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Meeting Minutes of Monday, August 25, 2014 Mission: To preserve and enhance historic downtown Truth or Consequences through education, historic preservation, economic development, improvement of physical conditions and promotion of community pride. Present: Sid Bryan-President, Destiny Mitchell-Vice President, Kay Miller: Secretary/Treasurer, Jagger Gustin, Joshua Frankel, Sazi Marri. Guest: January Roberts. Executive Director, Linda DeMarino. Joshua moved, Destiny seconded the motion to approve the agenda with additions. There were no minutes, 3. President's Report. None. Sid will make his report throughout the meeting. 4, Director's Report. Linda had sent a proposal to the Sierra County Fair Board for the County Fair Kitchen, MainStreet was not selected, She reported on the positive feedback received on the Quarterly Meeting survey. Accolades were given to Linda for a successful event. Linda thanked the Board for their help. Treasurer's Report. Bank balance: $23,882.64. ‘Committee Reports. Design. Jagger asked for input on what his focus and priorities should beas Design Chair: visual impact, budget-property owners assistance; Community help; liability waiver. Jagger distributed the MainStreet article that was in the Parade Magazine, Destiny thanked Jagger for bringing the informative article to ourattention. Jagger said his first priority would be to gather a design committee. Linda said the “Fagade Squad” is taking the place of Friends of MainStreet—New Mexico Resiliency Alliance can provide up to, $2000.00 in seed grant funding. Sazi received bids for Tangent Gallery from David Gillis, Nate Stevens, Ken Piper. She will contact the property owners, oy Page2 Minutes August 2s, 2042 Promotions. Second Saturday Art Hop ideas discussed: Pop Up Gallery, (Sid thought this might be considered competition for the galleries open); suggestions needed to make the streets more lively to attract customers: bicycle parade, chalk art were some suggestions. September 9, 7 AM, at the Riverbend is the next Quarterly Business Breakfast. Tita Berger will have a presentation “20 Ingredients to a Successful Destination”. Organization. Suggested to look into 2 Jr MainStreet program at the high school to engage and involve youth in the community. 7. Business opened. None ‘Closed: Crazy Richard's, Loretta's (sited lack of business) Sold: None. inprovercnts, SY See Verto Park; ee 8! ee ocelot on working on the pot holes, 8. Old Business-information items Board members recorded their volunteer hours. Reminder to turn in Bullocks receipts. Quarterly meeting. (in the Director's Report), The city has the woad for the benches. Linda has replaced flowers as needed. NMMS site visit/evaluation will be September 18, 9:30 ta noon at Grapes Gallery. We all will need to complete the NMMS survey when it is sent out, Goals review. Linda will help anyone who needs it Launch event. Lots of questions still unanswered on this. The time the launch event will be very quick. The week long event will coincide with the first launch and be held in downtown Truth OF Consequences. Some questions still remain: City/MainStreet sponsors? Event planner hired? Kay moved, Destiny seconded to purchase our own cleanup materials with a budget of $125.00, Motion carried. Discussion was held on moving back to two meetings a month with a different format for the second meeting. The second meeting would be an implementation and planning. MRA review, ‘Tumer Foundation Proposal to help with funding was discussed, 9. January Roberts is interested in becoming aboard member. and evaluation on September 18. ‘The meeting adjoumed. MainStreet Truth or Consequences Board of Directors September 15, 2014 Minutes Present at the meeting: Sid Bryan, President; Destiny Mitchell, Vice President; Kay Miller, Secretary- Treasurer; JR Morris, Jagger Gustin, Joshus Frankel, Sazi Marr, Executive Director: Linda GeMarino MISSION: To preserve and enhance historic downtown Truth or Consequences through education, historic preservatien, economic development, improvernent of physical conditions, and promation of community pride. 4. Agenda, Jager moved, Joshua seconded to approve the agenda with changes. The changes were ‘to move the membership vote of January Roberts to first on the agenda; add discussion of the Halloween Party and Veteran's Cat Show. Motion carried, 2. The membership of January Roberts to the Board of Directors was presented. Altera lengthy cussion, the vote was 3 yes and 3 no with 1 abstention and 1 beard member absent. It was decided to vote at the next regular meeting when hopefully all would be present. 3, Tangent Gallery. Sid asked if the licensed contractors would be able to.use volunteers? Sazi said ‘the contractors she had spoken to did not want to use volunteers because of the lability, Sid sald this would drive costs up if volunteers could not be used. Jagger suggested the reselling of salvaged ‘materials, Everyone agreed that there was ne conflict of Interest with Bill Jacka. Sazi will fallow up. 4. Jornada R D & D would like to partner with MainStreet on economic development grants. '5. New Mexico Mainstreet site visit wil be September 18, 9:30-1200 at Grapes Gallery. 