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Kik: Ms. Stanley0RA
Remind 101
Text: @54E8d to (989) 642-0424
Old Redford Academy
10th Grade American Literature
Ms. Stanley
Welcome to 10th Grade American Literature!
Classroom Expectations
Follow the non-negotiables as stated by Old Redford Academy Preparatory High school
Arrive to class prepared, and begin work immediately
Work together to create a productive academic environment.
Supplies: Required Daily Materials
Pencil and Pen
Folder or binder
Uniform and School issued I.D.
Grades: Grades are calculated per the handbook. All graded work will be returned to the student. The
student must keep all graded work for the entire quarter. Aside from serving as study materials for
midterms and finals, it is also your evidence of work completed and grade earned.
Marking period Calculations:
Bell Work/Homework=20%
Class Work/Participation= 20%
Quizzes=20% Tests= 20%

Semester Grade Calculations:

First Quarter Grade=40%
Second Quarter Grade=40%
1st Semester Final Exam=20%

Homework and Projects: Assignments are due at the beginning of the hour; unless otherwise specified.
Late work will be graded down 11% for each day it is late.
Tests and Quizzes: The student is expected to attend class daily. If the student has an excused absence on
the day of the test, the student assumes the responsibility for making up the test/quiz upon return by
appointment either before or after school.
Notebooks/Folders: Each student must have all materials needed for class. Each student will create and
use tabs in their notebook for their agenda, bell work, and notes.
Cheating: Will not be tolerated.
Plagiarism: Plagiarism is not accepted in school and in life. You cannot steal another persons work.
Plagiarism is passing off someone elses work for your own. Avoid plagiarism by putting information into
your own words, citing where you obtained the information, and relying on your own brain. The most

common way students plagiarize is when they copy and post information from a website into their paper.
It is very easy for a teacher to catch plagiarism in student work.
Absences and Tardies: Students are expected to attend school on time daily. The district attendance
policy will be followed. Students are marked on time to class when they are in their seat and
working. Students are required to have a pass explaining they tardiness or absence. Students without this
pass will not be allowed in the classroom. Tardiness disrupts the work environment and compromises the
education of everyone in the class. A wise person once said 50% of being successful is just showing up.
Be here.
Contact Information: Parents and guardians may contact me at as well as
313-543-3080. I respond very quickly to email, usually within the hour.
Social Media Contact: Extra Credit- Reminders- Homework help
Kik: Ms.StanleyORA

Student-Parent Contract:
Please read the information in the packet carefully. Both student and parent/guardian are asked to sign
below that they have read and agree to the terms and conditions of the class. Please return to the teacher
by the end of the first week.

I, ______________________, a student at Old Redford Academy Preparatory High School, agree to

uphold the following expectations:

To take an active role in my own education.

Follow the expectations set by my teacher and the school administration
Organize my materials and assignments
Participate in class in a punctual and prepared manner
Further my education by asking questions when I am confused about instruction or assignments
given by the teacher

Student signature

Printed Name


I,___________________________, a parent or guardian of the above named student, agree to uphold the
following expectations:

Support expectations and regulations of the class throughout the semester

Encourage my son or daughter in their educational process
Model what organization and commitment should look like.
Encourage my daughter/son to participate in class
Promote and encourage punctual, prepared attendance in class each day
Support my son/daughters education by asking questions, contacting teacher, getting involved in
the school community, and attending parent-teacher conferences

Parent signature

Printed Name

Parent Phone numbers: ______________________________

Parent Email:




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