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La bise (faire la bise, faire une bise qqn)

Typical French greeting, but also done for

special occasions or celebrations.
Done woman to woman, woman to man,
even man to man (though decidedly less
2 for most, 3 in Provence/special
occasions, 4 in Nantes, maybe even more!
embrasser- to kiss
un baiser- a kiss (careful!)

Leau minrale (Sparkling water)

French people enjoy mineral water (sparkling

water) at the table- not regular water like us.
If you want regular water, ask by saying:
Je voudrais de leau plate (flat water)
Many Parisians, however, prefer tap water these
days because mineral water is expensive.
When they do have tap water, be careful- they
prefer it room temperature!
Ask for <<leau glace>> or
<<des glaons dans mon verre>>

Les courses- apportez vos propres sacs!

(Groceries- bring your own bags!)

If youve ever shopped for groceries in

France, you may notice theres no bags.
Everyone brings their own bags instead!
un chariot- shopping cart

Poisson davril! (April Fools!)

On April Fools Day, you stick a paper fish

onto someones back and yell, Poisson
Originated when Charles IX changed the
French calendar to start on January 1st
instead of April 1st. People who didnt
know about the change were made fun of
with fish, which was the only meat
available during Lent at the time.


Dont cross arms when clinking glasses, or

you get 7 years of ...

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