6. Archaeology Day. Linda presented the information about the Archaeology Day on October 4. This is being co-ordinated with the State Historic Preservation Office, Geronimo Springs Museum, Geronimo Trails Historie By-Way. i will be held at Ralph Edward's Park. Linda suggested bath house ‘tours for $5.00; Joshua suggested Passport Tour. Destiny, Joshua and Linda will work on this. 2. Halloween Event. Mainstreet will partner with the SC Arts Counell for the Halloween festivities, The Art Council is planning an adult costume contest on Main Street starting at approximately 8:00 ‘with an “alice In Wonderland Theme”, The castume contest for the "younger kids” will start around 5:30 on Broadway. Destiny will char this event. 8. Old Fashion Christmas. Friday, December 12, isthe date for Old Fashion Christmas. tis the night before the Elephant Butte Luminaria Beach Walk. We need to promote this event with advertisments and promotional letters. Peat 2 MainStreet Board Minutes 09-15-14 |& Ingge prevented an idea to po slong with the Veteran's Car Show. He would Ik to encourage {ht car show participants to come the night before to generate litle revenue forthe community, Swanestions: scavenger hunt, parade ending with cart around Lee Belle Johnson Center, and a sack ‘hop. 1 will need lots of planning. Jagger said he would contact the Vetersn's pasple ts se If thay ‘would agree. They are about to mall out their information for the Car Show. Everyone agreed that It ‘would bea food idea. 10. MRA. The Metropolitan Redevelopment Area designation was appraved at the last cty Commission meeting. A workshop on the draft Comprehensive Plan is scheduled September £3 at 5:00 at the commission chambers. fil would like all Board Members to attend, if possible 111. Unda showed a new MainStreet program calied Migh 5's. Iisa program to show appreciation wlth Migh 5 Cards for help that we receive with our projects. We did not wote on going back to two meetings 4 month. (Our eat meeting will be Monday, September 29, 2014, at $:30 PM. ‘The special mesting Has adjowned at 6-45 PM FF sae ere soc “bb ‘President's Report: “Architectural Foundation Tour: meeting a success with lunch being.a minor glitch, ‘Steve recommencied that MS send a thank you note (city also doing). All approved. ‘Director's Report: “Turner Foundation contacted Linda for detailed budget information. Encouraging sign. Linda will continue to follow up. Steve noted that “Herald MainStreet Minuce, a published calendar update provided by Linda to ‘appear in Wed, October 29° edition. “Travel writers: Linda is going to prepare a detailed hotel list to travel writers “Archeology Day: Net much people at Ralph Edwards Park event to conduet tours, Jerry Stagner announced that his organization that controls the Watertewer Hill Property behind Main Street will be donated to the museum. Juan Fuentes requested that MS brainstorm high impact/low budget projects for the Spaceport launch. Downtown Master Planhas been adopted. Meeting Minutes of Monday, January 12, 2015 Mission: To preserve and enhance historic downtown Truth or Consequences through educatian, historic preservation, economic development, improvement of physical conditions and promotion of community pride. Present: Bryan-President, Destiny Mitchell-Vice President, Kay Milter: ‘Seeretary/Treasurer, Jagger Gustin-Design Chair, Joshua Frankel, Executive Director, Linda DeMarino Guests: Bill Slettom-Asst. City Manager, George and Marilyn 3. 4 Steve moved, Destiny seconded the motion to approve the agenda with adjustments. There were no minutes, President's Report. Director’s Report. Linda reported on the banners, Facebook enity ed sole orale th are, end neice tae ale Peseta th bein he planned anc unctanned tasks, allows that there 3 few atzamplishments that we should be particularly proud! of Firstwas hosting the ‘Simmer Quarterly for New bienico MainStreet, Wesdid an outstanding job at showcasing Truth or ‘Consequencs. Over SO partiiants ware inteoduced tothe astets of ut town. Flom the tours of the ‘@omniown shops to the SpacePort towrs to the most Unique reception atthe Riversend, over four days Shey. pot le experiemce what T or Cis all about. Seneca! Long tine AAsinSUset cizectars and board | embers commented tha tvs alaety was the Best one they had exer Beer 2. ur Faclrook page, Octobe of 201, me had 489 Faowers We are now simon realy fo the 1/008 Fora tow of 6,500 peal, with #godd percentage of them Being Deyn the Facebook age 8 olowing We have even more falomers than Ser City and Goring combned. Ths Ko of expire, ut awe, one ove postr was see by Becca icrane anacromesy ‘are any that will elo us with the projects on out work pan. ieven | _BF@NE Ea hire someone to help withthe tis that | am not so excited abocr Srtés organization inthe role of Executive Director has helped us grow to good place. believe that (We ae Gn the brink of great things and msi ets will help us get there Linda Demtaring

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