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BL Mbnishe LE Economia e dil Finanxe 44386 Roma, St SET. 208 fete omeecct! Faccio riferimento alla Vostra lettera del 13 luglio scorso in cui si portava alla mia attenzione una lettera inviata da alcuni parlamentari europei ad esponenti della Commissione Europea, al Direttore Generate dell EURATOM e al Presidente della BERS, in merito al finanziamento da parte di queste ultime due Istituzioni del programma di miglioramento della sicurezza di diverse centrali nucleari in Ueraina. Al riguardo, vi invio per informazione la lettera di risposta del Presidente della BERS (in allegato) Nel contempo, mi preme sottolineare che il coinvolgimento della comunita internazionale, e specificatamente di BERS, nel finanziamento del programma di cui sopra, contribuisce a garantire che fo stesso venga attuato nel rispetto dei migliori standard ¢ delle convenzioni intemazionali. In particolare, 1a BERS ha concordato con la controparte un piano d’azione su questioni ambientali e sociali (Environmental and Social Action Plan) che prevede, in linea con le direttive europe, anche valutazioni di impatto ambientale (Environmental Impact Assessment) quando necessario. Alla luce di quanto sopra, si ritiene importante che la BERS continui ad essere coinvolta. Da parte italiana, mediante i Amministrazione della Banca, continueremo a seguire con attenzione I’attuazione del programma di messa in sicurezza delle centrali nucleari ucraine, con particolare tiguardo al rispetto da parte dell’Ucraina delle condizioni sottostanti al finanziamento della BERS e dell’attuazione di tutte le componenti dell’Environmental and Social Action Plan. Sen. Paola NUGNES Capogruppo MSS Commissione Ambiente Senato della Repubblica On. Salvatore MICILLO Capogruppo MSS Commissione Ambiente Camera dei Deputati On. Marco DA VILLA Capogruppo MSS Commissione Industria Camera dei Deputati Sen. Gianni Pietro GIROTTO Capogruppo MSS Commissione Ambiente Senato della Repubblica European Bank for Reconstruction and Development ‘Suma Chakrabarti President Ms, Michéle Rivasi ‘Member of the European Parliament Head of the French Greens delegation Vice President of the ACP-EU JPA. ENVI Committee ITRE Committee Euroest Delegation 17 saty2015 Deer Na. Ives, ‘Thank you for your communication dated 1 July 2015. The Consolidated Complex Safety Upgrade Programme (the “CCSUP”) currently carried out by the Ukrainian utility, Energoatom, in its 15 Nuclear Power Plant units, which the Bank is part-financing along with Euratom, consists of measures which address generic. safety deficiencies in the specific reactor types in operation. There is a wide and longstanding consensus among international experts that these deficiencies need to be addressed in plants of this particular design to achieve internationally acceptable safety standards imespective of the age of the plant. The international community has consistently and for a long time called upon Ukraine to develop and implement such a programme. The EBRD and Euratom made it a condition in the first safety upgrade loan to Energoatom for two units (“K2/R4”). This project was successfully completed in 2010. Development of the current safety upgrade programme for al] units has certainly taken Jonger than we would all have hoped, but that makes its implementation not less but rather more urgent and important. The State Nuclear Regulatory Inspectorate of Ukraine (SNRIU) has approved the upgrade programme which makes it now a binding obligation for Energoatom to implement it regardless of whether there will be an operating life extension or not, Energoatom will implement it in any case but without the oversight of the international community and without access to external funding, it would take much longer to remedy these continuing and well-understood safety concerns. Intemational safety expert organisations have reviewed the programme and have confirmed that it is required to achieve similar safety levels to units of the same vintage operated in other countries including inside the European Union which have maintained safety standards current. Itis true that Energoatom intends to obtain operating licenses for its units beyond the validity of the original licenses and has gone through that procedure for three of the plants. It is ultimately a decision of the Ukrainian authorities whether to continue to One Exchange Square, London EC2A 2JN, United Kinedom produce electricity from nuclear pow? explicitly states its intention to contig process is entirely unrelated to the saf wwe do require Ukraine to comply wit conventions, fo maintain a regulatory with good international practise, inch 1 and Ukraine has promulgated policies in which it ¢ operating its nuclear units. While the relicensing fety upgrade program which the EBRD is financing, provisions of relevant international nuclear safety system and to apply regulatory processes in line ling processes to renew licenses. We do monitor compliance and engage with our titi counterparts in cases where we see any issues. ‘We should note that the Bank would not get involved in funding any additional nuclear capacity in Ukraine or elsewhere as this is not possible under EBRD’s policies. For the same reason it is not in our remit to fi Ukraine is actively pursuing ways to ance nuclear fuel, although we are aware that iversify its supply of nuclear fuel. Regarding Espoo, we are aware of th position of the Committee to the Espoo Convention requiring transboundary ‘Nuclear Power Plants. The Bank requ agreed with Bnergoatom a compreherk Jonsultations in license renewal processes for jires Ukraine to comply with Espoo. The Bank has ive Environmental and Social Action Plan (ESAP), which the Energoatom is implementing. This includes the strengthening of Environmental, Health and Safety (EH engagement process. As part of the Ek Environmental Impact Assessments i [S) management systems as well as stakeholder :AP implementation the Company is undertaking line with National and EU requirements on new projects inclusive of re-licencing of existing units, namely at Southem Ukraine 2 and Zaporizhzhya 1. It should be noted that the Bank's financing is not associated with the re-licencing at Southern Ukraine 2, Zaporizhzhya 1 or Rivne 1 and Rivne 2. | We would like to highlight that the Bank has a comprehensive programme in Ukraine. ‘The main thrust is improving energy security of supply and the use of reso we are involved, among others, in all ces. Toward this end, in the power sector alone, -as of energy efficiency, renewable power, in tort and optimisation in diversification, rehabilitation of hydro generation and jn transmission, as well as in policy dialogue to bring about sustainable reform. can assure you that we will remain e compliance with the terms of the Fis jgaged in Ukraine and we will closely monitor ing Agreements related to the CCSUP agreement ag well as the overall situation in the country. In terms of how we disburse funds under the Financing Agreements, we will app} Ce: Mr, Jyrki Katainen, Buropean Cot Investment and Competitiveness, ‘Mr. Marco Buti, Director General Governor of the EBRD ily the letter of the terms of those agreements. ‘fone Utne al ) tamission Vice President for Jobs, Growth, (Govemor of the EBRD for Economic & Financial Affairs, Altemate a Mr. Stamatios Tsalas, Director Ge ineral of Euratom Supply Agency

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