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Standards that reference Evolution and Climate Change Evolution and Natural Selection ‘The concepts related to biological and geological evolution are present in the document and are identified below. ‘The following is a revision to the Preface. ‘The main goal of the Alabama course of study for se-ence is to give all Alabama students a solid foundation in science and engineering. This course of study includes the most current scientific and ‘engineering practices, cross-cutting concepts, and disciplinary core ideas our students need in order to become college and career ready. Providing the K-12 students of Alabama with a foundational ‘understanding of scientific theories and laws will encble them to excel in the scientific discoveries of the future, Scientific theories are developed from observations and evidence to explain the nature of phenomena, to predict future outcomes, and to make inferences about the past. Scientific laws are supported by replicable experiments from within a controlled environment. Both theories and laws have ‘equivalent utility and are open for revision in light of new evidence. The theory of evolution has a role in explaining unity and diversity of life on earth. This theory is substantiated with much direct and indireet evidence. Therefore, this course of study requires our students to understand the principles of the theory of evolution from the perspective of established scientific knowledge. The committee recognizes and appreciates the divers views associated with he theory of vaulos Evolution and Natural Selection are mentioned specifically in the following: Terms are highlighted. Grade 7, Life Science Narrative, page 36 ‘The fourth core idea, Unity and Diversity, examines -he patterns of change in populations of organisms ‘vere long period of tine and the relationship betwexn fIMRRGIEINM aod the reproduction and survival of a population. Grade 7, Life Science, page 38 18. Construct an explanation from evidence that natural selection acting over generations may lead to the predominance of certain traits that support successfur survival and reproduction of a population and to the suppression of other traits. Biology, page 48 14. Analyze and interpret data to evaluate adaptations resulting from natural and artificial selection that may cause changes in populations over time (e.g., antibiotic-resistant bacteria, beak types, peppered moths, pest-resistant crops). 16. Analyze scientific evidence (e.g., DNA, fossil records, cladograms, biogeography) to support hypotheses of common ancestry and biological evolution. Taken from 2015 Alabama Course of Study: Science 1

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