?
30. What is another name for primary consumers?
31. True or False: Herbivores eat mice.
32. True or False: An owl is a herbivore.
33. Animals that eat only meat are called what?
34. True or False: All secondary consumers are carnivores.
35. True or False: All carnivores are secondary consumers.
36. If a carnivore eats other carnivores, it is called what?
37. Consumers that eat both plants and animals are called what?
38. Give an example of a food chain.
39. A network of feeding relationships among organisms is called what?
40. True or False: Most species of plants and animals are part of only one food chain.
41. A model of an ecosystem that represents the number of organisms consumed at each
level of a food chain is called what?
42. True or False: The number of organisms increases with each level higher in the food
43. What name is given to living things that are so small that they can only be viewed
with a microscope?
44. The process by which poison gathers in the body faster than the body can get rid of it
is called what?
45. An organism that eats dead or decaying plant or animal matter is called what?
46. Give an example of a scavenger.
47. Organisms that break down the cells of dead or waste materials and absorb their
nutrients are called what?
48. True or False: Many bacteria and fungi are examples of decomposers.
49. The process by which plants make their own food by using sunlight is called what?
50. In the process of photosynthesis, what does a plant take in and what does it give off?
51. By which process do living things release the energy that is stored in their food?
52. In the process of cellular respiration, what do living things take in and what do they
53. What is it called when two species live closely together in a relationship that lasts
over time?

54. Name the three main types of symbiotic relationships?

55. True or False: In a symbiotic relationship between organisms, at least one of the
organisms benefits.
56. The symbiotic relationship in which one partner benefits and the other partner is
harmed is called what?
57. Give an example of parasitism.
58. A relationship between two different organisms, in which each partner benefits from
the relationship is called what?
59. Give an example of mutualism.
60. A symbiotic relationship in which one partner benefits and the other partner does not
appear either to lose or gain from the relationship is called what?
61. Give an example of commensalism.
62. The process by which new species gradually replace old species in an ecosystem is
called what?
63. An abiotic or biotic factor that maintains balance by limiting the number of
individuals in a population is called what?
64. Give three examples of limiting factors.
65. Give an example of a positive way in which humans interact with the environment.
66. Give an example of a negative way in which humans interact with the environment.
1. False
2. biotic
3. answers will vary; trees, rabbits, birds, insects
4. abiotic
5. answers will vary: water, rocks, sand
6. False
7. an individual
8. a biological population
9. False
10. True
11. a biological community
12. answers will vary; park community, ocean community, field community, pond
13. answers will vary; a cave provides shelter for a bear.
14. answers will vary; a moose leaves footprints in soil.
15. habitat
16. ocean
17. an ecosystem
18. False
19. biome
20. answers will vary; tropical rain forest, desert, tundra
21. biosphere
22. atmosphere

23. hydrosphere
24. lithosphere
25. atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere
26. sampling
27. food chain
28. plants (or producers)
29. They produce food for themselves and other organisms.
30. herbivores
31. False
32. False
33. carnivores
34. True
35. False
36. a tertiary consumer
37. omnivores
38. answers will vary; grass grasshopper robin - domestic cat
39. food web
40. False
41. pyramid of numbers
42. False
43. micro-organisms
44. bioaccumulation
45. scavenger
46. answers will vary; carrion beetle, crow
47. decomposers
48. True
49. photosynthesis
50. It takes in water, carbon dioxide and light energy and produces sugar and oxygen.
51. cellular respiration
52. They take in sugar and oxygen and produce water, carbon dioxide and energy.
53. symbiosis
54. parasitism, mutualism and commensalism
55. True
56. parasitism
57. answers will vary; a louse on a dog
58. mutualism
59. answers will vary; protozoa living in the digestive tracts of termites
60. commensalism
61. answers will vary; clownfish living among sea anemone
62. succession
63. limiting factor
64. answers will vary; predator-prey relationships, competition for resources, diseases
and parasites, climate changes and weather patterns and forest fires.
65. answers will vary; protecting habitats
66. answers will vary; draining wetlands for agriculture or housing

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